OCZ Firmware update relased to fix the BSOD screen issues - has anyone tried it??


Aug 26, 2011
Hi all,

Copied and posted here from this thread! Not trying to cross post, I was told by another member this might be a better thread to get a specific SSD related question answered.

I had 2 questions:

1) I know OCZ and Sandforce 2281 series based SSD's had a lot of problems with BSOD's and stability; but I just read this article (if the link doesn't work try googling "The SSD Review" site and on the home page the second news item is the article) online that they released a firmware update to fix those issues specifically, has anyone used this firmware update, does it fix the issues that it claims to here.

If the firmware update works then I would love to get this 60 GB OCZ Agility 3 for $70 (cheapest SATA 6Gb/s one I could find, if you know of any better deals please share) - Is that a good buy for my needs (stated in question 2)? Or should I get this 120 GB OCZ Agility 3 for $125! Budget is a concern!

2) I'm planning to use an SSD as a boot drive for my Win 7 Home Premium 64 Bit OS install, on a basic HTPC build - details on the thread linked above - (glorified media player and that's it, nothing more is expected from the system); would a 60 GB SSD be a big enough drive as a boot drive - just planning to have the OS and a few media applications like XBMC, a few players like DA Bluray, VLC, Power DVD 9, etc on there and that's it!

Also I'm planning to relocate my User Profiles to the 3TB HDD I have in there - this is where to learn how to do that - pretty useful and powerful stuff. So, if I do that, and use a 60GB SSD as my boot drive, can I build it and don't have to keep worrying and monitoring the SSD, or should I get a 120 GB?

Thank you in advance for the help!
For a HTPC 60GB is plenty. I've got a 40GB in one, and a 64GB in another and theres plenty of space. I wouldn't go to a great lengths to save space. Just install windows and use it like normal.

As far as the new firmware I'm curious myself, so no help there.