ocz 700 watt power 2 BFG 8800 GTS's OC'd with 640 mb?


Sep 27, 2005
My system is in my sig i am hoping that my OCZ 700 watt power supply can power 2 BFG 8800 GTS's Overclocked with 640mb of ram in SLI?

Or is it wishful thinking?

I dont want to upgrade later in video cards if i can get 2 8800 gts's running in sli im not going to get a videocard upgrade for a couple of years if so.

Hopefully i wont have to get a 1000 watt power supply to power 2 gts's.

Im not even thinking of going into 8800 gtx's for power problems and saving $300-$500 on a 1000 watt supply.
It will run it fine. The 600 Watt GameXStream can run GTS's fine.

Say hello to Mr. Bottleneck for me plz. :rolleyes:
well thanks for the quik reply and the answer i was waiting for.

Now what do you mean by bottle neck? Monitor? Cpu?

Lol i know im gonna be bottlenecking somewhere in my system but im gonna be using the 8800 gts's for along time even when i get a cpu upgrade and so on.

But thanks again for the speedy answer.
well thanks for the quik reply and the answer i was waiting for.

Now what do you mean by bottle neck? Monitor? Cpu?

Lol i know im gonna be bottlenecking somewhere in my system but im gonna be using the 8800 gts's for along time even when i get a cpu upgrade and so on.

But thanks again for the speedy answer.

No problem.

Your CPU will be the main bottleneck.

Why do you need two GTS's? One 640MB will run almost every game at high settings.
well i wanna get as much fps as possible and 2 gts's seems like a good idea atm. SLI is cool.

I had 2 7950 gt's 512 mb cards in sli and loved it now im just hoping i can get 2 8800 gts's to run with my power supply.
well i wanna get as much fps as possible and 2 gts's seems like a good idea atm. SLI is cool.

I had 2 7950 gt's 512 mb cards in sli and loved it now im just hoping i can get 2 8800 gts's to run with my power supply.

SLi isn't that much faster, it just has more power. You wont notice much any gain until you start hitting super high resolutions like 2560x1600.

If you want more FPS grab a GTX.

GL on hunting for those FPS!
I strongly advise you try one 8800 GTS before you get the second one

those last few extras FPS are very expensive $$$$$$$$
Well im gonna get a larger monitor my monitor now is 19" and imgaming at 1280x1024.

Im just wondering and hoping my 700 watt power supply can run these cards and run them stable at load.

I also uninstalled one hardrive it is a 250 gb western digital sata 7200rpm 16mb cache drive.

Anyone know how many watts i free'd up?
Well im gonna get a larger monitor my monitor now is 19" and imgaming at 1280x1024.

Im just wondering and hoping my 700 watt power supply can run these cards and run them stable at load.

I also uninstalled one hardrive it is a 250 gb western digital sata 7200rpm 16mb cache drive.

Anyone know how many watts i free'd up?

Lol, man, 700 watts is way more than enough. You don't have to unplug anything and you will still have 100ish watts left over after you SLI.

You also do NOT need to SLi if you are playing at 1280x1024, you will see maybe 1 FPS improvement.
the OCZ 700 will do the job just fine; but there isnt the overkill that many think their is with this unit

#1 >>> its not rated at 50C; which often translates to its wattage claims are attained at 25C temps

#2 I recently read a review at toms hardware where the actual wattage is really 600 watts at max out put >>>> not 680 like the label states / whereas the Corsair 620 really can deliver 600 watts at max with no bullshit

but hell for $99.00 at tigerdirect how can you go wrong really ??

but I think you will find this unit to be capable of the task
great thanks im glad my power supply "on paper" will run my twin 8800 gts's. I just hope it really performs well upon start up and not shut me down on some peak loads.

Im getting my second gts in about 3 days from the egg and would really hate having to buy and wait for another psu. And besides my bill me later, bill is getting very high :eek: