OCZ 60GB Vertex Failure - Future Options?


Nov 4, 2009
Hey all,

Long story short, my 60GB Vertex "disappeared" last night. I reboot my machine, and it simply does not show up. I've been all over the OCZ forums for quite some time, and I've literally tried almost every option known to mankind. (attempted reflashing, jumpers, etc)

At this point, I'm pretty close to RMA'ing the drive. However, I'm trying to think ahead now. I really did enjoy the benefit of the SSD. I ran it in RAID mode with Windows 7, however my SSD itself was a single member drive. (not in a array)

I'm starting to look into other options, such as 2x Velociraptor's in RAID 0, and the Intel X25-M 80GB drive. ($210-250ish). I was able to manage fine with only 60GB space, so I don't think the 160GB version is necessary.

Anyone have any input to a situation like this? I'm pretty pissed too since I bought the same OCZ drive for my laptop, however it's been working fine for now. I have a feeling it might go soon too. To make things worse, I just discovered that my OCZ RAM, simply put, does not work at advertised specs with my MOBO. (confirmed)

Overall, I think I'm done with OCZ and their products. Time to move on. The question is - to what? I figure a company like Intel could be trusted. I just want something reliable/fast, and so far, it seems the Intel X25-M 80GB G2 seems pretty good from reviews.

In addition, I'm very familiar with the OCZ flashing process, and the drive was running FW 1.5. (previously was on 1.41 with GC)
One of my drives (a 120GB Vertex) had the same issue. I'm initiating a RMA, and thinking of getting a C300 256GB. I have other OCZ/Indilinx drives, Intel drives, Phison drives, and etc. Everything fails eventually.
I have OCZ 120GB running perfectly (1.5FW). But if I was buying now it
would be Crucial C300.
Been using this drive for a month now and it's been working great, it shipped from newegg w/ FW 1.5. Got it for $129 w/ rebate.
Just ordered an Intel X25-M, on sale @ NewEgg for $219 shipped.


At this point I'm pretty much going to RMA the drive and then sell it. The Intel may have a lower write speed than the OCZ, but the read is a bit higher, and Intel definitely knows what they're doing. They're forums are simple proof of that, and overall the X25-M has very good reviews. Intel also takes their time with firmware releases. (yes, I know about the 1 incident)

If you visit the OCZ Forums, things are crazy and no one seems to have any idea whats going on. Furthermore, if you contact OCZ, they tell you to go to their forums. People are performing all types of crazy rituals in hope that their drives will work again. (This 1.5FW lost drive issue is well known, and has affected many many users, I'm not alone)
If you visit the OCZ Forums, things are crazy and no one seems to have any idea whats going on. Furthermore, if you contact OCZ, they tell you to go to their forums. People are performing all types of crazy rituals in hope that their drives will work again. (This 1.5FW lost drive issue is well known, and has affected many many users, I'm not alone)

looks ocz culture is such disgusting...