OCZ 1250W ZX ?


Aug 6, 2012
Any body have some experience of this psu ?
Thinking of buying it ,new for 190$ with shipping !
I have a 650w. Running a 2500k oc and a 6870 off of it, it works well. Also have another rig with a 7970, it handles both well. One complaint is that at least on mine, the 8 pin cpu power is just barely long enough to reach the cpu power header. Im in a 650d btw.
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Ok haha compared to the noise from the psu i thought i was close to 900-1000w with both gpu´s !
Well power in Iceland is still rather cheap :D
The good news is that i can add another 480 haha
Well, your Strike-X power supply is an Andyson unit, and Andyson units tend to get bad ratings from proper power supply testers... might be a good idea to replace that unit.
The only problem with your current PSU is that it's falsely marketed, it's not a Gold rated unit, it's a Bronze one... and while not a great design, it's surely nothing you should lose sleep over... you're perfectly ok with it and you shouldn't worry about it (safety wise). But if noise is that problematic and you positively need to get a quieter one, let us know where you're buying from and what is your budget.
Well my PC is in the living room and i am always folding@home :D and when i use cpu and both gpu´s then is turns in to not living room heheh
If this order does not go through then i will try the market for a new/used Corsair 1200 budget max 240$
Where are you buying from? (link the shops)

I see you're from Iceland, do you order from local shops or from mainland Europe and/or UK?
I was going to order from buy.com the price has gone upp was 168$ now 209$
order all new watercooling stuff from UK but also have a friend in USA who brings me stuff from there like psu @ half price compared to local shops :D
I love my ZX850W, not sure how different they can be, both ZX models, build by great wall, correct? Great effiancy.
Thanks but i save a lot if i can buy in US and get my friends in the US to bring it to Iceland !
postage from UK 40£ plus 30-40£ tax
I see, well then be smart about it and don't rush a purchase if you're not gonna' be receiving it right away, keep an eye out for deals (rebates/discounts), you'll surely stumble onto something nice at places like NCIX and newegg.
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For every 1 person you get with a Seasonic based unit with Coil whine, you have 10 praising it for its amazing performance. Coil whine is the nature of the beast, and if you get one with whine, you can RMA it. No worries.