OCing Intel


Jan 10, 2005
First let me apologize if this is the wrong section for this. I figured since I'm asking for OCing advice this would be a good place.

Ok, like many here I'm jumping ship and going (actually already gone) Intel. Thing is, OCing intel seems a tad more complicated than my old AMD system.
So my question is, can someone explain to me how to properly OC intel? I've read a ton of stuff on OCing the new C2D chips but it just seems like it's all written in Swahili to me. Infact it makes my brain hurt. Bootstraps, strapps, NB issues, this ratio is connected to this strapp, etc.... :confused:
I just need it explained simply. Draw pictures if need be. :D
I'm not a computer idiot I just have no experience with Intel. I've been trying but only with limited success.
Here's one article I read. It's well written but it makes no sense to me.
I've googled it to death and even looked here and a few other forums but haven't really found anything.

So can someone assist me?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks very much.
Well I believe its the same way as I overclocked my 630. First I put the memory dividers to a 1:1 ratio. Then all I did was crank the FSB as far as I can until either A.)couldnt boot into Windows or B.)Pass Prime 95 and usually it will fail in a matter of minutes, if it didnt I would let it run for 24 hours and if it passed in 24hours, I would stop it and crank the FSB even more until i wont pass in 24 hours. Then I would crank the voltage up a notch and repeat the last step. Im not sure how the Conroe's are voltage wise, but since the 630's love voltage, I took it all the way up to 1.5volts. Once I get finished with that I set the mem dividers. Not sure if that is a good way to go, but thats the way I went. Got it all the way up to a 275FSB. Conroes can go way higher than that, but that 275 is pretty good for a 630. If you have a Extreme Edition, people like to drop the multi down as far as it can go and crank the FSB way up.
Thanks, that helps a lot. I have an E6600 btw.
I guess one thing that started making my brain hurt was the ratios. 1:1, 3:4 etc.... I don't quite get what they mean. For instance, 1:1. Does that mean that mem and cpu are raised together?

Also you mention the mem dividers. Is this just fine tuning what you're doing at that point? This would effect the ratio (1:1) correct?

Sorry to sound like such a baboon but for some reason this has just confused the crap out of me. Wish I could upgrade my brain. :D

Thanks again for the reply.