oc'ing a 3500+ venice


Jun 21, 2004
I'm new to overclocking and I have been playing around with my new venice. I have it running at 2.5 stable but people have posted 2.6-2.7 is the norm. I have a MSI K8n Platinum SLI mobo and my settings are as follows:
HTT: 4x
multiplier: 10x
CPU voltage: inc by 3.33% and cpu vid increased to 1.45 for a total Voltage of 1.492
FSB: 250
Everything else is left default, I didn't up the speed on my 2gb Crucial ballistix because its already up to about 217 with the fsb. So I asked my brother what I should do to reach 2.6 and he told me to lower the HTT. I have tried the HTT at 3x and my computer never boots up no matter what the voltage is? :confused:
In any case... my computer seems to have a little trouble initializing the processor when I play with the settings. Is this a voltage problem or am I hurting the CPU and should stop?

If your being held back is probaly due to your ram timings. Ballistix is indeed the sh!t for that system and can be scaled with tight timing and stock voltage quite nicely, but you may need to backoff alittle bit on your ram timings if you are not running a divider. (but it sounds like you are...)

Im currently running a 3500 venice @2.64Ghz on a NF3 K8N Neo2 Plat
voltage 1.45
HTT = 4x
Multi = 11x
FSB = 240

With 2x512 PC3200 Ballistix @ 1T 2.5,3,3,8 /stock voltage (im going to see if I can get these tighter at this speed ;) ... 480Mhz).

Your voltage is okay as long as you got decent cooling.. personally at 2.5ghz I dont think you need anymore than 1.45v. (mine is running fine at 1.45v).

If you memory is still set at 2,2,2,8 (default) I don't think you'll see much more than 2.5ghz with your memory running those timing at 217mhz. Try running 2.5,3,2,6 timings and you should be able to scale your CPU higher...

There are 3 major limiting factors... what you motherboard is able to do, what your cpu is able to do, and what your ram is able to do... each has its own limits... consult eclipse's guides in the stickies :eek: to test the limits of each, then tweak each all within thier own limits, and the limits of others for the highest possible overclock for your rig.
thanks shishkabob, going to check out the stickies and play with my ram timings =)

My computer is still having trouble booting up? Is this a sign of CPU damage? :confused: