OC'in E6600 - Huh?


Dec 18, 2006

I thought I'd try the overclocking stuff on my CPU yesterday. On stock volts I OC'd it to 2.7, after 3 - 4 hours, and mainly on games, the PC will Jam, and a very high noise will burst from my headphones, and I actually think it has blown something, cause my sound does sound crap now, which sucks.

I have the Abit AW9D Max, and it is suppose to be a very good OC'er, but why this has been doing this I Dunno, I even raised the voltage a little and it still would jam, maybe it needs a little more voltage?

Cheers in advanced.
Make sure it's completely stable, run Prime95 overnight, then check your RAM out with Memtest in the morning.

It sounds like either you still need to give your processor more voltage, or your RAM can't take the clock speed your feeding it.
I have good RAM.

Corsair PC8500 DDR2 2 GB Dual RAM.

I will run that thing overnight. :)
I have good RAM.


Even great companies have products that go bad.
I'd run MEMTEST86 no matter what you think. Excluding a piece of a puzzle without testing it is not a good way to troubleshoot issues.
Even great companies have products that go bad.
I'd run MEMTEST86 no matter what you think. Excluding a piece of a puzzle without testing it is not a good way to troubleshoot issues.

I second this. Through my many years of troubleshooting, it has always been the small details that I tend to shrug aside that come back to bite me in the rear 10+ hours later after I exhausted all the other "possibilities" that I was sure would be or lead me to the problem.
Well, I just ran Memtest for 3 - 4 hours. And no errors occured.

I'l go to 2.7 again and higher the voltage. Whats the normal voltage people are using for 2.7/2.8 on a E6600?
shouldnt take more than 1.35volts in bios. btw what batch/week is your proc?
I didn't change voltage at all to get to 2700MHz from 1.325. I did move up to 1.375 when I changed FSB to 333MHz (3GHz) even though I might not have needed to. This is on a week 44 F-code E6600.
Also use the beta version (ORTHOS) of prime, and try out OCCT as it seems to find errors much faster (I haven't gotten any errors yet so I dunno if its true or not ;) ).

Do you guys recommend memtest86 or memtest86+?
Your instability might be also contributed by insufficient voltage at FSB/MCH/ICH, so you might wanna try fiddling with those, too... I have a different board and week 42 e6600, code A, it clocks up to 3060 (340fsb) @ default voltage (which, I guess, is 1.325 on my board), and with autos on FSB/MCH/ICH. Also, what voltage are you feeding to memory?
I ran my processor at 1.4v at 3.51ghz. It might be a *bit* more than it needs, but Id rather have a bit much than not enough...

On my current rig, I believe it's in the 1.38ish area and I'm at 3.3ghz Give or take a little.

Hope that helps.
I ran my processor at 1.4v at 3.51ghz. It might be a *bit* more than it needs, but Id rather have a bit much than not enough...

On my current rig, I believe it's in the 1.38ish area and I'm at 3.3ghz Give or take a little.

Hope that helps.

Lucky you :) I need 1.45 to get 3.33 stable :(
OK Guys.

I've just highered the RAM spec to 800Mhz (Think it's 2:3) and the memory is 2GB PC8500.
I've also highered the CPU to 2.7Ghz on 1.3 or 1.35v (Cant remember which one). on the E6600

Is this ok? I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm sure the RAM was underclocked.
Guys I'm a little worried now. Just got this from Orthos

Test 1, 4000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M19922945 using 1024K FFT length.
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 0.5, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
Torture Test ran 0 minutes 10 seconds - 1 errors, 0 warnings.
Execution halted.
Ok PC started to run slow with ORTHOS, so I changed everything back to what it was before I changed the RAM etc. These are the settings now.

External Clock: 300Mhz
Multiplier: x9
Estimated new CPU Clock: 2.7Ghz
M/B Strap CPU As: By CPU (FSB1066)
DRAM Spec: (CPU/DRAM): By SPD 4:5
Estimated new DRAM Clock: 375Mhz (DDR2 750)


CPU Core Voltage: 1.3500V
DDR2 SDRAm Voltage 1.00V
MCH & PCIe 1.5v Voltage: 1.50V
durr. corse the pc runs slow with orthos its utilizeing the cpu 100%. when it fails either your volts are too low (i xpect your are) or your clock is too high.
Think it had to be due to the RAM at 800Mhz for some reason. I've put it to 2.7Ghz now, and the RAM Mhz is determined by the BIOS.

Nah when I did it myself, the CPU wasnt even getting used and it was running like a dog. It's on 2.7Ghz now ad Orthos is running, and its smooth. How can you say the Volts are to low? Everyone who has posted has said it should get to 2.7Ghz easy.
Overclock each individual components to see how far you can push them.

For instance

OC the motherboard first to see how much it can take while running everything else stock or lower.

Then do your RAM and finally your CPU.

When you find instability in one of the components you are overclocking, bump up the voltage until you reach your goal or are out of your comfort zone regarding heat.

I recommend clockgen to make the process a little bit easier (or whatever application ABIT gave you to overclock within windows). Put the final settings in the BIOS when you are done fiddling with your system.
I had a similar problem to this, but my question is why does it give that terrible sound when it crashes? Its like nails on a chalkboard times 10.
I had an asus board that did the same thing, after a few hours, just lock up.

After doing some research, I found that my memory was not compatible with my chip set.

You also need to run memtest a lot longer. then a few hours, I try to let it go for at least 24 hours.
MajorGN, which batch you got? ie L640A987 or something like that? I wonder what's the default vcore for your cpu (apparently, different e6600s have different default voltage and clock accordingly..
I had a similar problem to this, but my question is why does it give that terrible sound when it crashes? Its like nails on a chalkboard times 10.

I got a LOAD annoying sound when it jams.

TehQuick, I will find out in a bit m8. :)
Correction.. Many B-code and some early A-code cpus tend to have low VID - if you have coretemp, it show it there... I know for a fact, my L642A chip was 1.325VID, oc'ed like crap, but ran at decent temperatures; while my L630B chip defaults at 1.225VID but clocks like champ with really, really hot temperatures. At 1.325, first chip would go up to 3.06, second - up to 3.3 ghz... boots at 3.6 with 1.4vcore but I can't get it stable with stock cooler, too hot (50 idle, around 80 load)
Sorry I wasn't clear, all conroes are B2 revision, I was talking about code which follows the week in batch number(i.e. week 30 2006, batch would start as L630A) You can find batch number on the IHS or on the box if you got retail cpu :)
Teknokid- should be good, but you won't know for sure until you try :D
Major - really, try adding a few more volts, run orthos overnight, or even for 24 hours, see how comp holds up..
Right, CPU is at 2.7Ghz @ 1.34 Volts. Temp is 39c

I've changed the memory from DDR2 750 to DDR2 900 at 2:3, have up'd the voltage from 1.8 to 1.85.

Now the PC seems a little sluggish at start up again, you think I should put 0.5 + volts to the memory? I will run ORTHOS overnight tonight.
most memory runs at 2.0v or 2.1v. try running memtest. any ideas on my cpu as well?
Tekno. You legend. :p

Yeah, I guess that's the blimin problem. Been searching up and the volts for my memory is 2.1, somehow I thought it was set it by defult, I guess not though. Just ran 3DMark 06 and I'm getting 50 more marks just by increasing the voltage. Great stuff.

Now I will wait for my Thermalright Ultra 120 and then the real OC'in starts. :)
glad i could help. just another note, download and run memtest overnight. then overclock ure mem (if it becomes unstable raise the volts) ure ram should be good for 2.2v...
Damn just got a BSOD while playing STALKER. :(

I raised the CPU Voltage to 1.375 and see how it goes. Think I'l raise the memory to 2.2v
have you tried running memtest (free download with a quick google shld be no probs). judging by your ram speed i think yours is rated to goto 2.4v... make sure its stable in memtest for a good 1hr or so.