OC E6750 or ... Should I lap my Tuniq tower?


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 11, 2005
I have had the rig in my sig for about a month now, and I am a little disappointed with the OC results I have thus far. I have been able to OC my E6750 to 3.6 which is great, but my goal was 3.8.

When I installed the tuniq tower I noticed faint ridges on the base of the tower, which was disconcerting. In addition I found the tuniq thermal paste to be fairly thick and hard to apply. I did use the back plate to mount the HS and I believe I have solid contact with he heat spreader of my proc.

I have tried to OC to 3.8 at 1.5 vcore, it is stable in widows but fails prime95. At 1.57vcore it passes prime95 but I have to shut it down when coretemp reports 70c temps. The 120mm fan on the tuniq seems weak to me perhaps this is a reason for these temps?

Here is a pic of my prime95 load temps at 3.6

If there is anyone else who uses the tuniq, or ga-p35-ds3l motherboard, any advice or load temps I could compare to would be appreciated.
Maybe a better fan and some better paste (like AS5). If you're comfortable lapping, might as well to that too.
Lapping the Tuniq will not help all that much ..unless you have a bad piece, but from your oc it sems more like you got a good one. Try changing the fan .. the Tuniq works better with the fan blowing air over the base of the HSF.

I suggest you stick with 3.6 ..1.57Vcore on air is on the higher side. The limit for C2D's is around 1.5 to avoid shortening the life of your CPU.