Oblivion gates rippling through


Oct 2, 2006
Does anyone else see the Oblivion gates in Oblivion rippling through objects such as trees or bushes or even the hills???? This is something I've been seeing lately, any help would be usefull. No overclocking by the way and the card only hits 60C.
I'm pretty sure that's normal....it's the same effect as seeing waves of heat coming off of a road during a hot summer day.
Yeah, they forgot to hide it when it's behind objects. You can see it anywhere with-in draw distance.
ahhhhh that makes since... as long as I'm not the only one seeing it, its pretty wierd. What an oversight LOL, kind of obvious. Thanks guys for the info
It's normal on ATI cards, but Nvidia's don't do it, from what I've seen. I've played with both a 7900gt and an x1800xt. The 1800 did it and the 7900 didn't. Other ATI users noticed it too. It was one of the things that made me ditch the xt and stick with the gt.
Shark-MegaByte said:
It's normal on ATI cards, but Nvidia's don't do it, from what I've seen. I've played with both a 7900gt and an x1800xt. The 1800 did it and the 7900 didn't. Other ATI users noticed it too. It was one of the things that made me ditch the xt and stick with the gt.

I don't know about the hardware (ati vs nVidia) causing anomolies related to driver software and/or the game writing software but hey IF that really makes you feel better about ditching high quality AA, AF and superior filtering and color, believe whatever makes you feel good, friend ;)
I have also owned a 7900GS OC and it was alright but I prefer the drivers and interface not to mention the dazzling image quality displayed by ATI's product.
GreyMatterTripp said:
IF that really makes you feel better about ditching high quality AA, AF and superior filtering and color, believe whatever makes you feel good, friend ;)

After that bit of clever flag-waving, I feel driven to offer further explanation in defense of my sanity. :p Seeing the gates' ripple effect superimposed over hills and rocks that should have obstructed my line of sight to the gates was annoying - to the point of disrupting immersion in the game. The game, in turn, was the final straw that caused me to put together a whole new system, so enjoyment was pretty important. Since there was no guarantee the effect would be corrected in future driver releases, I couldn't get the Chuck patch to work, and I didn't notice any significant difference in image quality... I went with what worked better for me all around. As I always try to (my previous card was a mobility 9700, and it was good).

Anyway, I brought this up because if (as my experience suggested) the ripple being displayed on top of intervening objects happens to some cards/drivers and not to others, that would be important for people interested in this thread to know. It doesn't happen to everyone. It seemed to be bothering you, but good for you if you have more patience about it than I did.
Just wanted to post to say....at first, I thought that there were only 12 gates (based on some loading screen test that said something 'bout daedric princes & planes), so as I kept seeing them I was like "eh, gonna keep exploring...gates can wait."

It got to the point where I counted about twenty of the damn things on my map before I realized they kept opening. :eek:
Shark-MegaByte said:
After that bit of clever flag-waving, I feel driven to offer further explanation in defense of my sanity. :p Seeing the gates' ripple effect superimposed over hills and rocks that should have obstructed my line of sight to the gates was annoying - to the point of disrupting immersion in the game. The game, in turn, was the final straw that caused me to put together a whole new system, so enjoyment was pretty important. Since there was no guarantee the effect would be corrected in future driver releases, I couldn't get the Chuck patch to work, and I didn't notice any significant difference in image quality... I went with what worked better for me all around. As I always try to (my previous card was a mobility 9700, and it was good).

Anyway, I brought this up because if (as my experience suggested) the ripple being displayed on top of intervening objects happens to some cards/drivers and not to others, that would be important for people interested in this thread to know. It doesn't happen to everyone. It seemed to be bothering you, but good for you if you have more patience about it than I did.

I didn't notice it until I installed ccc 6.1 and I'm sure and uninstall will fix it, and if not oh well as long as the card isn't damaged thats what I am really concerned about, it plays at a beautiful framerate. Unfortunately I work/play music/play with my baby girl to much to really get any good solid game time on Oblivion :( I've had it for like 2 months and have only gotten maybe an hour or two into it. But FEAR and Oblivion play great and I'm sure scaling back the drivers will take care of my problem, or maybe just forcing the 24bit Z buffer, who knows?
L1ght said:
It doesn't need one. Yes, it's that good.

The only downside is that you need no job and no friends to play it properly - it only gets enjoyable after about 3 hours of playing.
GreyMatterTripp said:
I don't know about the hardware (ati vs nVidia) causing anomolies related to driver software and/or the game writing software but hey IF that really makes you feel better about ditching high quality AA, AF and superior filtering and color, believe whatever makes you feel good, friend ;)
The game/gates look(s) fine on my Sapphire x1900xt 512, using the Omegadriver set. 1920x1200 with HDR/AFx16, maxed view distances and such.
Chaoticon said:
The game/gates look(s) fine on my Sapphire x1900xt 512, using the Omegadriver set. 1920x1200 with HDR/AFx16, maxed view distances and such.

what CCC version is installed on your system???
Omega stopped using a modified CCC I believe, so I'm not using one. I'm just using the 3.8.273 drivers atm. Having no CCC and no Tray tools means faster boot and less mess : ).
movax said:
Just wanted to post to say....at first, I thought that there were only 12 gates (based on some loading screen test that said something 'bout daedric princes & planes), so as I kept seeing them I was like "eh, gonna keep exploring...gates can wait."

It got to the point where I counted about twenty of the damn things on my map before I realized they kept opening. :eek:

It says each Daedra prince has his own Plane of Oblivion, but Dagon is opening multiple gates from HIS plane into Cyrodiil. There are the gates that are connected to each city for the purposes of the main quest, and then there are an unspecified number of random Oblivion gates that occur in the wilderness, with the probability of a random gate appearance increasing as you progress during the main quest. The random gates can be explored and closed, but they don't serve "main quest" purposes, and the Oblivion environments are random as well.

BTW, if you close them, there is still the probability that they will re-appear when you enter the region again, because your entrance to the region sets off the probability engine that dictates whether a random gate opens or not.
For the record:
There is a set amount of gates that spawn (they spawn all at once). It's around 70 or so. Once closed, they never re-open.
They also ALWAYS spawn in the same spots.