Oblivion Character Help


Limp Gawd
Dec 21, 2007
Well I just bought oblivion and Id like to know what are the best Race etc.. and Magic Bow Warrior or Stealth... I need a character that will start kinda fast.

Can anyone tell me why they use ? :)

I just reinstalled on my notebook with about 5gigs in mods and am playing as a Mystic Night Elf (custom race) with this face: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10450

I play as a Stealthy Marksman and use Blades up close when I have to. Acrobatics and stealth are always some of my major skills. I always play using light armor since I find heavy armor too cumbersome. I'm using the Sign of the Atronarch this time since it gives more Magika boosts (no magika regen though but I just let Imps and characters hit me with spells that I absorb to restock or use the Ayleid wells) and I'm trying to be more of a battlemage this time through. I played as a Khajit my first time through the game and it was fun but the night eye and fear abilities become kinda useless later on.
I played stealth my first time around, wanted to sneak around and assassinate people with arrows but even with a critical first hit they always took a complete pummeling to die which totally and utterly ruined the whole expeince, didn't matter what level you were creatures always stayed too hard.
I found it was "simpler" to be a warrior. Battles took longer but in essence it was smash smash rest, rinse and repeat as necessary.

However I was able to kill mobs faster as a archer. It took more effort to get one shot kills. Of course you need to be "sneaking," using poisons and a good magic bows.
Well Right now Im using a Warrior with all Combat skill for primary with a RedGuard.

Im right now @ RedPortal beside Martin. Starting to be lil harder eh.

Good Choices ?

o and whats better. 2 Hand or 1Hand + Shield ?
I preferred 2 handed. Although I usually played a magic user that wields a sword. By the end of the game you can pretty much be a master of everything.
ok thx

game is awesome :) Kinda long to go City to City XD its big

quick travel. its less tedious and more fun that way, though i always had fun exploring.

download qarls texture pack 3. its 1.7gb but it makes the game look really, really good.

off topic, but there is a huge difference between the 360 and pc version. the forest is actually a forest in the pc version.
I played stealth my first time around, wanted to sneak around and assassinate people with arrows but even with a critical first hit they always took a complete pummeling to die which totally and utterly ruined the whole expeince, didn't matter what level you were creatures always stayed too hard.

Yep, ranged weapons in Oblivion are crap. You can always use your fireball magic for ranged attacks anyway and they are just as effective or more so than bows and arrows. If you keep your distance the fireball can be quite effective to weaken the enemy then when they finally do attack you finish them off with a nice poweful one handed sword that has some magic ability applied to it. Use a good shield for defense to block blows and ranged attacks. This is what works the best for me anyway. You should get the Obscuro's Oblivion Overhaul mod as this fixes problems with game balance (like enemies that level up whenever you do) and adds enhancements. That's the only mod I use except for the free castle mod that Bethesda has for download. http://www.ausgamers.com/files/details/html/24166
I use oscuro's oblivion overhaul as well as several other mods, some cosmetic, some game changing. I tend to play as a sneaky thief / assassin and let me say that potions make a world of difference. Gather everything you can, and make damage health potions. Apply to arrow, and it will often take 1, maybe two poisoned arrows to take down a human enemy. You just have to make sure to hide while they are slowly dying, and work up your alchemy skill once you hit the first milestone with archery, as how good your alchemy skill is will determine how much damage you do, i.e. poison damage.
Yep, ranged weapons in Oblivion are crap. You can always use your fireball magic for ranged attacks anyway and they are just as effective or more so than bows and arrows. If you keep your distance the fireball can be quite effective to weaken the enemy then when they finally do attack you finish them off with a nice poweful one handed sword that has some magic ability applied to it. Use a good shield for defense to block blows and ranged attacks. This is what works the best for me anyway. You should get the Obscuro's Oblivion Overhaul mod as this fixes problems with game balance (like enemies that level up whenever you do) and adds enhancements. That's the only mod I use except for the free castle mod that Bethesda has for download. http://www.ausgamers.com/files/details/html/24166

The only thing I did not like with bows in Oblivion was how slow the arrows flew. After the first hit, it was pretty hard to land a second arrow while they were moving.
The only thing I did not like with bows in Oblivion was how slow the arrows flew. After the first hit, it was pretty hard to land a second arrow while they were moving.

oscuro's oblivion overhaul fixes that. Another thing the OP should keep in mind if he installs OOO is that it can be easy to die when you first start out wit a new character. Mine has died several times since I'm only lvl 3. I don't mind though since it actually makes the game more fun to play than vanilla Oblivion and quite interesting since you never know if some troll is going to ambush you in the forest.
Aye, with mods, Oblivion is a whole new game. Especially if you do away with the original scaled leveling for the most part. The OOO mod is fantastic also. That said, i like to play the pure characters myself. (If i play a mage i only can use staff, daggers or spells, Rogue only uses things a thief could use, ect.)
Makes the gameplay more interesting than the common super plate-wearing fighter types who can cast every spell in the book. Just me though in that i like more realism in my RPG's hehe. Have tried a game with absolutely no-fast traveling and while it makes it longer, you get a lot more experience imho.
Aye, with mods, Oblivion is a whole new game. Especially if you do away with the original scaled leveling for the most part. The OOO mod is fantastic also. That said, i like to play the pure characters myself. (If i play a mage i only can use staff, daggers or spells, Rogue only uses things a thief could use, ect.)
Makes the gameplay more interesting than the common super plate-wearing fighter types who can cast every spell in the book. Just me though in that i like more realism in my RPG's hehe. Have tried a game with absolutely no-fast traveling and while it makes it longer, you get a lot more experience imho.

That I like about that too is that you're not competing against anyone so you can actually role play if you want. I sometimes enjoy doing a hybrid, like a Paladin.
honestly I can't play Oblivion yet, just like Morrowind before it I see them as inherently very flawed games. I just beat Morrowind like last year or the year prior, with about 5 or 6 gb of mods installed. And there are a few things that still need to be modded into Oblivion before I think it is really ready to be played.
Don't start playing without first installing the unofficial Oblivion patch and then getting Obscuro's Oblivion Overhaul 1.32 RC5

The built in levelling system in Oblivion by default is quite silly. The game will match your enemies according to your level so there's like no point in playing. You can finish the main quest as a level 1 or 2 guy which is silly. Even worse, it gets ridiculous when you are higher level and you see Bandits running around with glass and Dweemer armor with enchanted weapons. Why do bandits need to steal a few hundred gold when they have gear worth a few grand? That's why you should get OOO.

And I wouldn't really talk to Martin or go anywhere in the main quest for a very long time. Get OOO and then play the game and level up with the different sidequests and improve your character a lot before you even attempt to enter an Oblivion gate.

The game is more fun and immersive if you avoid quicktravelling, you will also level up better and you'll encounter more enemies. I also like the mods that force your character to eat, drink, and sleep. Makes the game really great IMHO.