Obfuscated Code


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 1, 2006
http://www0.us.ioccc.org/main.html (I linked the North America site, their main site keeps getting cludged up due to security flaws)

Just curious, but anyone on here ever enter the contest? Back in college and buddy and I were interested but we never found enough time to write a truly interesting piece of code for obfuscating. As I've been out of college for a few years I found myself drifting away from C, using "more modern" languages, but I've been feeling the urge to get back in to it.

*SIGH* The old days. :)

They're fun to read and play with in an idle moment, but I never though it would be interesting enough to actually implement something to submit.
...I found myself drifting away from C, using "more modern" languages...

Holy hell, there are new languages??!?!


Back on topic, never been interested enough to see if I could make something that screwed up. Good reading, but too much time for me to implement. :)
The fun screwed-up stuff is at dailywtf, nee worsethanfailure.com