nzone's 162.15 beta driver is a JOKE!


Mar 17, 2007
BTW guys don't download the new nzone 162.15 driver that came out today it is so sloppy and causes nothing but problems with allmost everything.
They left out so many options they used to have and nstant media is just un workable.
It's so half assed that look they even have the wrong release date. It says june 26th 2006 That just shows you how rushed this was. YUCK!
Man are they slackin or what?
It is a UK Driver, not a US one which is what might be causing problems for you.
Except it's available on US site as well.

As for them being so bad. We'll see. My gut is telling me the initial post is an overreaction
Everything working fine here. Haven't seen much outrage across the net (though I haven't looked). Have you run drivercleaner and/or something similar and tried installing it again?
On guru3d's 162.15 pages for the Vista 32- and 64-bit versions:

** Update - driver has been taken offline at the request of NVIDIA. There are some isssues with these drivers.

The 2000/XP and WS2003/XP x64 162.15 drivers are still up.

/wishs OP would be a little more specific with 1) what OS he has and 2) what issues he was having if he's not running Vista.
On guru3d's 162.15 pages for the Vista 32- and 64-bit versions:

The 2000/XP and WS2003/XP x64 162.15 drivers are still up.

/wishs OP would be a little more specific with 1) what OS he has and 2) what issues he was having if he's not running Vista.
Aye. I was wondering that this morning as well but forgot to post it (darn real life work getting in the way!).

We don't even know what video card he's using.
I've had no issues thus far, though over at nzone people are saying it breaks the Lost Planet DX10 demo.
Works perfectly for me on the 3 machines I've tried it on (2 vista x64, 1 XP x32).

Sounds like a PEBKAC error to me....
...well, I can point to something that performance went down in. Overlord runs slower compared with the 106.03's.
Aye. I was wondering that this morning as well but forgot to post it (darn real life work getting in the way!).

We don't even know what video card he's using.
here are my pcs stats

Nvidia XFX 7950 GX2 XXX 1GB(512+512) 570m SLI Card*
Bfg AGEIA PHYSX card!*
AMD FX-60 dual core*
4GB Ram*
Creative X-FI Platinum*
Asus A8n-SLI Deluxe
TurboCool 1 Kilowatt power supply*

Mainly nstant media (purevideo) is messed up can't watch full screen format movies in stretched 1280 x 720
Plus many other probs with pure video but thats the most annoying.
Also no nvidia default value mode for sli mode anymore :(
And just bugs and hiccups along the way with other apps.
I'm sticking with 94.24 That one is working great.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. My drivers ain't broke.

Right there with you. I've been using the 60.03 WHQL's (for Quadro, though I have an 8800GTS) and have no issues, so there is no reason for me to update right now.

Not to mention last time I updated it took me half a damn hour to figure out where they moved the check box that defaults you to a TV and won't let you do Flat Panel Scaling until you *uncheck* it

I have no issues with movies or games with this driver - find that damn check box, uncheck it, and you can scale up your movies with the 160.03s. Don't ask me where it is, I can't find it and I started looking for it *AGAIN* LOL. It makes your display default to a TV. Maybe someone else can figure out where it is - why that thing is set to default is beyond me, but that is your movie issue.

160.03 drivers are solid, just the location of where things should be is extremely non-intuitive. Great drivers, sad sad control panel.
I'm using the US XP 32-bit version of 162.15 and it's been great so far. The issue with custom 3D game profiles crash was fixed and the flat panel scaling stuff is working too. Also the fan control actually works now (only manual mode though). I haven't run benchmarks but I didn't notice any slow down in FPS while playing STALKER and Darkstar One.
A well. I'm all set with it for a while anyway. 94.24 is working perfect so, I'm stickin with that.
Usually in my past exp. nvidia beta drivers have never been this flawed. For my set up that is....
Thanks for the help though;)
Flat panel scaling works under the 160.03's, it's just *finding* the "treat monitor as a tv" check box that is the problem - once you uncheck that it's fine.

The issue for me is that it seems like the interface gets worse and worse with every driver release - the drivers themselves are okay. Thank God for RivaTuner, too, since it is far more stable (and easier to use) than nTune has ever been.

Goofy things like an obscure checkbox disabling flat panel scaling by default are bad enough, but burying them so deep in the interface that it takes half an hour to figure out where they are .. bleh. Surely paid NVidia programmers could figure out how to design an interface that is almost as easy to use as one designed by a third party for free.
One person's garbage is another person's treasure. This beta driver cured all the problems I was having with BF2 and BF2142 including the Creative Xi-Fi- sound card squeal of death and repeated BSOD and Crash to Desktop. I though I had a bad BFG 8600 GTS. Nope. It was a lousy driver that sucked. Until this one.
Digital Vibrance is working under Vista 64 bit, that was enough for me to try it.

Then I loaded up some games...Colin McRae DIRT works much better, Overlord gets better FPS, STALKER is MUCH improved, WoW remains the same.

Besides the random crash now and again (not often enough for me to get upset by any means) I'm VERY pleased.