NVIDIA to Phase Out 7800GTX 512MB in February

Oct 29, 2005

'Well, we’ve been hearing rumors about this for a while, but we finally heard it from the horse’s mouth not too long ago. Recent conversations with insiders at NVIDIA have led us to believe that their top of the line card, the 7800GTX 512MB will be out of production sometime in Q1 next year, most likely somewhere around February ‘06.'

I was planning to get one of these at about the time theyre slated to be phased out....how do you think this will affect the price? Should I just wait it out and get nVidia's next incarnation of their flagship model card?
jaggedsphere said:

'Well, we’ve been hearing rumors about this for a while, but we finally heard it from the horse’s mouth not too long ago. Recent conversations with insiders at NVIDIA have led us to believe that their top of the line card, the 7800GTX 512MB will be out of production sometime in Q1 next year, most likely somewhere around February ‘06.'

I was planning to get one of these at about the time theyre slated to be phased out....how do you think this will affect the price? Should I just wait it out and get nVidia's next incarnation of their flagship model card?

Well its getting phased out because theyre going to be rolling out a new ultra-high-end card around that time. I expect to see quite a few for sale on here and other forums, for what price, its hard to say. If you dont mind used it will be a bonanza.
im hoping that will coincide with the release of the G71 "7900 Ultra"...
as at the end of february my evga step-up period ends, so that card better be out by then or ima cry lol
Yea I wager they will be phased out once ATI comes out with a new line that is competitive with the 7800 Series or moreso so prior to that nvidia releases their next gen or waits until ATI does theirs and have them coincide. Right now Nvidia at this point can watch and see what ATI does in the high end GPU area.
Asian Dub Foundation said:
times and technology goin so far ahead of our wallets ;)

yea well buying new videocards whenever they come out is not a good idea for anyone on a budget
I actually read that about 3 months ago and that is why I went with a 7800gt instead. I may upgrade this time next year.
Yea normally past 5+ years I buy 7800GT versions of graphics cards and never the top end only this changed for me the past 2 months so. I got by happily on my second or third best cards :).
If 7800GTX is phasing out by Feb 2006, would the next new card be out before that? Because I have no choice but to go w/ ATI X1800XT or 1600 due to the fact that they are the only one who support 2 X dual link at 2560x 1600.

I would welcome nvidia to match that so I can at least have the option of SLI
Hopefully the next flagship nVidia card has more of a lower profile cooler design. The 512 80mm cooler is insane.
dR.Jester said:
Hopefully the next flagship nVidia card has more of a lower profile cooler design. The 512 80mm cooler is insane.

It's actually not that big I have two of them and they are exceptionally light and not as bulky as I thought they would be. The heatsink and fan unit run and feel very well made I was impressed.

I agree though smaller efficient cooling is needed I miss the older AGP cards with just a dinky heatsink on them so light small never worried about heat from them until I hit the gf4 series.
dR.Jester said:
Hopefully the next flagship nVidia card has more of a lower profile cooler design. The 512 80mm cooler is insane.
But it keeps the graphics card cool & quiet. :) When was the last time you saw that on a high-end graphics card? I'd rather have that big cooler than a crappy little HSF... ;)
Well, from the rumor mills (AKA the Inquierer which has had a disturbing tendency to be right about nV this year) the G71 will have 32 pipes, ATI 0wn4g3
Sovereign said:
Well, from the rumor mills (AKA the Inquierer which has had a disturbing tendency to be right about nV this year) the G71 will have 32 pipes, ATI 0wn4g3

32 pipes, cool . Are they gonna try and sell 512 meg cards for the norm any time soon.

I wish cpu's were evolving as fast as gpu's
J32P2006 said:

I wish cpu's were evolving as fast as gpu's
Damn straight! :mad:

"Ghee, Intel/AMD just came out with their newest CPU, the Extreme/FX"...awesome! How much performance do you gain? 2%." :rolleyes:

Pathetic, to put it nicely. Imagine if a new GPU gave you that much of an improvement...we'd all be screaming at that company to release something better. Yet we have to take this same crap from CPU manufacturers every damn time. I'm getting tired of this! :mad:
So is this to make way for the G71 and 90nm G70? Makes sense, since ATI announced that their R580 would come out around the same time.
1c3d0g said:
Damn straight! :mad:

"Ghee, Intel/AMD just came out with their newest CPU, the Extreme/FX"...awesome! How much performance do you gain? 2%." :rolleyes:

Pathetic, to put it nicely. Imagine if a new GPU gave you that much of an improvement...we'd all be screaming at that company to release something better. Yet we have to take this same crap from CPU manufacturers every damn time. I'm getting tired of this! :mad:

are you about to break?
Happy Hopping said:
If 7800GTX is phasing out by Feb 2006, would the next new card be out before that?

I think it said that production will end around that time. Doesn't mean that every videocard they have will be sold on the same day
Great, now I'm stuck in the "Hmm, maybe I should just wait another month to build my new machine" rut. I was planning on getting a GTX 512, but if the next gen is so close maybe I ought to wait. :confused:

Maybe the Abit and/or MSI 32x SLI boards will be out by then as well. I'm still concerned about running 2 GTX512s on the A8N32 with the slots being so tight. I still have to squeeze a Audigy 2 ZS in there. :(
trxjw said:
Great, now I'm stuck in the "Hmm, maybe I should just wait another month to build my new machine" rut. I was planning on getting a GTX 512, but if the next gen is so close maybe I ought to wait. :confused:

It wont be the next gen coming in Q1 2006, it will just be a rehash of the current gen. Expect the true next gen cards sometime in the summer of 2006.
Sounds like they are afraid of the upcoming new ATI cards (the next gen, not the X1800 series, which, while still faster than the 7800 is way overpriced).

nVidia wanted way too much for the 512 meg card anyway. It is digusting how much top end graphics cards are these days. We need to go back to when the newest and fastest was $300 at the most.
trxjw said:
Great, now I'm stuck in the "Hmm, maybe I should just wait another month to build my new machine" rut. I was planning on getting a GTX 512, but if the next gen is so close maybe I ought to wait. :confused: :(

I am soo there with yah bud...dont know what to do....ive been back and fourth with the 'which card should I buy thing' I want to get a 512 mb card but I may want dualies but I would have to get the mobo for a specific card maker....today I am leaning towards the x1800xt512. tomorrow....who knows...
:confused: :confused:
needmorecarnitine said:
I think it said that production will end around that time. Doesn't mean that every videocard they have will be sold on the same day

What production? :p lol

WARNING: I will now describe how I feel about the vid card pricing situation in exact detail. If you don't like long posts, just jump to my conclusion at the bottom of this post.

Anyway, I agree with the person who said that prices are getting way too high. Technology is moving faster than production, and when that happens the prices go sky high. We're prehaps in the golden age of video card innovations right now, with new generations coming every year and refreshes every 6 months. If each generation has double the performance of the last gen like the 7800GTX did, then that's going at twice the speed of Moore's Law. There are a few cons about this, however:

1. NVIDIA must be spending huge amounts of money on R&D to be advancing this fast. They must raise prices to make up for those expenses.
2. NVIDIA knows that the prestige of having a card that creams the competition is more valuable than actually selling those cards. They know that the few people who are willing to pay for the high-end cards will probably pay almost any price to get them. Everyone else who can't afford the high-end cards will still want to buy mainstream cards from them because of their sucess with the high-end cards.
3. There just isn't the production capacity required to produce these high-end cards. Yields are often very low, and special components such as 1700Mhz memory chips are hard to get.

Basically, my point is that the only way for technology to continue moving this fast is for prices to continue rising. NVIDIA and, to a lesser extent, ATI, are releasing thse cards that are more like showcase cards than practical cards. If the top-end was still $300, the best card you could buy would be the one that's $300, the 7800GT.

Notice that this is happening with all areas of computing, not just video cards. What do dual-core, perpendicular storage, PhysX, SLI16X (A8N-32), Xi-Fi, and 7800GTX 512 have in common? They are all new technologies that either have high prices (dual-core and Xi-Fi), have supply problems (A8N-32 and 7800GTX 512), or aren't avliable yet because the technology is very hard to implement (perpendicular and PhysX).
jaggedsphere said:

'Well, we’ve been hearing rumors about this for a while, but we finally heard it from the horse’s mouth not too long ago. Recent conversations with insiders at NVIDIA have led us to believe that their top of the line card, the 7800GTX 512MB will be out of production sometime in Q1 next year, most likely somewhere around February ‘06.'

What on earth are they thinking???

Why would they stop making that card when its selling for $750????

Thats like ferrari saying they are going to stop making the enzo. they should keep making the cards until people stop buying them.

this makes no sense at all, what do you guys make of this? just a rumor?
I'm still concerned about running 2 GTX512s on the A8N32 with the slots being so tight. I still have to squeeze a Audigy 2 ZS in there.

Yeah, I'm in the middle of building my system with the A8N32-SLI with dual GTX 512's, and yes, there is NO room for even a SINGLE PCI CARD!
heatlesssun said:
Yeah, I'm in the middle of building my system with the A8N32-SLI with dual GTX 512's, and yes, there is NO room for even a SINGLE PCI CARD!

You should've gone with DFI's new board. I don't see why everyone has suddenly moved away from DFI and gone to this new ASUS board. I mean really, the DFI board has better overclocking, more room for PCI cards, better onboard sound, more BIOS options, works better with UTT RAM and much more. The only advantages ASUS has are 8-phase power and SLI16X, the later of which has no benefit whatsoever and won't for at least two more generations of cards.
HOCP4ME said:
You should've gone with DFI's new board. I don't see why everyone has suddenly moved away from DFI and gone to this new ASUS board. I mean really, the DFI board has better overclocking, more room for PCI cards, better onboard sound, more BIOS options, works better with UTT RAM and much more. The only advantages ASUS has are 8-phase power and SLI16X, the later of which has no benefit whatsoever and won't for at least two more generations of cards.

The SLI-DR Expert has been known to kill many a CPU.
I did look at the DFI, and I did kinda know in advance that the PCI slots would be a problem. I thought there would be at least one available, as reviews that I had read said so.

However upon actually putting the system together with dual slot cards, you really don't have any PCI slots. The PCI card would just about be in physical contact.

Really, you only need that PCI card for audio, and I was willing to forego the add on sound for SLI-X16. I haven't used an add-on sound card in a while, and to be honest. On board sound has worked for me pretty well.

I do admit, I'm not sure what Asus was thinking when they organized the layout of this board though. They just did not take into consideration dual slot cards with the PCI slots, and people using dual slot video cards are the ones most likely to care about add-on audio.
Lets get this straight not just video cards but highend memory as well. Hold back massive quatities keep the price high. Alot of shortages aren't shortages but planned to make the memory expensive. Explain how they get 7800 gtx in massive quatities but can't get 512 in same quantites. Its planned. I am gonna wait to see what comming in feb. maybe go dual core processor.
NulloModo said:
It is digusting how much top end graphics cards are these days. We need to go back to when the newest and fastest was $300 at the most.

Why do you even care?

No one forces you to buy it, there are plenty of choices at many different prices and there isn't a single game that requires it.
Hulk said:
Why would they stop making that card when its selling for $750????

actually they should've started making them in the first place ;)
availability is so crap it's damn close to a paper-launch.
needmorecarnitine said:
Why do you even care?

No one forces you to buy it, there are plenty of choices at many different prices and there isn't a single game that requires it.

because only the top of the line will give you 20+ headshots over the competetion. Its the only one with uber leet shader zx11100. Get it man or else you will always loose :p

ppl will blame poor performance on lag, so they spend 89.99 a month on 10mb lines.
ppl will blame it on slow framerates so they will go spend 1400 sli cards
some will even go and buy an $80 mouse when they already have a $60 one.

lots of ppl will compensate for poor skill with better hardware. Some will buy it just because they can( for these types im envious). Some on the other end will feel that since they cant keep up the big spenders in the hardware, they cant cant compete at all.

i've heard alot of this as of late
"bah i cant go against them, he has a $1000 paintaball gun, i got a $200 one from wallmart"
"bah i cant race him, hes got flowmasters :rolleyes: "
"I cant win i got dial up, hes on T1" etc etc
ppl wanna make excuses for poor skill and the ones with money will try to hide it with money.
strikeout said:
because only the top of the line will give you 20+ headshots over the competetion. Its the only one with uber leet shader zx11100. Get it man or else you will always loose :p

ppl will blame poor performance on lag, so they spend 89.99 a month on 10mb lines.
ppl will blame it on slow framerates so they will go spend 1400 sli cards
some will even go and buy an $80 mouse when they already have a $60 one.

lots of ppl will compensate for poor skill with better hardware. Some will buy it just because they can( for these types im envious). Some on the other end will feel that since they cant keep up the big spenders in the hardware, they cant cant compete at all.

i've heard alot of this as of late
"bah i cant go against them, he has a $1000 paintaball gun, i got a $200 one from wallmart"
"bah i cant race him, hes got flowmasters :rolleyes: "
"I cant win i got dial up, hes on T1" etc etc
ppl wanna make excuses for poor skill and the ones with money will try to hide it with money.
While alot of people do try to compensate with hardware, some people just like to have a better gaming experience. If you start filtering out the limiting factors, yuo can take your game to the next level. That's one of the reasons I play CS on 100 tic servers that are within 40 ms of me. Now I can't blame lag :D

I geuss I can be a little guilty of trying to buy hardware to increase my game, but I recently went to a gaming cafe while the woman was shopping and wen 39-8 in CS on a puter with a 5700LE with a shitty mouse at low rez and low (for me) framerates. So, to me, that sorta vindicates the fact that when you start eliminating the known factors (IE framerate, ing time, etc...) then you can actually start fine tuning your play.
strikeout said:
"I cant win i got dial up, hes on T1" etc etc

this excuse is usually valid in FPS games thats for sure.
if you guys want to have an advantage while playing FPS multiplayer, turn off all of your graphics settings like shadows, decals, etc. and put everything on low.

I play halo multiplayer, demo version, and I can own pretty much everyone because I set all of my settings on low and when grenades go off I dont see the dirt flying up and blinding me.
Happy Hopping said:
If 7800GTX is phasing out by Feb 2006, would the next new card be out before that? Because I have no choice but to go w/ ATI X1800XT or 1600 due to the fact that they are the only one who support 2 X dual link at 2560x 1600.

I would welcome nvidia to match that so I can at least have the option of SLI

Dude, I believe the nvidia 7800gtx supports dual-link t 2560x1600 right now.
Tiny said:
I actually read that about 3 months ago and that is why I went with a 7800gt instead. I may upgrade this time next year.

Thats exactly what I did! My 7800GT SLi setup cost less than ONE 7800GTX 512. I felt it was the smarter way to go. :cool:
Wanna mortgage your card and pay them the ourageous prices so be it. Mind you In Canada they really charge an arm and a leg up here. Games seem to be a year behind full capabilities of most current cards. Hey what do I know. I have used many different video cards from Nvidia, 3dfx, and ATI. Mind you these forums are matter of opinion. Rather wait a bit get cards at price they should have been charging.