NVIDIA’s CEO On Upcoming Android Tablets

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
NVIDIA’s CEO says that upcoming Android tablets will be better than iPads in many areas. Well I would certainly hope so!

Huang is also very bullish on the tablet market in general. "Open your notebook. [Inside] it's got heat pipes, and fans, and heat spreaders, lots of copper. You're going to get rid of all of that," he said. "[Tablets] will be quite disruptive to notebooks and entry-level desktops," he said.
I don't get what the whole tablet craze is about. It's like a laptop but not exactly, and like a phone... but not exactly. You can kinda do things from each of them on the tablet, but nowhere as well as each individual device. It's stupid.
I don't think it'll be that disruptive - I think people will just get a tablet as well as everything else. iPad has shown there's a huge market for these things as a new class of device.

Looks like nvidia are doing the right stuff. It's looking very likely that a google os will end up being the main tablet os - outselling apple/ms/etc. Hence trying to work closely with google, pushing to trying to make tegra the standard tablet soc when the first round of google tablets arrive is smart play for big sales in the future.
I like the idea of a tablet because laptops tend to be bulky, power hungry, and inconvenient with travel. Smartphones can do a lot of tablet functions, but taking notes, sending large e-mails, doing basic spreadsheet work, etc. is a complete hassle.
A good tablet should be the best of both worlds - offering the convenience and ease of use of a smartphone, but with the ability to do real work like a laptop.
My company bought a bunch of iPads to test for ePub functionality and I brought one on a recent trip to test it out as a travel companion. While I hate Apple's horrible file transfer/management system, it was essentially able to do the same tasks as a laptop...and I didn't have to worry about taking it out of my bag in security, and it took up almost no space. Plus, after days of use, it still had more than 50% of its battery life.
I hope more companies make them so we're not stuck with Apple's interface...or at least they'll be forced to up their game, too.
I like the idea of a tablet because laptops tend to be bulky, power hungry, and inconvenient with travel. Smartphones can do a lot of tablet functions, but taking notes, sending large e-mails, doing basic spreadsheet work, etc. is a complete hassle.
A good tablet should be the best of both worlds - offering the convenience and ease of use of a smartphone, but with the ability to do real work like a laptop.
My company bought a bunch of iPads to test for ePub functionality and I brought one on a recent trip to test it out as a travel companion. While I hate Apple's horrible file transfer/management system, it was essentially able to do the same tasks as a laptop...and I didn't have to worry about taking it out of my bag in security, and it took up almost no space. Plus, after days of use, it still had more than 50% of its battery life.
I hope more companies make them so we're not stuck with Apple's interface...or at least they'll be forced to up their game, too.

And this is why I'm getting an Ipad this Christmas. I had a vendor lend me one to try out some of the software I use a lot and it's just terrific. This coming from someone who is about as AntiApple as they can possibly be.
I don't get what the whole tablet craze is about. It's like a laptop but not exactly, and like a phone... but not exactly. You can kinda do things from each of them on the tablet, but nowhere as well as each individual device. It's stupid.

You're only thinking of mobile OS tablets. Windows 7 desktop OS tablets have advanced ink and handwriting recognition capabilities that the mobile OS tablets don't have currently.
And this is why I'm getting an Ipad this Christmas. I had a vendor lend me one to try out some of the software I use a lot and it's just terrific. This coming from someone who is about as AntiApple as they can possibly be.

I really dig the concept of the iPad...but I truly hate using iTunes to transfer files, and I hate that you can't save to and from the device very easily. If they were to fix that (or at least overhaul the ancient iTunes interface) an iPad would completely eliminate any need for a laptop for me. The more other tablets that come out, the more pressure they'll put on Apple and the more options we'll have.
I really think tablets can fully replace laptops in most cases.
Well, one thing for sure, its not like he's going to market it negatively if some of the tablets are going to be using the NVidia Tegra. Or would he...
Considering that Google has specifically said Android is not designed for tablets, I wonder why so many companies are hyping it?

They didn't say android is not for tablets, they said android version 2.2 is not for tablets hence the reason there aren't dozens of tablets using that. The moment google release an OS that is designed for use with tablets (either chrome OS or android 3.0, not sure which one google want people to use) expect the market to get flooded with them.
I'd love to have a tablet. I like my laptop, but I don't like carrying it around with me at school and I'd like to have a mobile device to game on now and then when I'm away from home without worrying about killing the battery in a couple hours. I might be buying a tablet in Jan and I'd rather it be a good Android one over the iPad, but if the iPad is the best option still that is what I will lean towards.
I can't wait until either Google (Android) or Microsoft (Win7) gets a solid tablet out there. My Mom would like a new laptop, but I've been trying to hold her back in hopes there will be an iPad killer released before the holidays. A laptop is way more then she needs for web surfing, e-book use, email, photo viewing, and some youtube/video streaming. Ipad has all she "needs", but I'd be damn if I buy an Apple product. (yea, not a fan).

Hurry up Huang! ... and be sure to throw in the BumpTop interface you bought this past spring!
I don't get what the whole tablet craze is about. It's like a laptop but not exactly, and like a phone... but not exactly. You can kinda do things from each of them on the tablet, but nowhere as well as each individual device. It's stupid.

The flip side of that is of course, you can do things from each class of device you can't do on the other. Ever tried walking and computing on a laptop? It's a bit of a hassle. Much easier on a slate type device like a smartphone or tablet.

Ever try looking through an inventory spreadsheet in the warehouse, or scrolling through customer records for a sales call on a smartphone? It's slow and takes a bajillion scroll swipes to move around. Looks downright decent on a 10" tablet though.

lolcar analogy. I don't get what the whole SUV craze is about. It's like a car, but not exactly, and like a truck...but not exactly. You can drive around town in it, but it gets bad mileage. You can carry things in it, but you can't fit full sheets of drywall or plywood and it doesn't have a proper bed, so you've got to worry about getting it dirty. Why would anyone buy this crap?

Because it fits 4 kids and their sports equipment, and they all get proper seat belts instead of hopping in the back of a pickup.

Most people don't run their laptop at 100% CPU usage all the time. We don't need that much power for basic mobile computing. Most people don't use their smartphone as their main computing device because it's too damned small a screen (tbh I come close, but I hate the tiny screen). They need a bigger screen to work with 8+ hours a day. If you don't need the power of a laptop, but you want a bigger screen than a smartphone, seems like taking a netbook sized display and losing that flappy keyboard bit so you can walk around with it like your phone is a great compromise.
The biggest advantage to slates is that they are easy to carry around, work great as basic note taking devices, and are also really good for putting in places where documentation is required, and always needs to be up to date. Because they have an embedded 3g modem available, the data can be synchronized anywhere, and as a result with cloud based services, is always up to date. I know several people with iPads who bought them for business use, for the reasons listed above, but not a single one who bought them for personal use yet.
I can't help but wonder if Jen-Hsun is saying this because he knows his time is limited on the chipset front with Intel locking SLI out and this is an area he can still put his chips into.
Considering that Google has specifically said Android is not designed for tablets, I wonder why so many companies are hyping it?

Ahh, you see that's because the associated tech with the name "table" has changed. No longer is a tablet a touch screen laptop/computer, it's not a multifunction device, low level, for every day quick applications, nothing data intensive from a non-artistic point of view.

The new "tablet" is a flat chunk of plastic that's lets you do all the great commercialized entertainment games, apps, and web side functionality society has come to love the most.
They basically let the general population take whatever the tech drug of the moment is, with them everywhere.
Oh, and that Android is exactly the type of OS designed for a computer with this low level of required functionality
I don't get what the whole tablet craze is about. It's like a laptop but not exactly, and like a phone... but not exactly. You can kinda do things from each of them on the tablet, but nowhere as well as each individual device. It's stupid.

I think if done and priced right they're not bad devices. Two big thing is dislike about the IPad is it being a closed platform device compatibility wise. The price is way to much for what you get in the end imo (then again, it's an Apple product, that's expected lol). Tablets seem like great multi media devices with some advantages over both a smart phone and a Laptops, but it really comes down to what you need and what you feel comfortable with.

As tablets start to saturate the market and we start getting much more choice, then that's when i think we'll really see some usefulness in the devices and one thing that i think all tablets should be designed like is the Dell Inspiron Duo, where you can have Windows 7 running in both a tablet as well as laptop form just by opening and flipping the device around, cool stuff imo.:)
Seriously, before tablets can make it to mainstream, their batteries need to last more then a few hours. If I am on a cross country plane trip with layovers, I want something that will last, say the 12 or so hours I am going to be stuck in travel hell. Right now I can do that with my iphone, but only with extra battery pack. Cause let's face it, finding a plugin at an airport is usually impossible.
Seriously, before tablets can make it to mainstream, their batteries need to last more then a few hours. If I am on a cross country plane trip with layovers, I want something that will last, say the 12 or so hours I am going to be stuck in travel hell. Right now I can do that with my iphone, but only with extra battery pack. Cause let's face it, finding a plugin at an airport is usually impossible.

Tablets are more of a replacement for ultra-portal notebooks or netbooks, not cellphones and the iPad will outlast any laptop I've ever seen.
I'm not an Apple fan either, and I think the iPad is pretty cool. That said, I hope the Android will do better. I think the reason I like it (iPad and possibly Android) is that it can be used for many things just sitting around. LIke a clock, or something... and I need a e-book reader type thing that isn't an e-book reader because those are all more or less black and white. Not to mention I'd like to get an mp3 player that isn't just an mp3 player.