Nvidia Laser locked GPU's??


Oct 17, 2007
Does anyone know if this is true, do ati and Nvidia Laser lock there gpu's when there produced?? I was looking to soft mod a GT to a GTS g92 when it came out, if there info is true then that will hinder that,
yes, they've done that since the 7x00 series. The last nvidia card I knew of that would unlock is a 6800 series.
yah I read it .. and ive been doing Hardware awhile and never came across this.. I guess that would explain why the 7xxx soft modding wasnt to popular making the exception of the 7900 GTX and 7900 GTO thing.
... because nobody uses lasers to disable blocks on a chip.

They do have fuses blown though. Which comes down to the same thing, except that it's waaaaay cheaper to produce.