Nvidia GTX470 or ATI 6870? - Overclocking, Watercooling, Volt Modding (hardwired)


Feb 4, 2003
Hi everyone,

I'm hoping you guys can help me choose which card to get with regards solely to watercooled overclocking potential.

Right now, in the UK at least, the GTX470 and ATI 6870 are pretty much the same price at just under £200, so cost is not a factor between the two. From what I've read the performance between the two cards is damn close as well. I'll be getting a full cover waterblock for whichever card I finally get, and I'll implement hardwired soldered volt mods reasonably soon after getting whichever.

So, the most important factor in choosing is overclockability. So far, here's my thinking;

GTX470 pros

• Lower core clock combined with more cores means greater increase in performance per mhz increase.
• Greater memory bandwidth means greater improvements in fill rate per mhz increase.

6870 pros

• Power efficient and newly spun die mean potentially awesome overclocks.
• Less power usage means greater volt mod potential and easier to cool with high voltages.

Both cards have advantages and disadvantages so close I really can't decide. So I'm turning to you guys to throw in any and all input. I'd like to hear about experiences in overclocking these cards and other little details that might help me. Just to finish things, I should also mention that the following concerns should not be factored in at all in helping me decide, thanks;

Don't care about

• SLi/Crossfire potential. Please don't factor this in at all, I will never go dual card, ever.
• Eyefinity/Surround. I have no intention of employing this.
• PhysX. Really couldn't care less.
• Power usage 'per se'. My power supply should be enough, and assuming it is, I'm not too fussed about power draw unless it really becomes a quantifiable and noticable concern (noise, too much heat in water loop etc.).

So yeah, thanks in advance for any input, will be very greatly appreciated. ;)