NVIDIA: GTA 5 Coming To PC This Fall

that guy's response was a little over the top, but I'm sure they have their reasons for not releasing more info about a PC version if one is planned. example maybe they weren't confident in being able to release a polished enough PC version to launch alongside the console version, so rather than create confusion with multiple release dates and have console dumbs misunderstand it as being delayed yet again, they'll keep it simple and let console version launch as planned.

this is a massive release with hundreds of millions on the line, so certainly these moves are very calculated, can't blame them.

I didn't realize so many people on the Hardforum don't understand the logistics on this. Basically Rockstar thinks it's more profitable to release the games first on the consoles, just as they have done with GTA4, GTA:EFLC, GTA:SA, GTA:VC and GTA3 because they feel people having easy access to a pirated PC version would prevent some sales of the initial 360 and PS3 versions. This is nothing new. Rockstar has been doing this for over a decade now. By the way - sorry is my response sounded over the top, I thought this concept of console-first-releases was well understood by now.
I didn't realize so many people on the Hardforum don't understand the logistics on this. Basically Rockstar thinks it's more profitable to release the games first on the consoles, just as they have done with GTA4, GTA:EFLC, GTA:SA, GTA:VC and GTA3 because they feel people having easy access to a pirated PC version would prevent some sales of the initial 360 and PS3 versions. This is nothing new. Rockstar has been doing this for over a decade now. By the way - sorry is my response sounded over the top, I thought this concept of console-first-releases was well understood by now.

Well thats an interesting theory that's probably mostly right but I'm not sure its that simple. They did release Max Payne 3 simultaneously on consoles and PC. My gut is still telling me its something development related.
I didn't realize so many people on the Hardforum don't understand the logistics on this. Basically Rockstar thinks it's more profitable to release the games first on the consoles, just as they have done with GTA4, GTA:EFLC, GTA:SA, GTA:VC and GTA3 because they feel people having easy access to a pirated PC version would prevent some sales of the initial 360 and PS3 versions. This is nothing new. Rockstar has been doing this for over a decade now. By the way - sorry is my response sounded over the top, I thought this concept of console-first-releases was well understood by now.

The people who are going to pirate a PC version aren't going to suddenly buy a console version of the game just because it is released on them first. Plus someone pirating PC games is probably set up to play pirated console games too. So if this really is the reason (and I doubt it), it just goes to show how dumb game companies really are.
Very interesting...

GTA 5 coming from consoles will per defacto be AMD optimized, now, NVidia seems perhaps willing to also pay extra to optimize the game for their hardware?

Game developers must be loving how this is turning out...

If you believe games will run better on AMD retail GPU's because consoles have a custom piece of AMD silicon you're incredibly naive, its little more than marketing bullshit.

Something I love seeing when a game loads up is "AMD Gaming Evolved" because i know my Intel/Nvidia setup will slaughter the shit outta the game.. when I see the game startup with Nvidia, I go aw shit, now i gotta tinker with the settings...
I didn't realize so many people on the Hardforum don't understand the logistics on this. Basically Rockstar thinks it's more profitable to release the games first on the consoles, just as they have done with GTA4, GTA:EFLC, GTA:SA, GTA:VC and GTA3 because they feel people having easy access to a pirated PC version would prevent some sales of the initial 360 and PS3 versions. This is nothing new. Rockstar has been doing this for over a decade now. By the way - sorry is my response sounded over the top, I thought this concept of console-first-releases was well understood by now.

I don't think it has much to do with pirating at all. More that they want the money from MS & Sony for exclusive console only stuff, remember The Lost and the Damned was exclusive on the Xbox 360 (then later filtered out). There is no "PC" company to offer exclusive content, nVidia or AMD aren't going to do it because they sell parts not the whole.

Besides consoles sell more than PCs for most games as it is, they want to put all the effort and focus on making those as bug free as possible, and then when they have time they'll move onto the PC side of things.
buy our game on consoles now, then buy it again on pc later even though we're acting like its not coming out for pc.

its all about that almighty dollar
It will come out for pc, when is the question, not if.
I think steam is one the main factors that will bring GTA 5 to pc.
If that was the case then why wasn't GTAIV a steamworks game?

Because the PC version of GTA4 is a GFWL title with SecuROM. Rockstar will likely be marching straight to Valve to get GTA5 up on Steam for pre-orders, imo.