NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX Pictures


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX Pictures

I am not sure if these are "exclusive" or not, but here they are.




I have to admit I love the look of it,and getting a 'GTX' for 349~ with better decoding abilities,that also runs cooler,and uses less power,and is also a little more oc'able
are all good things in my book.
that thing must really suck it can't even render itself well look at them jaggies :p

This seems to release pretty much on the same day i'll be able to buy a new video card. too bad i won't have enough money for it :(
Just wish they were single slot solutions. These double wides are looking rather fat these days.
I just bought an 8800GTS after waiting months for this card, hoping they'd surprise me with a real upgrade. I'm sure it OC's like hell, but I never really got into OC'ing my video card and I feel it's not worth the $100+ dollars.

But...it does look slick.
not worthy of the GTX title. its just a rev'ved 8800GTX with slightly better clocks.

i'll stick with my 7950GT until nvidia releases something more than a minor bump to the 8-series. in particular, send your double precision floating point my way, hell yeah 256-bit HDR frame buffer.
Can you tell me how big this is in comparison to a 8800GTX? It appears as if it's the same size as the 8800GTS 512mb and I'd assume it is because it's the same core but I've been told otherwise.
That is a very nice looking video card. The one thing I dislike about my 7900GT is the wimpy looking heatsink. Is it just me or does the air intake look a lot like the jet intake mods at mnpctech?
Looks identical to my GTS. Hopefully it will perform significantly better.
Looks identical to my GTS. Hopefully it will perform significantly better.

If the GX2 is any indication, which it is, you might want to just keep on breathing and walk away hugging your GTS 512. I'm still hugging my old GTS 640 (Oc'd). Like many, I'm waiting on the G100 because I need a near 2x 8800GTX/Ultra performance to be worth ANY of my $.
huh maybe I am just a weirdo, but I like seeing the pcb, caps, and circuitry.. well, some of it at least.. I think the ATi cards are looking nicer these days.. those 3870 X2's look like a 20G turbo sitting in your rig. lol... but as long as the performance is there at the right price, it doesn't matter too much what it looks like I guess..
not worthy of the GTX title. its just a rev'ved 8800GTX with slightly better clocks.

i'll stick with my 7950GT until nvidia releases something more than a minor bump to the 8-series. in particular, send your double precision floating point my way, hell yeah 256-bit HDR frame buffer.

WTF are you takin about? the 8800 GTX and it's younge but stronger brother the 8800 Ultra are superior to this card in very way exception of offloading of HD content... I love my 8800 GTXs and I don't like when people post inaccuracies. It's a revised 8800 GTS not GTX. Thx.
I dunno.. it still just looks like a long plastic box with some venting to me. :( (that's a GX2 btw ^^)
It looks like a GTS 512 on 'roids. I think I'd rather just buy a second 8800GT.
Anybody else notice the 2 PCIE power connectors? Current 8800GTS512's only have 1 PCIE power connector.

Keep hope alive for relatively better performance?
Anybody else notice the 2 PCIE power connectors? Current 8800GTS512's only have 1 PCIE power connector.

Keep hope alive for relatively better performance?

The faster memory is going to help things out a little bit, but no not really.
Looks phallic. It also looks like a 90s car design with it's swoopy curves. That's not a good thing, btw.
Judging by the review of the 9800GX2 there's really no reason for an 8-series owner (unless they own an 8600 or lower) to even consider jumping onto the 9-series, unless they want SLI but have a non-Nvidia chipset board. Or am I missing something?

Personally? I'm running on a 7600GT. I'm going to wait to see how the numbers pan out, and then see if I can grab an 8800GTX for dirt.
I've got an eVGA 8800 GTS 512 OC card that I haven't even installed yet. Would any of you bother upgrading to the 9800 GTX? I only ask because I'm guessing eVGA will have a trade up program and this card will probably be around ~40 more expensive.
WTF are you takin about? the 8800 GTX and it's younge but stronger brother the 8800 Ultra are superior to this card in very way exception of offloading of HD content... I love my 8800 GTXs and I don't like when people post inaccuracies. It's a revised 8800 GTS not GTX. Thx.

But it is also supposed to replace the 8800GTX, despite the smaller memory bus. The GX2 has already beat the Ultra, and I hope the 9800GTX beats the 8800GTX. Next tuesday should be interesting...
... I hope the 9800GTX beats the 8800GTX ...

You know something is wrong when people need to say something like that...

Seriously though, with the BFG 8800GTX available for $370 (or $320 after rebate), the 9800GTX will really need to do some magic in performance or price to be worthwhile.
You know something is wrong when people need to say something like that...

Seriously though, with the BFG 8800GTX available for $370 (or $320 after rebate), the 9800GTX will really need to do some magic in performance or price to be worthwhile.

Personally I'm hoping it overclocks like a beast. That might make it worth buying over an 8800 GTS 512, otherwise it's kind of pointless. I've seen rumors and initial reports but I guess I'll have to wait until it hits retail to know for sure.
If the GX2 is any indication, which it is, you might want to just keep on breathing and walk away hugging your GTS 512. I'm still hugging my old GTS 640 (Oc'd). Like many, I'm waiting on the G100 because I need a near 2x 8800GTX/Ultra performance to be worth ANY of my $.

I second this motion...QFT :mad:
Finally they removed the ventilation strips on the heatsink shroud. (a la G80 8800 GTS/GTX dumping hot air in case instead of being pushed out through the vent.)
Just wish they were single slot solutions. These double wides are looking rather fat these days.
Yes, I know the single-slot coolers are all prim and proper, but, come on, these cards put out a lot of heat. If all you do is read your e-mail and play a little solitaire, fine. If you want some serious cooling, a "fat" cooler is a necessity. I guess you would really hate my HR-03GT with 12 Enzotech copper ramsinks and a Noctua NF-P12 120MM fan mounted on it:D
Or have a look at Andre Yang's setup in the next post: (If it doesn't scare you away to Silent PC.com:D)
The 9800GTX has a totally different PCB than the 8800GTS 512 though. It also has 2 6-pin PCI-E connectors. Not to mention the card is quite longer than the GTS. I wouldn't say "it's only a higher clocked 8800GTS" too quickly to be honest.

Here's two of them on a 790i motherboard:




Yep, it's pretty damn huge. :eek:

That little setup also managed this:


Wow that is impressive and very nice looking card very slick.
Well judging from that mini-review, 2 OC'd 9800GTX on air run the same 3dmark06 score as a OC'd 9800GX2 on air... however, as we all know, 3dmark06 isn't very accurate when it comes to predicting the performance in games.

Looking forward to april 1st when this baby gets released, and we'll see some single, dual and tri SLI benchmarks of it compared to single and dual 9800GX2. :D
im still holding onto the dream that it will be realeased tomorrow. I don't want to have to wait yet another week to decide what card im buying.....