nvidia geforce 4 ti 4600, 128 MB


Nov 29, 2003
A friend of mine is having a problem with his video card. I can't really help him, but I just know that the folks here at [H] can. So, if you can give any advice, I'd appreciate it. Here's his post.


okay.. had to swap out mobo on my box. Prior to my system crash my vid card was sweet!!!! now, it's all herky jerky.

my video card: nvidia geforce 4 ti 4600, 128 MB

My new mobo: MSI 845GE max
my old mobo: MSI 645E max

I downloaded the latest drivers from nVidia: 53.03 but no go.

Not sure if I'm missing some mobo drivers to unlock the AGP or some bios setting. Are there some windows updates I need to run?

Help any suggestions would be great. Starting to get sick play CoD, so herky jerky
did he install all the latest motherboard drivers? (Did he install any?) play with the bios? makes sure agp 8x is enabled.... check that... it sounds lieka motherboard driver thing to me...also make sure he has service pack 1 if he's got XP
Also verify AGP Aperture is set to half your total system memory.
Can also try turning Fastwrites off although enabling them should not be a problem with an nvidia card. If they are off, try turning them on.
Thanks for you help, everyone. All your advice helped him smooth out his video and all that. Appreciate it.