Nvidia 6800 12 pipe ---> 16 pipe soft mod!!!!

cool, i wouldn't consider it a GT being as its ddr1 but still an awesome mod for those value buys
any chance they'll release a softmod that turns it into a quadro type of card? or are these physically different nowadays? lost track of the pro-cards after i got and softmodded my 9700pro into a fireGL...
CraftyOtter said:
This is what is great about computer technology. News from 7 days ago is "old" news.


no kidding - whenever i read something 'new' and want to post it here it's already plastered all over the forums here with one original thread and 5 other ones usually trailing where the thread starters are being told it's 'old news'! man, how that always leaves me with that bad feeling of getting old, slow and outdated! ;)

geez, already a day old and still called 'news'... :p
Now then, if you own or are buying a regular 12 pipe GeForce 6800 then you might be able to make it a full 16 pipe version by using a patch in RivaTuner (patch is not yet released).

It would be nice if it was more than just talk/news at the moment :rolleyes: