NV Silencer?


Limp Gawd
Aug 23, 2004
Right now I have an x850 XT PE, that I recently purchased because of TD's big deal on it ($285 after rebates and shipping). :clap: However, this thing runs HOT on stock cooling, around 80-90C load.

A couple questions:

How much a NV Silencer Rev 2, coupled with some AS5 would improve my temps by?

Is easy to install? Does it cool the memory as well, or just the core?

I heard that it comes with thermal paste pre-applied. True? How much AS5 should I apply?

And last but not least, what's the best place to buy it from? I'm considering performance-pcs.com, because they have a great price compared to other sites. Reccomendations?

Thanks in advance!
I got the Artic Cooling Silencer for my old 9800 pro, and I must say the thing works great. Even with the fan on high it's not noticeable, it drops temps like a champ, AND allowed another 30+mhz core oc.
I've been posting around, and I heard the Ati Silencer 5 Rev. 2 is garbage, even cooling worse than stock in some situations. Noise really isn't an issue for me, I just want to be able to get the max overclock I can out of it.

How does the Zalman compare?
the ati silencer 5 rev. 2 is actually pretty good, i had a huge drop in temps on my card. (x850xt) really every product has some problems, but overall ive had good experiences with the many different artic silencers ive had, none have crapped out on me. and try frozencpu they had a pretty decent price and their shipping dept. packed the thing awesome.
I thought the 850 already had a stock cooler that vented out of the case?