NPD Sales Results for November 2009


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 23, 2003
Data care of NPD Group
Reporting Period: 11/1 - 11/28/09

PlayStation 2 203.1K
PlayStation 3 710.4K
PSP 293.9K
Xbox 360 819.5K
Wii 1.26M
Nintendo DS 1.70M

CALL OF DUTY: MODERN WARFARE 2* (360) |Nov-09| 4.20M
ASSASSIN'S CREED II (360) |Nov-09| 794.7K
LEFT 4 DEAD 2 (360) |Nov-09| 744.0K
WII SPORTS RESORT* (WII) |Jul-09| 720.2K
WII FIT PLUS* (WII) |Oct-09| 679.0K
ASSASSIN'S CREED II (PS3) |Nov-09| 448.4K
DRAGON AGE: ORIGINS* (360) |Nov-09| 362.1K
MARIO KART W/ WHEEL (WII) |Apr-08| 315.0K

(*includes CE, GOTY editions, bundles, etc. but not those bundled with hardware)

Wow at Nintendo hardware and software.
Wow at 360 > PS3 after Slim
WOW at MW2 6 Million!?!?

Go Dragon Age!!
Good for Dragon Age, I'm so addicted.

They said Games sales were down in November compared to last year, but thats probably because so many people are playing MW2 and aren't bothering with much else.
Count me for one of the Wiis. Super Mario Galaxy is amazing... yeah, I'm a little late on that one.
I'm actually surprised the 360 out-sold the PS3. I shouldn't be surprised anymore, but Mario Kart STILL makes the list?!
i knew there would be a spike in 360 sales with all those banned 360s the other month!! Very clever timing by MS!! Anyone know what the european sales and Japan Sales were?
In other news, Tony Hawk: RIDE sold about 114K across all platforms. :D

I just had to mention this because the game truly looks like ass and for some reason I wanted to see it fail. Not that Activision really cares all that much with MW2 and all.
Those MW2 numbers are beyond mental. Biggest game release ever in the US by a long long way.
Those MW2 numbers are beyond mental. Biggest game release ever in the US by a long long way.

Yes it did very well,
Did the US have deals on MW2 like we did in the UK Supermarkets in the first few days?
Holy shit at MW2's 6 million, that has to be the biggest launch of entertainment media to date.:eek:

And the 360 won by 100 thousand unit's but that's really good number's for the PS3 regardless.

And what in the hell is with the PS2? 200k for what a 10 year old console?
Get this, those MW2 numbers do not include the MW2 360 bundles.. which MS said they sold a ton of.
Damn, that game is like crack or something...Every time I get on, most of my friends list is on that game consistently. I have to spam and hope they can pry themselves away to get in some Mahvel or SF4...
not surprised that 360 is back above PS3, it has long come clear to me that ps3 will be the poorest selling console this gen and anything short of giving it away wont change that
not surprised that 360 is back above PS3, it has long come clear to me that ps3 will be the poorest selling console this gen and anything short of giving it away wont change that

Poorest selling in NA definitely. Good thing it's leading the market in quality of first party support.

It's sad to me how Nintendo puts up those numbers and there are so few games worth playing on the system. It's building a massive install base, but its library doesn't compare to PS2 at all.

X360 is plugging along. Not much growth from last year. Software sales are as good as ever. If Natal flops, which I expect, they will begin pivoting for the next console refresh. They're slipping fast in the graphics arms race.

The first thing that Sony has said in this generation about their games is that it can only be done on PS3. Although we’ve seen so many titles come to Xbox360 after those bold statements and claims that Sony has once made, this is actually a moment of truth. God Of War 3 really shows not only what Playstation 3 can do but it further shows what we have yet to see on Xbox360.

They played a new segment of GoW3 and said the graphics are way better than Uncharted 2 and that it looks like a PS4 game. Supposedly we get to see this in January.

They played a new segment of GoW3 and said the graphics are way better than Uncharted 2 and that it looks like a PS4 game. Supposedly we get to see this in January.

The fact that it looks like something that doesn't exist at all is a pretty dumb statement IMO. I mean, I get what they are trying to say but I don't like it. Just had to vent on that. :D

Uncharted 2 looks good but it's more of a total package that makes it a very good game I'd say. It will be interesting to see if God of War 3 offers a great total package as well.
Seeing those numbers confirms the concern of many developers questioning the value of developing for PS3 versions.

Obviously, money is still being made but nowhere near the return on investment compared to the Xbox 360.
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Poorest selling in NA definitely. Good thing it's leading the market in quality of first party support.

It's sad to me how Nintendo puts up those numbers and there are so few games worth playing on the system. It's building a massive install base, but its library doesn't compare to PS2 at all.

X360 is plugging along. Not much growth from last year. Software sales are as good as ever. If Natal flops, which I expect, they will begin pivoting for the next console refresh. They're slipping fast in the graphics arms race.

They played a new segment of GoW3 and said the graphics are way better than Uncharted 2 and that it looks like a PS4 game. Supposedly we get to see this in January.

Nonsense, Wii is pretty much the *mirror* of PS2--MOUNTAINS of shovelware trash, and a handful of pure gold titles that make the system worth owning. Just like Wii, PS2 and PS1 had libraries largely made of complete trash. No doubt having walls of software choices helped those consoles sell as well as they did, just as it's helping Wii.

What are you smoking though, saying 360 is "slipping in the graphics arms race" ? Have you missed the fact that 90% of cross platform games look BETTER on 360 than PS3? That they tend to have richer colors, better detail and often a higher resolution? (In spite of the fact that both consoles have a lot of games that don't even render in 720p, much less 1080p, because they are both OLD hardware).

I just bought a PS3 because the bundle deal was so effing awesome, and I expect to really enjoy ownership of it and the playing of games on it. But be realistic here: Neither PS3 nor Xbox 360 has come even CLOSE to taking a unilateral victory over the other in the "graphics arms race" (LOL at such a silly concept, by the way). They both beat the crap out of Wii graphics, but that's really all you can say about that.

As far as NPD, I am also shocked that 360 outsold PS3 in November. PS3 had great bundles at nearly every major retailer, 360 bundles sucked donkey balls.
Nonsense, Wii is pretty much the *mirror* of PS2--MOUNTAINS of shovelware trash, and a handful of pure gold titles that make the system worth owning. Just like Wii, PS2 and PS1 had libraries largely made of complete trash. No doubt having walls of software choices helped those consoles sell as well as they did, just as it's helping Wii.

What are you smoking though, saying 360 is "slipping in the graphics arms race" ? Have you missed the fact that 90% of cross platform games look BETTER on 360 than PS3? That they tend to have richer colors, better detail and often a higher resolution? (In spite of the fact that both consoles have a lot of games that don't even render in 720p, much less 1080p, because they are both OLD hardware).

I just bought a PS3 because the bundle deal was so effing awesome, and I expect to really enjoy ownership of it and the playing of games on it. But be realistic here: Neither PS3 nor Xbox 360 has come even CLOSE to taking a unilateral victory over the other in the "graphics arms race" (LOL at such a silly concept, by the way). They both beat the crap out of Wii graphics, but that's really all you can say about that.

As far as NPD, I am also shocked that 360 outsold PS3 in November. PS3 had great bundles at nearly every major retailer, 360 bundles sucked donkey balls.

Well, aside from one or two games, over the past year, PS3 cross platforms have been on the better stick graphically. DA:O being the latest example.
not surprised that 360 is back above PS3, it has long come clear to me that ps3 will be the poorest selling console this gen and anything short of giving it away wont change that

LOL you think selling 700k in NA in 1 month equates to them practically having to give it away? and they beat the 360 last month by 80k units and they beat them by 139k in September. But you need to take in consideration at the fact that since the price cut the PS3 has done extremely well and I don't think it's in danger of becoming a giveaway product.
Well, aside from one or two games, over the past year, PS3 cross platforms have been on the better stick graphically. DA:O being the latest example.

They've been closer to parity, that's true, but there have been very few cases where the PS3 version has been hailed as "superior". Of course, to be totally fair about it, in both cases you generally need to pause the game and stare at stills to really see much difference between the two consoles :D.

I think the point has been well made by this point in the generation though: Xbox 360 and PS3 are, as overall systems, pretty much exactly equal, capable of almost the exact same things in the exact same ways. Each has minor strengths and weaknesses compared to the other, but neither holds a decisive hardware advantage as an overall platform. Thus, in the end, the most important factor is: which has more games YOU want to play?

Luckily I won't have to make those choices anymore, since I'll just buy according to which version gets the better reviews and/or which version people I want to play online with get :p
LOL you think selling 700k in NA in 1 month equates to them practically having to give it away? and they beat the 360 last month by 80k units and they beat them by 139k in September. But you need to take in consideration at the fact that since the price cut the PS3 has done extremely well and I don't think it's in danger of becoming a giveaway product.

I agree. If anything, right now the PS3 is clearly the better value in terms of what you get for your money. Beyond just the games, for $299 you get Wifi and bluray in PS3, along with that 120GB hard drive, whereas 360 wants another $100 for Wifi (which is fucking absurd) and bluray isn't an option.

Now, I realize bluray isn't on the want list for most people, myself included (Only way I'd buy the bluray version of any movie is if it was the same price or at most $1 more than a regular DVD), but Wifi is a nice option to have. And come on, even the DS has it built in, and that came out in 2004 at $149 for fuck's sake :)
i wonder if worldwide sales of ps3/360 are even atm, im inclined to think worldwide the ps3 has dominated in the past 3-4 months overall, but then again everyone here thinks npd is be all and end all!!
LOL you think selling 700k in NA in 1 month equates to them practically having to give it away? and they beat the 360 last month by 80k units and they beat them by 139k in September. But you need to take in consideration at the fact that since the price cut the PS3 has done extremely well and I don't think it's in danger of becoming a giveaway product.

the slim model should have jumped PS3 ahead of 360 much longer than just 2 months if it was to ever make a real surge in overall sales
i wonder if worldwide sales of ps3/360 are even atm, im inclined to think worldwide the ps3 has dominated in the past 3-4 months overall, but then again everyone here thinks npd is be all and end all!!

According to VGChartz, no, 360 is still about 5+ million ahead of PS3. This was true a year or so ago too, but then 360 surged ahead to become 8-9 million ahead of PS3, but the recent price drops and introduction of the slim have helped them make up some difference.

I doubt we'll ever see either system massively outsell the other, and as for catching up with Wii, I think that neither has even the slimmest hope.
the slim model should have jumped PS3 ahead of 360 much longer than just 2 months if it was to ever make a real surge in overall sales

Much longer than 2 months? 2 out of the 3 months the PS3 has outsold the 360 by a hefty margin I think it's way to soon to come to any kind of conclusion like you suggest.

But the thing your not considering is the fact that Sony is looking at Global sales, granted the U.S. market is the most important but both are at 13 mill in Europe and the PS3 is ahead in Japan by 3mill. So all in all I'm sure they are happy with where the PS3 is currently, being the 360 has had 1 year extra to contribute to those numbers and the fact that the damn thing started out at 600bucks I'd be pretty damn happy if I was Sony..

But I'm not defending them because I have Sony tatooed on my ass, I do own 1 and a Wii and 2 360's but as long as MS/Sony are doing good we get good games period and that's the only thing I care about as far as the numbers are concerned.
i wonder if worldwide sales of ps3/360 are even atm, im inclined to think worldwide the ps3 has dominated in the past 3-4 months overall, but then again everyone here thinks npd is be all and end all!!

I agree if someone doesn't live in the other 2 important regions they dismiss them an that's just not the case from a company's point of view.
Poorest selling in NA definitely. Good thing it's leading the market in quality of first party support.

It's sad to me how Nintendo puts up those numbers and there are so few games worth playing on the system. It's building a massive install base, but its library doesn't compare to PS2 at all.

X360 is plugging along. Not much growth from last year. Software sales are as good as ever. If Natal flops, which I expect, they will begin pivoting for the next console refresh. They're slipping fast in the graphics arms race.

They played a new segment of GoW3 and said the graphics are way better than Uncharted 2 and that it looks like a PS4 game. Supposedly we get to see this in January.

I"m sorry but I just laughed out loud at work, in my office, and attracted attention. You cannot be serious?

They're slipping fast in the graphics arms race.

Slipping fast? And your proof of this is a link to an article (on a site that has 0 credibility in the gaming community) where N'Gai played the game and said it looks way better than Uncharted 2? I'm not sure you understand how this works.

1. Some dudes opinion is not fact.
2. The 360 has a more powerful video card than the PS3.
3. God of War 3 has been on display since E3 (where I personally played it), and since demo'd to many Sony Playstation 3 owners. It is not PS4 quality, it is not a painting to come to life like Jaffe said.

God of War 3 no doubt looks flat out amazing, but it is nothing more than what we've already seen, or what I've played with my own two hands. Visually its outstanding, but this single game is not setting the Xbox 360 platform back 1 bit.

If you mean to say that you want to compare graphics from an unreleased AAA huge budget 2010 game against already released 360 titles... you're crazy. You see, almost without a doubt Microsoft and their first party studios are working on titles are will be just as pretty. Let us not forget the countless graphical comparisons between PS3/360 games over the past 2 years, where nearly every time the 360 was the platform with the edge. One game from Sony isnt going to unlock magical fairys within, that cast spells of graphical grandure. "The power of the PS3" ..?? The Cell? A few extra cores and weaker GPU? More like, a AAA developer given the budget, and the time to spend every waking moment polishing their game, and optimizing it to run as best as possible before releasing it.

What Sony has going with God of War 3 is a AAA IP that is going to sell millions, but it isn't going to hurt Microsoft nor the Xbox 360 platform one bit. Every game that runs on the PS3 can very easily run on the Xbox 360, and vise versa. Fact. This whole, "Only possible on the PS3" shit is well ... shit. Marketing bullshit to control the weaker hive mind. .

Stop getting caught up in the hype, and learn to read between the bullshit.
Much longer than 2 months? 2 out of the FIRST 3 months the PS3 has outsold the 360 by a hefty margin I think it's way to soon to come to any kind of conclusion like you suggest. .

2 out of the FIRST 3 months, and sure its a little early to jump to conclusions but it certainly doesn't look good. But lets break it down at a high level.

Microsoft has been outselling Sony and PS3 the majority of the year. Sony has had a few good months here and there in 2008/2009 but 3rd place overall. The PS3 is a better value per dollar than the 360, however the 360 is priced lower and Sony has been bleeding dry most of the generation.

Everyone is wondering, "When is Sony going to do something about it?"

September 2009, they do. They introduce the PS3 Slim and announced a $100 price drop. Crowd goes crazy. First month NPDs are decent, but not a full months worth of data so the numbers weren't as high as some expected for the great Sony return.

Month 2, October 2009 NPD hits, and the PS3 outsells the 360 by 80,000 units. Not crushing, but damn good. Crowd goes crazy. November NPD, crowd sits in anticipation as Sony should have crushed the 360 in one of the biggest selling months of the entire year. Finally Sony's sacrifice, hard work, PS3 Slim and price drop will kick off the return of the king!!!!

November NPD hits, 360 outsells the PS3. Crowd laughs.In one of the biggest months of the year for sales, just weeks after a massive shift in strategy, a new slim SKU at a $100 cheaper price point, and tens of millions in very good advertising... Sony and PS3 fall short. 109,000 short to be exact.

This is the breakdown, you know.. I know it. Don't try to spin some damage control on us with any type of excuse. The fact remains that just weeks after the Slim and price drop, in November... they fall short.

So while its certainly too early to call it quits for th PS3 this generation.. it does not look good.
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To be fair, Microsoft banned many people forcing morons to buy the 360 again (Which I'll never understand.. rebuying a console you were banned on) during this month.
To be fair, Microsoft banned many people forcing morons to buy the 360 again (Which I'll never understand.. rebuying a console you were banned on) during this month.

Rebuying a console they voluntarily modified, broke EULA on and enjoy playings on game.

Also, do you have any numbers or proof to back up your statement?
To be fair, Microsoft banned many people forcing morons to buy the 360 again (Which I'll never understand.. rebuying a console you were banned on) during this month.

Yer probably half of the november 360 sales were previously banned owners buying new lmao
Yer probably half of the november 360 sales were previously banned owners buying new lmao

That seems, at best, speculative, and is hardly a concept that anyone can work intelligently with.

That said, what really surprises me about PS3 coming in third is that their black friday bundles at a *bunch* of retailers were just flat out WAY better than 360 bundles. All I can think is, they must have sold a *shitload* of Arcade systems.
The 360 numbers being above the Ps3 aren't that impressive. It's still cheaper at 199, and the amount of consumers replacing their system is probably higher than you'd see from any other console numbers, with the exception of the DS. People just love to blow their loads whenever a new DS comes out.

It's quite clear that Nintendo is still kicking complete ass and we'll probably see another million Mario Bros. sold in December, along with another million+ units of the Wii and DS. The amount of money they have brought in this generation is unbelievable. One can only imagine that a Wii successor is currently in the pipeline featuring a streamlined online system and HD graphics. I swear, I'd play mine more if the online didn't suck.
It seems like the majority of [H] Dragon Age players are playing it on the PC. Anyone know how well they sold on the PC?
Slipping fast? I'm not sure you understand how this works.

God of War 3 is dropping in 3 months and has better graphics than anything around. X360 never even caught up with Uncharted 2 and the PS3 is already setting the bar higher.

2. The 360 has a more powerful video card than the PS3.

And RSX plus its coprocessor Cell is more powerful than X360. We've known this for years. PS3 is more powerful but harder to program. Well the first party devs are really getting a handle on things, and with the latest Edge tools, even third party devs will soon be efficiently using the SPEs to assist in various tasks.

3. God of War 3 has been on display since E3 (where I personally played it), and since demo'd to many Sony Playstation 3 owners. It is not PS4 quality, it is not a painting to come to life like Jaffe said.

You haven't played what they played. I've played the GoW3 demo, and while it looked incredible, it's allegedly one of the least impressive areas in the game. The article I linked to is describing sections of the game the public has never seen. The E3 demo was practically alpha. It's God of War. Looking at how much they pushed the PS2, I have no reason to doubt GoW3 will achieve a new standard in state of the art console graphics.

If you mean to say that you want to compare graphics from an unreleased AAA huge budget 2010 game against already released 360 titles... you're crazy. You see, almost without a doubt Microsoft and their first party studios are working on titles are will be just as pretty.

I don't care if the port of a PC game looks slightly less worse on 360 than PS3.
I buy consoles for the exclusives. The substandard ports reflect badly on the developer.

Magic fairy dust ? These games are out now, Uncharted 2, or announced and coming soon, GT5, Heavy Rain, GoW3. What's MS working on ? Secret 360 games that's going to finally beat the graphics of the PS3 exclusives ? The best looking game for 360 next year will likely be Halo Reach, and I doubt it will match PS3's 2009 games.

The system is easy to program, they had lots of early gains, but we haven't seen the graphics improve considerably since Gears of War. The PS3 hw has more legs. I can totally understand the metaphor of GoW3 looking like a PS4 game. They mean it looks way beyond other games this generation.

And if all it takes is a big check and time, why hasn't MS funded a first party game to "show us what it can really do ?"

and learn to read between the bullshit.

raw xbot fan rage much ?
God of War 3 is dropping in 3 months and has better graphics than anything around. X360 never even caught up with Uncharted 2 and the PS3 is already setting the bar higher.

And RSX plus its coprocessor Cell are more powerful than X360. Source: John Carmack

You haven't played what they played. I've played the GoW3 demo, and while it looked incredible, it's allegedly one of the least impressive areas in the game. The article I linked to is describing sections of the game the public has never seen. The E3 demo was practically alpha. It's God of War. Looking at how much they pushed the PS2, I have no reason to doubt GoW3 will achieve a new standard in state of the art console graphics.

I don't care if the port of a PC game looks slightly less worse on 360 than PS3.
I buy consoles for the exclusives. The substandard ports reflect badly on the developer.

Magic fairy dust ? These games are out now, Uncharted 2, or announced and coming soon, GT5, Heavy Rain, GoW3. What's MS working on ? Secret 360 games that's going to finally beat the graphics of the PS3s exclusives ? The best looking game for 360 next year will likely be Halo Reach, and I doubt it will even beat KZ2 in graphics.

The system is easy to program, they had lots of early gains, but we haven't seen the graphics improve considerably since Gears of War. The PS3 hw has more legs. I can totally understand the metaphor of GoW3 looking like a PS4 game. They mean it looks way beyond other games this generation.

And if all it takes is a big check and time, why hasn't MS funded a first party game to "show us what it can really do ?"

raw xbot fan rage much ?

Perhaps in the same way as you're a complete PS3 fanboy who ignores facts. Seriously, dude: RSX (geforce 7600GTish)+ Cell more powerful than 360? OK, let's have the PROOF. See, I think the proof is in the pudding, and the pudding we've seen so far? Tastes pretty goddamn similar console to console. Now, if you want to compare GPU to GPU, PS3 simply doesn't hold up. Same if you compare CPU floating point-360 doesn't hold up-yet if you compare CPU integer performance, PS3 is creamed.

The bottom line is this: PS3 and 360 are pretty much *equals*. That's been demonstrated time and time again. Get over it.
Seriously, dude: RSX (geforce 7600GTish)+ Cell more powerful than 360? OK, let's have the PROOF.

Not that 'RSX is a 7600GT' line that was thoroughly debunked by game developers at B3D ? RSX has more computational power than a 7800GTX. Descriptively, it's closer to a bandwidth limited 7800/7900 than a 7600GT.
It's the high end Geforce 7 chip compromised for 720p. I'll remind you Xenos' rops and memory interface were cut down too.

And the proof PS3 is the more powerful console, is expert witness John Carmack. It's not a debatable point. Since the launch, we've known PS3 is more powerful than X360 on paper. For the first year or so, X360 games looked better because nobody was doing much with the exotic PS3 hw. It's a cakewalk for a PC developer to jump into making X360 games. You need to have the skills to make PS3 games. ND are finally getting 0% idle time across all SPEs. It's still evolving. PS3 games in 2011-12 will look better than GoW3. ;)
If Natal flops, which I expect, they will begin pivoting for the next console refresh. They're slipping fast in the graphics arms race
Haven't any of you learnt by now that graphics / power don't mean shit to sales?

Xbox > Gamecube > PS2. Winner? PS2
PSP > DS. Winner? DS

MS will move to the next gen when they feel like they're not going to be able to make any more money, or they feel it gives them a significant advantage. As for Natal, it probably wont be a success, but the 360 redesign (likely) and massive marketing campaign will be enough to give the machine a significant bump through the holidays next year and take it fairly strongly into its 6th year.