NPD Sales for October

I expect the Wii to continue to kick ass in sales and be hard to find until maybe around late spring/summer. After that a price drop may be in order and this time next year it may still be in short supply.

The demand for this console is much higher than anyone could ever imagine.
I expect the Wii to continue to kick ass in sales and be hard to find until maybe around late spring/summer. After that a price drop may be in order and this time next year it may still be in short supply.

The demand for this console is much higher than anyone could ever imagine.
Perfect example is the amazon vote for the sale marketting gimmick on turkey day. With all consoles being 60$ a part (sale price), the wii (79$) is dominating with a vote of 56%. This is compared to Xbox Arcade 14% (99$) and PS3 28% (139$). I have no doubt even if they priced all consoles at the same price, or made the wii the more expensive model, the wii would still be winning just due to the short supply constant media coverage.
This makes me doubt any price cuts, just keep supply lower than demand. This is similar to every christmas with the high demand, short supply toys like Tickle me Elmo. However, nintendo has kept this up since release. Actually I don't knock the system as if I was a business person I would do the same. No reason to ramp up production if you are filling your quota, run the risk of having to reduce production in case of a shift, and getting free marketting coverage.
Seriously, any gamer would pick up the PS3 at 139$, vs a wii at 79$, but with all the hype everyone wants the wii:)