Now that shadowrun is out


Jan 30, 2006
I heard that the pc version doesn't have a crosshair to try and balance and gameplay with 360 players. Can anyone confirm this? Also how do you guys like the game so far? Please say whether you're playing on 360 or pc
playing the 360 version. Ive got a quality pc, but I'm moving so I bought it for the 360 cause its about the only thing left standing I can game on currently.

Bought this game basically cause a friend said it was cool and something I'd enjoy. In fact it is. I think the flag in the middle type game setting is awful, but the raid game type is actually fan and takes on a more Cstrike or CTF style.

Going through the training modes and bot matches helps you understand the different combinations of powers available for the different role players in the game. Much like team fortress where the roles are very well defined and if one person is off goofing around then it is noticed. Right now the public servers are just spam and not a whole lot of team work.

I'm hoping that this will stop and people begin to figure out the gameplay because if you play the Raid type in bot matches you have the bots working with you and the opposition bots working against you the game is very fun to attack or defend.

This game was also my first game to own that was attack/defend style instead of just normal CTF or object based map dominance like bf2. I'd say that it only gives more hope to TF2 being successful.

If you are trying to find a game to wait on till September this might be the one for you.
PC user here: The game is fun, I spent four hours on it the first night. The first three hours consisted of me getting owned like I never have in a FPS. I finally got a positive KDR in the final hour. The next day I played through the six tutorials and thought, "Damn, I should've done the tutorials in the first place." So if any of you buy this game, make sure to do the tutorials first. If you try to play the game with knowledge of past fps's, you will only experience about 25% of the game play. The magic and tech that is available to you ala CS buy menus will become so much more clear when you run through each chapter.

Frame per second is limited to 30 FPS, kinda like command and conquer 3 is.
The 360 version gets auto-aim, while the PC version gets reduced accuracy with accuracy blowout and recoil. I don't know why anyone would buy the gimped PC version. Kind of annoying that Microsoft has to cheat to make the 360 look good.
Couldnt there be a way to get rid of the mouse messups by altering an ini like in the configs like quake?
Couldnt there be a way to get rid of the mouse messups by altering an ini like in the configs like quake?

I don't notice the mouse lag that some people have mentioned. In terms of accuracy, I can't say for sure whether the pc version is gimped from the 360 as I haven't tried the 360 version yet. All I know is that I stopped using the sub-machinegun after a few tries because I felt the aim was very off. The recoil feels worse than any other shooter. Then again, there's a "tech" you can purchase that allows you to be assisted in your aiming. It's kinda like auot-aim, but not really. As long as your target is near the enemy and you're firing, the cursor will stay trained on it. This tech also shuts off the firing if your cursos goes over a friendly player, so that you won't get negative points for team damage.

Games are 8 versus 8 and at the end of each match, I'm usually one of the top 3 scores. They may have neutured the pc version (is this proven?) but not enough to make me suck.
Then again, there's a "tech" you can purchase that allows you to be assisted in your aiming. It's kinda like auot-aim, but not really.

That sounds allot like a thing the pnp game had back in the 80's. It was like being jacked into your gun to give you better aim. I take it there is no hacking in the game with decks, its just shooting and magic?
That sounds allot like a thing the pnp game had back in the 80's. It was like being jacked into your gun to give you better aim. I take it there is no hacking in the game with decks, its just shooting and magic?

Yeah, there are no decks.

I would kill for a game with them though (forcing teams to split, some in the real world, and some jacked in, though not at all times necessarily!). I can totally envision how it could be done, and it could have game play for everyone. The real world would be slow and tactical, kind of like Rainbow Six, while when you were jacked in it would be fast paced, much like this 360/PC version of Shadowrun.

Missions would be more varied, and the real-world team and the deckers would have to work together to succeed, timing assaults, holding positions, controlling cameras or turrets, protecting deckers while they were hacking stuff, destroying or capturing locations, etc.

The defensive team would always be smaller, but they would have remote turret defenses, cameras, a central command point, and their deckers would be less likely to get burned, as well as moving faster because of better access to the network.

It could be pretty cool if done right.
That sounds allot like a thing the pnp game had back in the 80's. It was like being jacked into your gun to give you better aim. I take it there is no hacking in the game with decks, its just shooting and magic?

shooting / magic / tech and the katana. When your shotty runs out of ammo at close range, just pull out the katana and slice. If you catch someone unaware with your blade, it's a one shot kill. You see blood squirt from their neck... pretty cool.
:rolleyes: I have played through the tutorials and think that the game is great. Fast paced like quake 3. Didn't have any problem with lag or fps. Ran smooth. You can always buy a xbox game pad to play on pc if you want to have the same feel as Xbox360. Only issue I have had is that Games for Windows live is not letting me log on to play multiplayer. I have complained to MS and Shadowrun admins. They say it may take some time to fix but, me and some other ppl with same error think it has to do with the NIC that we have. LIVE dosn't like PCI-I express cards. This card is on most of your ASUS motherboards, or is on board NIC. Well it shouldn't be much longer before this is error is fixed but until then I wont be able to play multiplayer.
I viewed a few video reviews from gamespot and they stated that both the pc version and 360 version get a 'auto aim' function that deters both the mouse and controller to make them comparable to one another. Hows the graphics looking? I plan on purchasing this with my next paycheck to try out on my new tv.
Yeah, there are no decks.

I would kill for a game with them though (forcing teams to split, some in the real world, and some jacked in, though not at all times necessarily!). I can totally envision how it could be done, and it could have game play for everyone. The real world would be slow and tactical, kind of like Rainbow Six, while when you were jacked in it would be fast paced, much like this 360/PC version of Shadowrun.

Missions would be more varied, and the real-world team and the deckers would have to work together to succeed, timing assaults, holding positions, controlling cameras or turrets, protecting deckers while they were hacking stuff, destroying or capturing locations, etc.

The defensive team would always be smaller, but they would have remote turret defenses, cameras, a central command point, and their deckers would be less likely to get burned, as well as moving faster because of better access to the network.

It could be pretty cool if done right.

There is a Half-Life 2 mod called Dystopia where you can deck in. It's a pretty decent game.
I viewed a few video reviews from gamespot and they stated that both the pc version and 360 version get a 'auto aim' function that deters both the mouse and controller to make them comparable to one another. Hows the graphics looking? I plan on purchasing this with my next paycheck to try out on my new tv.

The "auto aim" function is a "tech" that you can purchase, like a gun, to help your aiming. The drawbacks are that it creates a laser sight stream from your eyes, which can give away your position.

Graphics are good, nothing spetacular, but enjoyable.