Now that Carmack is developing primarily on XBox 360

After iD realized they could make more money selling engines rather than designing games, that is when they sold their soul to God Money. It doesn't matter if it's Microsoft, Sony or Nintendo. It's whoever is going to pay off more in the end.
True True... doom 3 was just eye candy engine. HL2 engine was way better though... but wait

they concentrating more on engines now? (devoid the dissapointing fact of D3) what gonna happen to those up coming games?
AMDGeek said:
carmack developing mostly for xbox 360....

Microsoft basically bought iD...

or maybe they actually made a product that works well for developers...

but do you have any proof he gave ID money? If not, then probably best to leave the blatantly random accusationsto yourself.
tacomaboy said:
or maybe they actually made a product that works well for developers...

but do you have any proof he gave ID money? If not, then probably best to leave the blatantly random accusationsto yourself.

Well said, because that's how pure untrue rumors get started. People really need to quit putting words in Carmacks mouth, and quit claiming things about him that they have no idea about. Look at the cell processor, and you can clearly see why it would be a PITA to develop games for. I don't even have a clue how those things work, and it can't be as easy to program for vs. the 3 core IBM processor in the Xbox 360. I just can't wait to see what's coming out next from ID, as they probably arn't sitting around letting Unreal 3 steal all of the headlines when it comes out next year. Doom 3 was an incredible game, and the xbox version was actually more fun. For those of you who have really negative opinions about it, I just won't understand your POV because it really was a great game. Have any of you noticed how well developed and bug free it was? D3 was probably the least buggiest game i've ever purchased for a PC or Xbox.
5150Joker said:
Looks like us PC guys will get second hand xbox 360 engines from id in the future. Guess that's one high profile dev. gone to the dark side of console gaming. Guess PC gaming really is on the decline when you have important devs shift over to the shitty console platform.

The Doom of PC gaming again I guess :D.

Seriously there is several better game engines than the Doom 3 engine out there already so its absolutely no disaster. Especially if John Carmack and ID now will start developing for Xbox 360 that is not a loss either.
junehhan said:
Exactly, as there probably arn't too many more guys other than him that know as much. I myself am shifting myself away from PC gaming to console gaming with the Xbox 360. Until recently, i've been a diehard PC gamer due to the lack of very many decent games on consoles. Now that some of the best game developers in the world are focusing on consoles, I don't see any more reason to game on a PC. I'm just sick of compatibility issues with everything, having to tweek the hell out of my computer for some games, and the bugginess of many computer PC titles. Besides, i'm on a limited budget and console gaming is a LOT cheaper.
no offense... but from your sig... doesnt look like you have a very tight budget...

i dunno about everyone else in the thread whos "moving" over to console gaming... but im just gonna get a 360 and let time tell which will have better gaming...