Notepad replacement in linux


Limp Gawd
Oct 15, 2003
just like the title says, what is the best "notepad" replacement in linux

Something along the lines of notepad2 hopefully or maybe even metapad

nothing like vi or emacs please, just a nice graphical notepad replacement, prefereably with automatic syntax coloring

im using nedit now, and i used to like gedit, but im looking to not install gnome as of now
kate is nice, kwrite too.

kate changes the colors of the text if that's what you mean by 'syntax coloring'.

ie) in my java program for cs2, the names of methods are different colors, as well as stuff in System.out.println.

i just opened the same file in kate and gedit. there is definitely more coloring with gedit than kate.

:confused: hope this helps :confused:
Kate is my choice for most things. What, exactly, will you do with it?
Screenshot here.
(Taken in windows through the wonders of X-forwarding over ssh and cygwin/X.)

I suggest you try a few and find one that suits you.
For simple editing jobs:
  • From the commandline: joe
  • From within Gnome: gedit
  • From within KDE: kate

For more complex work, it depends on what I'm working on but both Bluefish and Quanta are nice for web-work (HTML, CSS, PHP).