Notebook will not connect to internet

Oct 23, 2006
I have a Dell 4150 work notebook that will not connect to the internet at home. I have tried both wired and wireless connections to my router. It connects to my network but not the internet. I don't know what to do. This just happened recently, because I have been using it at home for a couple years. They use a proxy server at work so I always have to go to internet options and uncheck the box that says use a proxy server for your lan. Can somebody give me any advice. Let me know if more info is needed.
It may be your browser itself or your winsock2 has become corrupt. Try this from a command window
netsh winsock reset catalog
or Try LSPfix
or try another browser

also check the obvious like DNS and gateway settings by running ipconfig/all in a command window
I am having the same problem with fire fox. Everything looked ok in ipconfig, what should I be looking for? Netsh winsock reset catalog did not help. Any other ideas?
did you try the lspfix I mentioned
or there is another utility tcp/ip repair here
or read more to diagnose and fix here
or do a google search for more articles here

can you ping an internet ip address such as (

what are your default gateway and dns server settings, do they match the settings on other working computers?
Alright heres something a little weird. The dns servers were the same. But the working machine did not have a default gateway. Yes I tried the isp fix. I dont think this is the winsock thing because my pc does not have any of those symptoms. Is there anything that could be going on besides that that is messing with my internet connection?
Not knowing what commands that lspfix utility runs behind the scenes...I've found this TCP/Winsock rebuild utility to work well...
Basically does the "netsh" rebuild for you...restoring TCP stack to virgin state. Not only for internet browsing issues..but for other network related issues like improper DHCP client behavior such as you appear to have.
If you are on running DHCP, try hard coding all of your settings. Just use an IP that is on the same subnet but out of the DHCP range. Also hard code subnet mask, gateway and DNS.. Then try to ping that IP address I gave you in a previous post.. If it pings OK then it should be OK or start to look at other causes..
have you tried simply uninstalling and reinstalling each network device?

I just got in a dell in from a friend with problems connecting .. but in their case dell had its own program superseding windows built in wireless controls that was screwing up wireless functionality ...uninstalling the dell wireless from add/remove and then going to device manager to make sure wireless wasn't still showing and then scan for hardware changes allowing windows to reinstall device on its ow fixed it .

... with onboard broadcom it wouldn't even acknowledge I had a network cable plugged into it and I thought it was fried ... unistalled it and let windows reinstall the device and then it was all good to go and both are working great now..

..not quite the same problem as what your currently experiencing tho

Hard Coded all the settings. Here are the results of the ping. Not good.:(
Any more suggestions? I have never faced a problem like this. The computer shows no signs of a problem and it was working just fine before.
can it connect to the interenet from some other place other than your home?

you said you can connect and browse your home network just fine?

can you ping your gateway just fine?

what was the last thing you remember doing (or maybe someone else did) to your network or on your network or on your Dell laptop prior to your problem starting?

Well the last thing I remember was trieing to share the connection to my xbox with my notebook using a wifi card and the xbox connecting to the network port of my laptop. Thats when I realized I was not getting an internet connection. I dont know if I could get on the internet before that or not. No I can not ping my gateway.
I can also ping that google address given above. I can even connect to this pc with remote desktop. BUT I still cannot connect to the internet. I really need help!
..but you can't ping "" ?

if not, then sounds like a dns problem perhaps.:confused:

if that is the case , then double check your dns settings .. if unsure you could use's servers for testing (only ones I know other than my own ISP's dns servers:rolleyes: )

..and double check internet options to see if your trying to use a proxy or not ..
I can ping google. And do not have the proxy box checked. This is such a weird thing. What else is there to try?
Yea a bunch of times since it is a laptop. This showed me another problem.:rolleyes: My battery is totally shot. I unplugged the charger and it shut down.:eek: This internet thing has really stumped me though. I just cant come up with a solution.