Not Sure Where To Post This But I Need Some Help From Computer Pros


Jul 22, 2008
I'm honestly not too sure where I should be posting a question of this nature, but I do have a couple questions in regards to computer careers and the technological world. First I would like to start that I am a senior from a small school in Massachusetts. I am primarily a Business major with a minor in applied computing. I am looking to gain more knowledge outside of the classes that I have taken or will be taking. These classes range from Databse Concepts, Advanced Computer Applications (Powerpoint, Word, Access, Excel,etc.), Indesign, etc. What do you know about the COMPTIA Certifications I was thinking aboutstudying and getting this starter-like certification. Now I also wanted to know if anyone has hard of any online like tutorials for something like this or in order to learn SQL. I feel like most of my classes have given me some basics but nothing too specific. I have the time my last semester and I really would like to broaden my knowledge.

What has helped "you all" learn SQL, first and foremost, and are their any online tutorial like classes out there that would help me in my endeavors. I am not looking for the cheapest way to do this, but the most effective. Thanks for your time and more importantly for the input.
Well, for learning SQL, the easiest and most effective way is to simply get your hands dirty.

Find something worth putting into a database and have at it. Start with something like your cd collection, or since you're in college, you're mp3 collection ;). Then after you make your first database, start making it better; more detailed and easier to use. When questions come up, hit up Google or if all else, ask here.
For info on the Comptia and other certifications is a good resource for IT certifications.

I have the A+, Net+, and Security+ as my comptia certs, they all provide a nice groundwork for their various subjects. Pick up a book and start reading.

I don't know a whole lot about SQL so I'll leave that to the pros.
As with most computer related study, learn by doing.

Get yourself a testbed machine that you can mess up and re-format with ease, get your hands on some express software (the microsoft .net stuff is brilliant) and dive in, find some good tutorials and just play and play.

The best way to learn is to make a small application, learn something like C# along side SQL or play with, then you can improve upon your skills by slowly improving upon your work. I remember trying to learn Microsoft Foxpro and actually wrote an applicationt to solve Sudoku puzzles :)

Microsoft have some pretty good documentation for their products, and quite a lot of online tutorials as well, take a look through their developers centre, plenty info to get you started.
well, too lazy to check my Freebsd books for possible chapter(s) on SQL in server
setup. in FreeBSD, the primary sql are postgresql(8) and mysql AFAIK. I have
about 8 ports (think: Freeware ) which use pg8 (postgresql-8) but never the 4 hours to setup the
databases properly (nor learning sql.) Just googled the $30
Introduction to SQL: Mastering the Relational Database Language (4th ed. pprback)
and I would probably buy it if 1... I had the time to install pg8 properly and
2.. If I knew I was going to be working with the installed databases more than
just testing or casual use.
linux VS freebsd
mysql VS postgresql (or sqlite etc if it also uses SQL)
less-unix-learning-curve with a Windows sql version