Not CHEAP this time


Limp Gawd
Dec 28, 2008
I have gone even more in debt by not being completely CHEAP. New X3 720 at $140 form Microcenter, new Asrock 790Gx DDR2 mobo from ewiz/superbiiz that I had to RMA and have to test and set up the new system, new but sitting around for awhile mid tower that is sturdy but was CHEAP with a PSU I use at work, and 1 used Diamond single slot green HD 4850 for $101 and 1 used HIS red single slot HD 4850 for $101 found on Fleabay (the green Diamond runs cool OCed a bit, but I have good case cooling and ventialtion in my El Cheapo old case with hundreds of holes in the side panels). I guess I was not completely un-Cheap, so the CHEAP rating may still apply. :D:p:rolleyes: Cheaper than $400 to $1,000 overpriced CPUs anyway, and vid. cards etc., but still good performance.

If it was 1970 or so I would just go rob a bank in Ohio, or Chicago, or Indiana, then retire back to Detroit and vicinity, a cheap way of making some quick $. There were no interstate bank-robbing laws back then. :rolleyes:

That X3 720 will be OK me hopes. Lot number is 9114 and not 0904, so I don't know about the 4th core unlocking.
9114? I don't think that stepping is possible. I have an 0904, which means manufactured in 4th week of 09.

Your 9114 is telling my 14th week of 1991? Highly unlikely
Yes, you're right. It is indeed 0904 on my CPU. The 09114 is at the end of the third line on the heat spreader, and that is not the production date. I looked quickly at the store and mixed the numbers up when recalling them. Casual glance etc., plus I now have very screwy vision in comparison to just a few years ago. :eek:

So, I do have the the same production time period. And yeah, I have the explanation data of the AMD codes on the heat spreaders of their CPU's.:D
You might even be able to unlock the extra core with your motherboard. It's worth a shot, and your stepping is a good candidate for it being successful.

Good Luck!
Hi, Yeah, maybe, and if so would be nice if the 4th core was stable up to 3.4GHz, but if not, I guess 3-cores will be just fine. I think I read here or somewhere else that the Asrock 790Gx DDR2 mobo was capable of unlocking the 4th core. I just have to get the system together (I hate loading OS and lengthy software programs).