Northwood OC'ing


Sep 5, 2005
Anyone have a northwood? I took my 3.06 to 3.22ghz (just got this system last night, playing today) but havent tried any further. Think ill be able to hit 3.4-3.6? Ive got decent air cooling, at 3.2ghz it idles 38c, loads around 46ish. I havent had an Intel system since the slot 1 celeron days.
i have a 2.6 ive had close to 3.2 stable. but i run it at 3.0 . its cool under 30c on idle and around 33 34 on load
Cool, any idea what this cores wall is, where most people cant get past?
you guys seem to have much better luck than me. my 2.6c is running at around 3ghz. during the winter months, when it gets colder in my apartment, i can bump it up to 3.1. i think my crappy ram and crappy mobo are holding me back. my temps are 44C at load and 35ish at idle. northwoods seem to run pretty cool.
About a year ago i was using a northwood 3.4GHz P4, and that thing was FAST and cool. 24/7 OC was 3.94GHz using G.skill PC4400 and an Asus P4C800E DLX. Idle @ 28c load @ 35c
2.4 @ 3.0, I think it would go easily higher but I think my memory is holding me back. :(
Mine never has overclocked worth a damn.
After 2 1/2 years of fiddling with it every once in a while, I've figured out that its a memory problem. Actually, my RAM won't even run at CL 2 like its supposed to at STOCK speeds, so yeah.
The chip has been nothing but awesome though. Before this rig, I had a slot type athlon classic 750, and that thing was INSANELY hot. As was my PIII 1.3 laptop, obviously. Moving to the 3.0C which hangs well below 40 C even at load was very, very nice. Just the stupid RAM holding me back. Should have figured that out and sent it back or sold it years ago. Oh well. Just won't by Corsair again.
Mine never really oc'ed that crazy either.

[email protected] (232FSB) is the highest 24hr. Prime I can do. Even at 234 Prime will crash after a few minutes. But 232 can run all day.

It's not my RAM either. At first I had Geil PC3500, but in anticipation of my s939 AMD future upgrade, I bought some G.Skill PC4400. Both of those types of RAM peaked at the 232FSB, no matter what divider (it would crash anytime I used a divider) or how much voltage. I've run memtest on all the modules and there are no errors.

If I set it to a 240FSB I can boot into windows, but it will restart after about a minute.

I've tried pumpin' the CPU full of volts too (up to 1.6), but that doesn't seem to help.

My guess is it's just the max the CPU or my Abit IS7 can do.

Never been able to test the chip on another board, so I guess I'll never know. :eek:
I'm running my 3.0c on a droop modded p4p800 and i can get like 3.6 stable(1.65v) but i think its the crappy motherboard holding the 3.0c back. Asus cant make a motherboard with stable voltage to save themselves. I wanted a max3 but they sold out before i got enough cashes :(

Apart from that, this chip is friggin awesome. At 3.55, under full load, it gets 35c and it idles at about 27c and at night that goes to about 21 idle :)

Intel ditching the northwood was the most stupid mistake, the prescott sucks compared to the funkiness of the northy.
Well, I have a problem with my samsung rdram so I cant play with my northwood for awhile :( Gettin another board so I can use ddr that ive got lying around, and then ill be able to see what I can get.