Nooo My Baby Died


Limp Gawd
Jun 23, 2005
i was doing some extream overclocking on my amd 3K and got it up to 2.5 from 1.8 and restarted ran a check disk ,check disk finished pc rebooted ,right after the windows logo screen finished and windows load its a black screen and gives me a error message " services.exe failed to load because msvcp60.dll was missing" or something close to it
errr i dont know what to do
Maybe better suited to the OC forum, but try the obvious first. Reset the bios to default. Then you can try replacing the file with one from another machine, or you can download it from the net somewhere.

If that doesnt work, then you can try doing a repair install. Repair install's are iffy tho, sometimes they work, sometimes they dont.

The best advice I can give is to test stability with a livecd first. Something like knoppix, that has memtest on it, and prime95. That way if something bad happens, it wonrt crash your main OS.
how do i replace the file? put it on a cd or what? and then what?
or how can i do a repair?
First , i suggest you put the drive into 'slave' on another computer, then back up all the data. Then try resetting cmos. I had that problem when I oc'd too much on my old pc. Ease up on the clocks, and it'll work.
tryied all that still no luck i have a hunch replacing the file will work but how do i get the file replaced?
mrmodman said:
tryied all that still no luck i have a hunch replacing the file will work but how do i get the file replaced?

Plug it into another computer with a working windows install, perhaps?
Try a repair installation of windows?