Noob A64 mobo question


Limp Gawd
Apr 30, 2003
I just got my DFI Lanparty SLI-DR board and I was wondering if I absolutely have to use a 24-pin atx plug to run my machine. I've heard some people just plugging their 20 pin power supplies into their boards and running just fine but I'm not quite as daring.

Thanks for looking :)
[dRu] said:
I just got my DFI Lanparty SLI-DR board and I was wondering if I absolutely have to use a 24-pin atx plug to run my machine. I've heard some people just plugging their 20 pin power supplies into their boards and running just fine but I'm not quite as daring.

Thanks for looking :)

you can use a 20 to 24 pin adaptor, but it is not recommended, because there has been a few incidents where it caused failure to the mobo. But there has been many ppl who have used the adapter and showed no problems. I would personally get a native 24 pin psu. But if you want to take the risk, its your money.
Viper pretty much summed it up.

Would you use one of those 3 pin to 2 pin wall adapters to plug your computer in? I Wouldnt either, even though it would probably work.

I say get a 24 pin PSU.
I thought the extra 4 pins was just for pci-e? on my A8N32 it has a 24 pin atx, also has a molex connector on the mobo, it says you can use a 20pin atx psu, however you must use the molex connector on the board when running in SLI or if the video card you are using does not have the aux power connector on the board.
Since a friend already ordered an adapter for me, I guess I'll just use that to set everything up. I'll definitely look into getting a new psu now though. Any recommendations? :)
[dRu] said:
Since a friend already ordered an adapter for me, I guess I'll just use that to set everything up. I'll definitely look into getting a new psu now though. Any recommendations? :)

It looks like you are wanting SLI or have intentions for it in the Future, I believe OCZ Powerstream versions have a nice SLI system that I have seen many people go with. I would make sure it has dual 12v rails, making it a dual SLI PSU, so it can handle the cards you throw at it.

DO NOT skip out and buy a cheap PSU, Im not saying you have to buy a $300 PSU, but you should definitely get a well known brand that is 24pin Native. If you need for help with choosing take a look at the sticky in the Power Supplies forum, it should help you on what to watch out for and what to stay away from, Good luck!
Viper16 said:
It looks like you are wanting SLI or have intentions for it in the Future, I believe OCZ Powerstream versions have a nice SLI system that I have seen many people go with. I would make sure it has dual 12v rails, making it a dual SLI PSU, so it can handle the cards you throw at it.

DO NOT skip out and buy a cheap PSU, Im not saying you have to buy a $300 PSU, but you should definitely get a well known brand that is 24pin Native. If you need for help with choosing take a look at the sticky in the Power Supplies forum, it should help you on what to watch out for and what to stay away from, Good luck!
I'm starting to have my doubts on even using the adapter after reading some of the threads in the power supplies subforum.

My new components are:
A64 3700+ San Diego
DFI Lanparty SLi-DR
eVGA 7800gt

I don't really plan on using SLI in the near future, but I don't want to fry any of my components for not meeting the minimum system requirements. I guess I'm just going to have to shell out for a 520 OCZ psu *sigh*
also keep in mind that while an NF4 board works with a 20 pin PSU per nvidia, DFI themselves will not support you unless your using a true 24 pin PSU.
They will. I have an A8N-SLI Deluxe and I had an old 20pin PSU until I got my TPII-550. I read on Antec's site that you can put it in the first 20 pins, leaving the bottom 4 empty. It worked just fine for single cards. Dont know about SLI mode. Then I got my TPII and I dont have to worry about it anymore. The extra 4 pins are detachable (which they should be on every V2.0 PSU) so you can use older boards if necessary. I also heard about problems arising with the 20-24 pin adapter. Your best bet is to either see if the DFI board can use 20 pins (for now...i believe all those board would be able to use it...i dont see why not) or get a 24 pin PSU. If you want the abolute best PSU for your money with SLI, PCP&C make really nice ones that have gotten good reviews. I got the Antec becuase it was inexpensive (didnt want to spend 200+ on a PSU) and Antec is a good co as I have never had problems with them before. Ive never gotten any other PSU besides Antec.
I'd expect you're more likey to have problems with a high power draw. SLI & dual core is asking for it. With a Sempron and a 6200 it'd probably be fine.
I'd expect you'll be ok with the 3700+ and one 7800GT, but I'd replace the PSU before overclocking anything.