non-windows xp compatible partition?


Jun 13, 2003
I have a drive in two partitions, one was vista 32 and the other vista 64.

I decided I'd like to delete the 32 bit vista installation and replace it with xp

I delete the partition through the win-xp setup..

I go to create a new partition and it says I'm not able to install on a non-windows xp compatible partition... even after deleting the vista 32 partition.. so I go to boot into vista 64, like normal and I get a boot-disk failure error... so here I am typing this whole post from an iPhone :(

help please!
odd...have you tried deleting/recreating the partition with gparted/etc

this might be related: I know that vista is *EXTREMELY* picky about its partitions. after wiping a previous vista install, its now decided that THE ONLY parition (I have 6 total) that it is allowed to install to is partition 3 on my ancient 80gig drive (slave), yet all my parts are ntfs.
I wiped both partitions on my physical drive, only to get the same results... can I put in another drive, install windows on it, and try to format the drive through disk management?

what is gpartef btw? remember I have no computer... I am posting from my iPhone :/
went and bought a new hdd, still the same error... anyone???

Sorry, but I'm a bit confused..... If I understand correctly, you had a dual boot setup, Vista x86 followed by Vista x64, you deleted the first (Vista x86) partition, and now you are unable to boot into your x64 install, correct?

If so, as the above poster said, Vista is REALLY picky about partitions, and will basically shit on itself if you muck around with them using anything other than the built in partitioning tools....

Try this, boot you XP install disk, and when prompted, choose to save the partition that has your x64 install. That should fix things and enable you to boot back into that partition.... and from there use disk management to resize the partition.

If I'm not understanding your problem, I apologize.....
I ended up deleting both partitions because I didn't have many options.. no big loss.

In the winxp setup I made a new, single partition to install to.

still got the same partition error..

bought a new hard drive and it STILL gave the error, it can't be a vista issue if the same thing is happening on a brand new drive...

could my disk be bad? its not scratched at all...
Here's a screenshot of the error, I finally got onto a computer to post this.


My two HDD setups are in my sigg. 750 for media and 320 for OS

It's saying it needs to write to my 750 in order to make the partition compatible? What the hell?

First of all, disconnect your storage drive while installing.... I know it seems simple, but i cannot count how many times I have seen posts screaming "OMG I LOST ALL MY DATA!!!!" because Windows was installed to the wrong partition...

So, yeah... pull your storage drive out now and try again....
WOW! Thanks, removing my storage drive did the trick!

I can't thank you guys enough.. really!