Nobody started vista desktop screenshot thread?

Hey that's nice,..... I didn't know firefox works on vista already.
Firefox works but you can't use Aero Glass at the same time, it reverts back to Vista basic mode.
Riddlinkidstoner said:
Firefox works but you can't use Aero Glass at the same time, it reverts back to Vista basic mode.

Well that might be for you....but mine works perfectly, there is a Firefox 2.0 RC2 version out atm. Go get it :)
Actually Firefox works just fine with Glass on as well. I'm typing this in that right now.
Riddlinkidstoner said:
Firefox works but you can't use Aero Glass at the same time, it reverts back to Vista basic mode.

Uhhhh. Firefox working perfect here with Aero.
sucks that FF still bounces up and down. if you're having this problem, disable the bookmark toolbar.
FF v2 RC2 on Vista RC2 works great too :)

oh, and an image for the OP

Hows the dvd playback under MPC? I'd switched over to VLC a while back, but Vista dumps out of aero when using it.
mutazx said:
just a 24 :)
hehe, I have just a 24 as well and I don't remember my taskbar being that long. Whatever, 24" RULE!!!!! 1920x1200 FTW!

Now where did you find that wallpaper? I had something similar and I think I got it from I can't remember what the theme was called. There were a few similar wallpapers for the theme.
Even though i'm not much on how pretty a OS interface looks, I have to admit Vista looks cool.