No video signal after turning monitor off and back on...


Jan 17, 2006

I've had one of those nettop atom based mini pcs hooked up to my HDTV for a couple of years now. I always have it on since it doesn't make any noise and uses very little power.

Well a few days ago i've had trouble with it. To put it simply... If i'm using it and I turn the TV off and then back on then I won't get any video signal. I have to turn the computer off and on again. At first I thought it was sleep or monitor standby but they were both set to "never" as I've always had them.

I can use it for hours perfectly but the moment I turn off the TV and then turn it back on later...then no signal again.

It's hooked up through hdmi and has been for a couple of years now. Haven't moved anything in the setup...

Any ideas of what might be causing this?

Possibly vid card.

Could be having trouble detecting the signal when the monitor is turn on, like if the cable got disconnected..

Had a card that did the exact same trouble in m MCE, always detected monitor on boot, if monitor was turn off or unplugged had to reboot to get the signal back
No I think I just found out what the problem TV is failing. I just noticed that it does the same with any device connected over HDMI (ps3/xbox)..................

No I think I just found out what the problem TV is failing. I just noticed that it does the same with any device connected over HDMI (ps3/xbox)..................


sounds like the same thing my left monitor did.. worked fine as long as i kept the monitor on but it survived about 3 weeks of that before it kicked the bucket. cracked it open and found 3 bulging caps. odds are its probably the same thing and if you know how to replace caps it might be worth looking into.
I actually fixed it upgrading the TVs firmware. It's a sony KDL-46S5100 and I've had it for well over a year and it had never given me trouble.

I searched the model number plus "hdmi problem" and found threads with people talking about hdmi handshaking problems. After I upgrading the firmware the TV works perfectly. I didn't even know it had a usb port in the back.

Thank god it was something as simple as that since I have no $$ for a new TV or repairing this one. So if anyone ever has a problem similar to this, check if your TV has a firmware update! lol
