No, tablet, I don't want to activate. Ever.

Sep 17, 2012
Nearly 3 years ago, through some special, work bought 50 tablets through Sprint as some "we're desperate for subscribers, if you buy these for free and keep service on them for 2 years, we'll drop your bill $300 per month". I'm not sure how it worked out, but, whatever. 49 Galaxy Tab 3, and 1 iPad mini.

We should have reversed that, as the Tab 3s were absolute shit, and although we didn't support IOS, they'd have been way more useful. But, that's another issue altogether.

We still have 30 or so of the Tab3 still in their boxes, never having been opened. I picked one up to replace a dying phone that I take to the gym to stream video/music, or read from while I'm in the steamroom/hot tub. I don't care if it (when it) dies due to the inevitable water damage (though I've yet to drop one in water, you can't escape the steam room's damage). But...since it was never activated, and the plan has expired, it won't stop complaining about being activated, and it will never actually BE activated. I'm not paying for service that I don't want.

The answer is probably go to a local Sprint store, but before I drive across town trying to find people that almost certainly care more about selling me service and devices rather than stopping a nag screen, who probably won't have the technical expertise to do it anyway, anyone in here ever run into a similar issue?
I'd look into that 2 years ago or so, but there wasn't anything out there for the TM217S (Sprint's version). I'll go see if things changed, but it seemed to be abandoned.
So, 29 tablets and nobody using 'em, dibs on a freebie? :D
I'd look into that 2 years ago or so, but there wasn't anything out there for the TM217S (Sprint's version). I'll go see if things changed, but it seemed to be abandoned.
Top current post in the "android development" section: Lineage OS for the sprint version. (SMT217S shows as the sprint version according to google)
Flashing now. Hopefully when it's back up and running it's a) not bricked b) not a complete piece of shit (still going to be a semi-piece...but at least the software shouldn't be terrible)
You able to sell any of these? I'll grab one.
Considering everything else I'm selling...yeah, I should be able to. Let me go get approval and see what I can do for a price.