No Payment from Xeon22

well it sounds like he is a troll

how hard is it to respond to a pm, it just takes a few seconds of your time

pm one of the administrators, like Lethal, to let them know about it

I received this board thursday evening and couldn't pull time from work to test it until Friday, and as I stated to you, I will be mailing out your money order shortly.

I told you that I wouldn't send you a money order until I tested out the board, and I will be going to town tommorrow to ship out this weeks round of ebay items.

I dont log in here that much due to work, and a few people that have dealbt with me know that I'm a busy person, but not a troll.

So all of you who want to come in here and say, oooh I smell troll can please take it elsewhere.

EDIT as a matter of fact, your tracking information wil be posted here.
my apologies, since he said "several days later"

and as of late there is a rise of bad traders
one can come to conclusions
You never told me the payment would be sent out soon. All you said was you recieved the board. And in no way did I start this thread to imply that you are a troll, it was my only way of getting your attention since you weren't responding to your PMs.