No OpenGL 1.3 Support with New Drivers


Limp Gawd
Nov 11, 2004
I installed the Battlefield 2 Demo and the Nvidia drivers that came with it because mine were older. Then, when I tried to start Chronicles of Riddick, I got an error saying I needed support for OpenGL 1.3 even though I could play it before with my 6800GT. Next, I tried to get the newest drivers from the Nvidia site and installed them after using Driver Cleaner. Now, I still get the same error message.
Those games are not properly identifying the OpenGL version (2.0) in the newer drivers. That's laziness by the programmers to not evaluate the whole version and just look at the minor number (0 < 3, fail!). :p

There is a simple fix: install rivatuner, in the driver settings box click the triangle next to customize, select OpenGL, compatibility tab, select 1.5 for the OpenGL version string override value.
I'm trying to have the game allow me to exceed 800x600 resolution with a new BFG 6800GT 256MB I put in. Previuosly, with an ATI 9800Pro I was able to do this. For some reason now the game does not go above that in the settings. My dxdiag shows that my video card driver is good (6/2005) and all my other games run fine at 1600x1200. I use the Rivatuner to override the OpenGL problem. I believe I installed the 1.1 and it had no effect on that issue (OpenGL error). I'm stumped on this one.

Thank you.