No Keyboard Support in Windows


Dec 1, 2006
Windows XP Pro 32-bit

So I installed another 2GB of RAM, bringing the total to 4GB. System posted fine, but once I get into windows the keyboard stops functioning (although the mouse works). I tried this with my regular Logitech wireless keyboard, as well as a legacy PS/2 keyboard with a wired USB mouse - still no dice. The keyboard and mouse work fine in everything else up until Windows loads. I should also mention that the special keys on the keyboard still work once Windows is loaded, the "F-Lock" key turns on an off the "F-Lock" light on the recharge/base station and the sleep button puts the system into hibernation.

I tried removing the additional 2GB of RAM, changing all the options under the USB menu in BIOS as well, updating to the latest BIOS, and reseting the BIOS to defaults. I searched and found similar topics, but there weren't any viable solutions aside from reinstalling Windows, which obviously I would rather not do. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Try for a better title next time. I was wondering why there wasn't a flame-war going on in here...

Anyways, did you check Device Manager? What's showing up in there?
Have you got Logitech drivers/software installed? If so try uninstalling it all and rebooting. If your keyboard/mouse works fine afterwards, using generic Windows drivers, then you'll have identified the Logitech driver/software as the source of your problem.
Thank you for your replies - Out of habit I have password protected all accounts, so I cannot login into Windows to remove the drivers. I'm in the midst of creating a BartPE disk and seeing what I can change from there.

@zacdl - What title would you suggest? I can't think of a more specific description of the problem (aside from appending XP on to the end, which was silly of me to forget).
You mean you forgot the passwords?
That's not good :)

I would have gone with something like "Keyboard Not Working With Vista".

Your title at first suggested that you had a post going that was going to say Windows doesn't support keyboards anymore (as stupid as that sounds, it wouldn't surprise me).
zacdl - Ah, I didn't think of that - admittedly I guess I figure people would have better things to start flamewars over ;)

And no, I didn't forget the passwords - I can't type them in, the keyboard doesn't work on the login screen.
Good point.

I was even going to look up the keyboard shortcut for bringing up the on-screen keyboard.... but, you see my failed logic in that one :cool:
Can you boot into Safe mode successfully? If so, then do the driver/software uninstallation there ;)
I can't believe Logitech pissed my cheerios so bad. I used UBCD4WIN (not to be confused with the Ultimate Boot CD) and Password Renew to create a new dummy admin account with no pwd and uninstalled the Logitech drivers and lo and behold the PS/2 keyboard worked...I reinstalled the Logitech drivers (since I know i can unbork myself if need be). What a waste of a night. I don't see how installing more RAM would have corrupted the drivers...perhaps just a coincidence.
PS/2 keyboards/mice usually need a reboot/ wireless ehh you try new batteries lol or pressing the button under the keyboard and on the RF transmitter?