No Intellitype for XPx64?!


Limp Gawd
Feb 24, 2005
Hey boys and girls...I recently installed XP 64 bit and own a Microsoft digital media pro keyboard. Unlike most, I use the billions of extra keys on this keyboard, but unfortunately the driver downloads do not work rendering my keys useless....

In this article Microsoft says they would be releasing drivers to support my needs ( is dated May 3rd...where the hell are my drivers?

I don't see any plausible way I could get my keyboard going other than by writing an angry letter that would be ignored :p any tips?
that's exactly why i ditched my MS keyboard/mouse, and got the new Logitech G7 & G15. At least logitech has x64 drivers!!
Sorry, this is a bit off topic, but how is XP 64? What are the advantages? Is it worth paying $50 more for? PLMK.
Well it is the first....anyone find the new intellitype software on ms's site?
Nope Spectre.. I've been waiting for these drivers as well for my Multimedia keyboard.. no dice. Boo, Microsoft, where are our drivers? It's your OS, this is shoddy business to not even have support for your own hardware.

lol, ugh.

If anyone finds them, please link them here?
This is entirely pathetic and incompetent of a multi-billion dollar corporation. Valve makes their source games 64 bit, Saitek releases both drivers and their special programming for x64.......where the hell is MS?
Pretty bad that a company can't come up with drivers to support their own hardware in their own software... that's pretty bad, especially after saying for some time that they'll release them "soon"
I'm sure they'll have all the x64 drivers you'll ever want, they'll just be included with Vista. :p
Still no 5.5 drivers!
::smacks head on top of keyboard::

/luckily they keys I hit did ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING!
fuelvolts said:
Still no 5.5 drivers!
::smacks head on top of keyboard::

/luckily they keys I hit did ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING!

Haha....that made me giggle.......but I really want my :(
I emailed Steve Carbone (Scarbone) about the drivers -- he replied. Here's what he said:

Checking in with the product team - should be real soon now - will let you know as soon as I have more info. Thanks, Steve

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, January 02, 2006 4:07 AM
To: Steve Carbone
Subject: (Outside The Cube) : x64 Intellitype/Intellimouse Drivers?
Importance: High

Hey -- Just curious, a lot of forums are pointing to your blog as a
source of driver release for those of us patiently waiting on x64
support for our mice and keyboards from Microsoft. Well.. it's 3 hours
past New Years, and no deal. To appease those of us who are rather
frustrated with Microsoft's support for their own OS at this point, can
you give us something to go on? If it'll be months before we'll see
intellitype software, I'll reformat and I think others would too. Just
wondering if you can help some of us fellow users out. Thanks for
reading. :)
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x64 Intellimouse and Intellitype are now up and working. Installing intellimouse now, thanks for heads up. =)

Program specific settings are back in action. =)

Edit: Well crap, seems it doesnt support intellimouse explorer 3.0a's =/
Finally get my Trackball Explorer working like it should! Wheeee!

on the downside, the program does *not* have changable mouse accel, but you do have program specific buttons, which is nice.


Looking back at it, yes, it does have mouse accel, what it *doesn't* have (I double checked this time), is a function that Logitech drivers had that let you adjust the position of the trackball and move the mouse to adjust which way was really "up" (which adjusted everything else)