No Cross Platform VS for Street Fighter?


Aug 6, 2005
I got all excited and made a live account in SF4. Got ready to play with my friends. Voice chat works, although only in private, can't join parties.

Next we tried to play. He invited me to a game. "Please start Street Fighter 4 and open this message again"
ok WTF
Now I tried to invite him. "Please Insert Street FIghter 4 Disk"

That sucks :(
Heh, thats just the nature of GFWL -- it's kinda like XBL. I think Gears of War had cross platform gaming though -- correct me if I'm wrong.
There is a difference between Games for Windows and Games for Windows Live. Only the Live enabled titles tie into the Live infrastructure, allowing for chat, achievements etc.. Of those Live enabled games, only 3 are cross platform. Those are

Lost Planet Colonies : Extreme Edition
Universe at War

Games for Windows Live got an update recently, and allowed for Games on Demand. Additionally Game Room (announced at CES) will be upgrading GFWL as a whole, incorporating Avatar support and much more. It seems GFWL is starting to pick up some speed, if even a little speed.

My biggest, my MOST WANTED feature for all of next generation is a standard for cross platform play between ALL Live enabled GFWL games to Xbox Live. Allow Call of Duty Modern Warfare 10 players on the PC to play against the 360 players, give the consumer the option to filter who they want to play with and be done with it. It works in Shadowrun for fucks sake, its actually pretty balanced. Unified the Live brand, and gamers in general. Playing on seperate platforms is so 1990s.

More cross platform games Microsoft, more.
More cross platform games Microsoft, more.

The industry is already giving you more multi-platform games than you can shake a stick at. If you mean cross-platform multiplayer, that's a little bit more difficult to do, considering how Live uses P2P matchmaking for multiplayer, and most sensible developers have dedicated server support. Do you want MS to solve the problem with giving you no PC version period?

Oh wait...