No 2.6GHz Phenom Before 2008?

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
DigiTimes, citing sources at Taiwan motherboard makers, claim that that barriers relating to conversion to 65nm are preventing AMD from releasing a 2.6GHz Phenom processor until 2008.

While expressing satisfaction about the new 65nm desktop CPU lineup, the motherboard makers explained the key reason for AMD failing to meet its roadmap on the launch of a 2.6GHz Phenom is because of barriers relating to conversion to 65nm.
oh man that fanboys are gonna eat this up.LOL

i still have faith in AMD that they will pull through and gives us consumers what we want.
Well 2008 is less then two months away so what's the big deal?

Well they already missed the lucrative back to school sales for Phenom.
Now they won't have the 2.6 ghz or better part for the all important holiday season.
Yawn, nothing to see here, keep moving.

old news. boring, yeah AMD is behind, and falling more & more behind.

They didn't even specify when in 2008 they'll have them.

Or more importantly when will they have chips up to 3Ghz just to catch up.
Well 2008 is less then two months away so what's the big deal?

the start of 2008 maybe - first quarter means anytime up until april, which is 6 months away. i cant wait forever, i'm getting old:D
I've just already said screw it. Whatever Intel's got coming up around the corner will be what I'm upgrading to, unless AMD can show off some specs that will make me rethink that. I just can't decide if future-proofing myself for DDR3 is a good idea or not.
Since AMD isn't elaborating about the "barriers," all we can do is speculate. My guess is they either have production capacity/commitment issues or there may be a manufacturing technology problem. I am going for the high road and betting on OEM commitments being the cause of the delay. With AMD a fraction of Intel in capitalization and production capacity, they can't completely shelve existing technologies while Dell and other system assemblers are still offering 90 nm "Windsor" and 65 nm "Brisbane" CPUs with mainstream desktop systems.
This really sucks especially since, clock for clock AMD is now slower then Intel. Will have to just go with Intel this time around & wait for AMD's fusion based processor.
Hmm, not surprising, it's only a couple months away. What is more disturbing is AMD releasing their new architecture with the highest price point of $350 or so, if rumors are to be believed. That sucks for their bottom line.