Nintendo to pull out something HUGE tomorrow (Thurs)?

it's amazing the clarity that a couple of drinks can bring to the discussion :D
steviep said:
All this E3 talk can be related to penises. How (and why? lol) you ask?

Well... Sony and MS are both whipping their cocks out and saying "my dick is bigger... no MY dick is bigger!!!" but they both aren't very good at fucking.

Nintendo, on the other hand, has repeatedly stated "it's not how BIG your dick is, it's how good you are at using it!". And truth be told, Nintendo usually fuck the best!

:D ok I should never come on here drunk. lol

Anyway, basic moral of the story: The same shit happened for gamecube. Everyone thought it was underpowered, and most people even thought the PS2 kicked its ass hardware-wise. But this generation, Gamecube has produced a game that boasts the absolute FINEST visuals in comparison to ANY console out there now, and that despite the fact that it isn't quite as powerful as the X-box. So don't let Nintendo fool you when they are ultra-conservative (read: honest) about their specs. Pfft... 2 teraflops.

If the Revolution doesn't support HD, then theres no way I would ever consider getting one, end of story. And Nintendo's stance at E3 is more like this: "My cock is so big I can't even show it to you"...
Probably because they have nothing at all to show :p
rogue3092 said:
And Nintendo's stance at E3 is more like this: "My cock is so big I can't even show it to you"...
Probably because they have nothing at all to show :p

Who knows? This whole debate is stupid b/c only Nintendo knows how big it's cock is and when they're ready to whip it out. To think Nintendo hasn't been preparing for the next gen is pretty crazy though.
Nintendo has already let it slip that they will support "HD gaming" as they put it. That's as specific as they got. Their next system has been worked on since the final conceptualization of the Gamecube. To say they have nothing would be incorrect.

And they have never had the attitude that "my cock is so big I can't show it to you". Never in all their 20 years in the console business have they not been working on "the next big thing". They've always downplayed their dick size, only to surprise everyone on how well they can fuck. I mean, look at RE4. It can have its way with me ANY day! It is the best looking console game this gen, easily. All done on a 400mhz G3. I thought MS has the biggest cock this gen? So then why doesn't Halo 2 look as good?

Simply put, Nintendo is in no rush to whip out its cock, because it's confident that it doesn't NEED to whip it out. The other 2 console makers, at this point, are acting like 2 adolescent teenagers in the locker room having an "oh so mature" dick contest (where MS shows how it gots its massive empty dick on MTV, and Sony shows MS the biggest CGI dick they've ever seen), while Nintendo laughs at them both and walks away.
Don't forget the little quote about their revolution that slipped up a year ago

"touching is good, but feeling is better" :cool:
Hate_Bot said:
And hwta do you do instead of sex?

Oh yes, you troll

hahaha, agreed

you'd have to admit it's ridiculous that everyone is getting bent out of shape about this stuff, i guess it means your life is good when that's all you've got to be upset about
After reading this last page, I am surprised that my companie's web filter didn't block this page!
Anyway, we'll all be the judge of how good the "Revolution" is at gaming when we get our hands on it. Until then, I'm going to think about the power of the PS3.
I disagree. My drunken rant makes almost as much sense as the "pussies get fucked by dicks and the assholes shit on everyone" rant from Team America: World Police :D
steviep said:
I disagree. My drunken rant makes almost as much sense as the "pussies get fucked by dicks and the assholes shit on everyone" rant from Team America: World Police :D
why mods lock some threads for seemingly little reason and leave this ranting raving derailed trolling thread alive is beyond my understanding lol ;)
Well, if we can continue with the CONSOLE DISCUSSION and leave the personal flaming aside, we need not lock this thread. Cupish, people? :p
Haha... can't wait to see what Nintendo's emulator has in store for Famicon games ;)
Or more importantly, how they will pull off the "controller that can play all systems" thing that Reggie talked about. Hmph.