Newest target of the video game Nazis: The Sims 2.

Perhaps we should put rating systems on churches since more people have been killed in the name of religion than any other reason in existence.
As a parent who games, and who has kids that game, and a wife who games (and when old enough my soon to be born grand-daughter will be a gamer) - it's all about parenting. Period. My kids know right from wrong, they know good and bad. My youngest at almost 8yo has been playing FPS games since she was about 4 and I don't see out doing horrible things. We go to Church every Sunday as a family (unless we're at a LAN :) ) - I'm the vice president of the board of directors, so yah, good "upstanding citezens" who defended this country proudly (13 years USMC) are gamers, and parents who give a shit about the first admendment and what this country is founded on. And we're raising our children to think freely, not accept what the media has to say, or a single book.

Someone "might" twiddle with the code to make a persons genitalia appear - does that mean tha EA actually coded the "gener specific parts'? Unlikely - the "mod" that removes the pixilation most likely adds the appropriate textures to produce the said images. Something our vigilant game stopper doesn't understand. With some time, I could take a piece of code.. lets say, Jump Start Kindergarten, and add boobies. Pretty staright forward. It's called modding.

Heh, my 7 yo and 15 yo play Sims2, they have fun. My 15yo menitoned to my wife one evening about the "remove the pixelation" mod for Sims2 - the conversation broke down to "why bother, it adds nothing and the pixels are funny anyway".

What's going on is that people are afraid that thier world is getting out of control - technology is moving too fast, they yearn for a simpler time, they think that we should all adhere to one code of morals - even if it's regarding something that MIGHT happen. These people are working from a place of fear, they don't like the openness of the gaming community and that the internet allows us to comminicate freely without having our words censored or purified so as to not offend anyone. Individuals that take on a single cause and resuse to listen to any other data that may alter what they have to say are who's running our country people - get your ass out there and get involved. I am -

"Jeramiah was bullffog - was a good friend of mine - I never understood a word he said, but I always helped him drink his wine - Joy to the World, all the boys and girls, joy to the fishes in the deep blue see, joy to you and me"

seemed appropriate

I3roknI3ottle said:
Hillary shouldnt be worrying about sex in video games, she should be worrying about her husbands penis in other womans holes. :eek:

ya see... thats where the problem is, she worries that him playing videogames like this will give him all sorts of bad ideas
Ever since the elections of 2004, my tv and radio have been off. Only recently, have I been turning it on for family guy, the daily show, and south park. Why? Im tired of the bull-shit. The flood of campaign ads, the "news", everything. I have taken up battefield 2 as a replacement for television.

This is about the stupidest crap I have ever heard of.

This article will be more interesting to read

Its bullshit. Probably some old pissed off person looking for something to bitch about. Mature and adult only, thats only 1 year of difference. 17, or 18 years old, its hard to say what happens between that one year, but how does 1 year make anyone more "ready" to see boobies in a video game?
bob said:
Ever since the elections of 2004, my tv and radio have been off. Only recently, have I been turning it on for family guy, the daily show, and south park. Why? Im tired of the bull-shit. The flood of campaign ads, the "news", everything. I have taken up battefield 2 as a replacement for television.

This is about the stupidest crap I have ever heard of.

This article will be more interesting to read

Its bullshit. Probably some old pissed off person looking for something to bitch about. Mature and adult only, thats only 1 year of difference. 17, or 18 years old, its hard to say what happens between that one year, but how does 1 year make anyone more "ready" to see boobies in a video game?

I don't think they are worried about the difference in maturity between a 17 and 18 year old. What it all comes down to is a lot of retail stores (large chains such as Wal-Mart) do not carry AO games. These politicians want the game off the shelves, period, and this is one way of accomplishing that.
Someone should make a page that collects all the crap this guy says.
Those e-mails rocked. Loved seeing a guy who doesn't use the shift key make fun of him for a typo. I'd like to see him say some bullshit like that to a Marine in person.
This fear-mongering is going to go REALLY bad places. Nothing good happens when the "moral values" crowd (not people of actual moral fortitude like the ones serving our country, soulless pundits and hypocrites) is empowered as it has been. Isn't it funny that the atmosphere in this country is to look upon political moderates as crazy people? You've gotta be a bible thumping asshole or a whining liberal, no middle ground anymore. And its only gonna get worse. The sad thing is there are a huge number of people all for this bullshit.
I saw a Jefferson quote a while back that was something to the effect of "if you sacrifice freedom for safety you deserve neither."
In April 1999, eight days before Columbine, Jack Thompson appeared on national television to identify the role that shooter video games, specifically Doom, would play in future school shootings. A week later in Littleton, Colorado, Klebold and Harris, who obsessively trained on Doom, killed thirteen.

ANOTHER THOMPSON PREDICTION CAME TRUE: Dateline NBC reported Friday, December 13, 2002, that the Beltway Sniper, John Lee Malvo, was compelled by John Muhammad to train on the sniper video game, Halo, switched to sniper-mode or God-mode, to suppress his inhibition to kill." Jack Thompson predicted, in an interview by Matt Lauer on NBC's Today show three weeks before the Beltway Snipers were apprehended, that one of the snipers "might very well be a video gamer as young as 15 trained on a game switched to sniper-mode or God-mode."

These paragraphs are on his website (stopkilldotcom). What a loser. Let's bring this gumshoe in on other unsolved cases, and see what he can do then. For God's sake, if you're gonna talk about a "sniper video game", at least go with Silent Scope, not Halo!!
bob said:
This article will be more interesting to read

Its bullshit. Probably some old pissed off person looking for something to bitch about. Mature and adult only, thats only 1 year of difference. 17, or 18 years old, its hard to say what happens between that one year, but how does 1 year make anyone more "ready" to see boobies in a video game?
Dear god, please PLEASE tell me you know the article you linked is entirely sarcastic FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TELL ME YOU KNOW! It should be obvious even if you aren't a regular reader of Maddox's site. I mean the sarcasm is so thick you could drive Germany's massive bucket wheel excavator over it.