Newest target of the video game Nazis: The Sims 2.


Supreme [H]ardness
Jan 19, 2005
They're at it again....

I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir here, but this is all getting completely crazy. I guess I hadn't realized how many high powered people in this country's ruling class work day and friggin night to shit all over the First Amendment. Its just not ok to limit rights because parents think that censorship should be a substitute for good parenting. I'm just NOT cool with having our rights limited to protect the children of incompetent parents.

I don't have Sims 2, but I'd hazard to guess removing the blurs does, in fact, simply reveal Ken and Barbie doll nether-regions. And something tells me that pedophiles don't spend a great deal of time playing the Sims. They're too buzy prowling for children to violate, wouldn't you think?

I think we need to have a million geek march or something.
Yep, Rockstar really fucked up things for everybody now. You can send them a nice thank you email [email protected].

Thell them what a great job their asshat programmers did.
I remember I had the sims and I created a family of infamous people.
The family consisted of
Charles Manson I created a wife for him named Marylin Manson
Ted Bundy - his job was in politics
John Wayne Gacy
Tim Mcveigh -he had a office job. he died in a fireworks accident. Remember don't shoot fireworks in the house

The family was named the Normal's
I would let them soil themselves and not eat for days.
I treated those killers like crap it was hilarious,serves them right damn scum!
You cannot be serious. I....there's just no words that can express just how utterly stupid this is.

I think this is one of the few rare moments where I'll be rooting for EA.
S1nF1xx said:
Yep, Rockstar really fucked up things for everybody now. You can send them a nice thank you email [email protected].

Thell them what a great job their asshat programmers did.
I let them know that as much as I hate to I won't be buying their GTA games anymore. This just looks way to sneaky to me. What were they thinking?
Does anyone else find it kind of weird that they are putting these ratings on these games because of cheat codes that you get off the internet to unlock these features? Maybe the parents of the "children" that play these games need to pay attention to what their kids are doing instead of relying on the game companies to police what thier kids are doing with the games. Ok Im done.
Rustedimpala said:
Does anyone else find it kind of weird that they are putting these ratings on these games because of cheat codes that you get off the internet to unlock these features? Maybe the parents of the "children" that play these games need to pay attention to what their kids are doing instead of relying on the game companies to police what thier kids are doing with the games. Ok Im done.

This is an ornamental society we live in; what you're suggesting isn't remotely possible for some families.
heatsinker said:
This is an ornamental society we live in; what you're suggesting isn't remotely possible for some families.

LOL!! Your right, what was I thinking!! Lets give all the games X Ratings!! Then maybe I can get into a decent game of BF2 with adults instead of a bunch of 12 year olds.
Rustedimpala said:
LOL!! Your right, what was I thinking!! Lets give all the games X Ratings!! Then maybe I can get into a decent game of BF2 with adults instead of a bunch of 12 year olds.
Right on Brother! Lets make all games AO
Yeah, it definately kills me a little inside to be on EA's side on anything. It just worries me that the vast majority of the population don't mind having their rights taken away if its "for their own good". The Bush years have sure made people complacent haven't they? Its just another symptom of this horseshit "moral values" movement. (which is bi-partisan, there are many many assholes in power on both sides wanting to limit your freedom in a number of ways under the guise of moral principal and religion)
Its starting to feel more and more as though the children of people who are currently young adults like myself will never know what its like to live in a society that's really free. I know that's a little extreme but it sure does feel like that's the direction we're going.
In any case, thanks for the e-mail links guys. I was hoping some people would post info like that so that at the very least we can flood the internet with hate mail. Make sure to threaten the family pets guys.
Oh well, if they wanna take away my entertainment they'll have to get through my guns first.
Actually, you can probably look at this as the end of the game modding communities... We will start seeing more and more companies making their games impossible or near impossible to mod.

Bye Bye user created content... :mad:
Rustedimpala said:
LOL!! Your right, what was I thinking!! Lets give all the games X Ratings!! Then maybe I can get into a decent game of BF2 with adults instead of a bunch of 12 year olds.

At the rate we're currently going, we'll have all X rated games before parents take over their roles as responsible adults again.
rockstar is hardly to blame

decades of just plain old parental neglect is the villian here

i worked at a video rental store for years, and it's pathetic what parents let thier children have without caring. then they come back with the overdue film/game and demand a refund for "innapropriate content."
I found these emails to be quite funny. Shows how much of a dumbass Mr. Thompson really is:

(read from the bottom up)

-----Original Message-----
From: Jack Thompson [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2005 9:58 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Open letter

You're a disgrace to the Corps. Ollie North would want you to know

----- Original Message -----

From: Cpl Hansel Chad Varn

To: 'Jack Thompson'

Sent: Friday, July 15, 2005 9:43 AM

Subject: RE: Open letter

Closed minded? That’s the pot calling the kettle black. In history the voice of ONE has changed the world, shame you forgot that. Nerd? Thank you for the compliment, my God you are a bully. I HAVE FORWARDED THESE TO Senators Clinton and Lieberman, so they may see how rude you are indeed.

Kind Regards,

Cpl. H. C. Varn

-----Original Message-----
From: Jack Thompson [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2005 9:31 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Open letter

you're right. you're an audience of one. if you do the math, Einstein, you can see I am wasting my time bothering with a close-minded nerd. bug off. last warning

----- Original Message -----

From: Cpl Hansel Chad Varn

To: 'Jack Thompson'

Sent: Friday, July 15, 2005 9:27 AM

Subject: RE: Open letter

Because you have no substance to your charges, I’ll bet if I was MSNBC, CBS et al you’d have some great comment pre-typed and ready to go. You see you should make the time, as the politicians you’re trying to bring on board are the ones we citizens elect and as constituents we can make or break political careers. I think you have some serious childhood issues you may want to sort out.

Regards, Semper Fidelis,

Cpl H. Chad Varn

[email protected]

-----Original Message-----
From: Jack Thompson [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2005 9:21 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Open letter

I don't have time for your "charges." Go semper fidelis yourself.

----- Original Message -----

From: Cpl Hansel Chad Varn

To: 'Jack Thompson'

Sent: Friday, July 15, 2005 9:20 AM

Subject: RE: Open letter

No sir, you embarrass the nation. Pity you can’t respond to my charges against you. Like a bad B-movie you can only offer pithy one liners. I’m making sure all communications to and from you are forwarded to the many arms of the gaming and national press.

Regards, Semper Fidelis,

Cpl H. Chad Varn

[email protected]

-----Original Message-----
From: Jack Thompson [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2005 9:15 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Open letter

get lost. you embarrass the Corps

----- Original Message -----

From: Cpl Hansel Chad Varn

To: 'Jack Thompson'

Sent: Friday, July 15, 2005 8:58 AM

Subject: RE: Open letter

Actually sir, I am an English major, 6 year veteran of the US Marine Corps and the parent of two loving children. Too many games my arse; I figured why bother with correct grammatical form when you haven’t bothered with correct thinking and logic, instead you offer a subtle insult. Oh by the way, how do you fit into those goose-stepping boots? To think the six years I spent defending folk’s freedom you would like to just throw away. Not on my watch Mr. Thompson, my brethren and I have paid too dear a price. Oh here is the first sentence reworked with your precious damned verb. You sir, are a blithering idiot! (Blithering is a verb intransitive BTW). In your day, politicians attacked comics, now games are the new scapegoats. Pity your ilk won’t blame the real culprits of society’s woes and the many Columbines theretofore produced; POOR PARENTING. Your scarcely even understand the media you are so quick to attack. When was the last time you played a MODERN video game, without being guided through it by those who cater to your goal? A majority of the gaming industry produces quality, entertaining and less controversial titles.

Regards, Semper Fidelis,

Cpl H. Chad Varn
[email protected]

-----Original Message-----
From: Jack Thompson [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2005 6:51 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Open letter

your first sentence is missing a verb. too many games, no doubt.

----- Original Message -----

From: Cpl Hansel Chad Varn

To: [email protected]

Sent: Friday, July 15, 2005 6:41 AM

Subject: Open letter

Mr. Thompson,

You sir an idiot. You are about as educated on the video game industry as I am on nuclear medicine (big hint, I’m not!). One again you and your pundits of political lunacy are using the video game industry as your whipping boy. Funny how Hollywood churns out vulgarity after vulgarity yet you raise not one eyebrow? Funny how your kind forced the music industry to put labels on albums with obscene language. At least the video game industry self imposed ratings on it’s product. Thus far it had worked. As a worker in the industry I see idiot parents buy stuff for their kids without regard for the warnings. Perhaps you should blame them not the ESRB or its leadership. Being a republican myself, you make me sick. After reading your open letter I was reminded of the McCarthy hearings in the 50’s and how witch hunters such as yourself almost turned America into the spitting image of Nazi Germany. Video games DO fall under constitutional protection. DO NOT go down that road you are trying to go down. It leads to a place our forefathers would definitely fear. People like you are book burners, no better than Hitler’s goose-stepping SS. I can only pray that your efforts fail.


Cpl H. Chad Varn

[email protected]
I'm betting that Hillary Clinton is planning on riding the 'Federal Video Game Ratings and Enforcement' argument all the way to the White House. I remember reading stories months ago where she is backing a multi-million dollar research project on violent video games.

Hell, give me a million bucks, I got the results of that project right here:

Some children are affected by playing violent video games, most aren't. Most children who are affected by violent video games are also affected by any violent media: movies, tv, news, magazines, comics, music...ect. The best way to keep a child from being harshly affected is to monitor their activites involving violent media.

Sheesh, I guess it's true what they say:

Common sense is NOT common.
This is a combination of the parents with the games.

Games can teach you tendencies, racing sims and flight sims show that. I can imagine that as games get more realistic you will find that it does desensitize players to certain extent. With that said most forms of media will desensitize people to certain extent. Movies, books , you name it.

However the people that act on these impulses usually have problems to begin with.

As far as kids go, parents are ultimately responsible for their children. When I see a child playing GTA , IMO that is not good parenting.
mordeki said:
This is a combination of the parents with the games.

Games can teach you tendencies, racing sims and flight sims show that. I can imagine that as games get more realistic you will find that it does desensitize players to certain extent. With that said most forms of media will desensitize people to certain extent. Movies, books , you name it.

However the people that act on these impulses usually have problems to begin with.

As far as kids go, parents are ultimately responsible for their children. When I see a child playing GTA , IMO that is not good parenting.

Sorry, i disagree with people continuing to say this is cause of the parents. Parents didnt make morons like this guy do what they are doing. This guy was an idiot long before in his own right regaurdless of what parents did or didnt do. This will pass. Remember all the music censoring attempts. One specific moment comes to mind, a presidents wife who said that the Twisted Sister song line "we're not gonna take it" was about rape. I think most people here know that song. In the end these people look like bumbling idiots no one will pay attention too. Just like celebrities commenting about politics.

Sex is sex, a penis goes in the vagina, this is nature and how mamels continue on. These people are either idiots looking for attention, strictly religious (usually catholic), or severely brain damaged from walking in on their mom and dad.
Gamespot has an article about it on the PC page. The quotes they had in the article blew my mind. That guy has no fucking life. Talk about the lamest guy ever. Should check that article out.
You know there is a problem when you are unable to parody a person. This guys seems to be one of those rare creatures that is able to do it to themselves.
Will some body just break the old guys hip? Then he won't complain for a while... Seriously tho, this guy has serious issues. I dare you guys to add his email address to every pr0n site you can find
However, not only is Hillary leading this most recent charge, but Tipper Gore lead up the charge to get the whole content rating system in place. Remember 'Tipper Stickers'? Yep, that's Al Gore's wife.

'I Jizzed on my intern's blue dress' on CNN - perfectly fine
Simulated computer oral sex with a hack in a game - SCANDAL!!!
Talk about Video games making you violent. This Jack Thompson asshole REALLY makes me violent.

Seriously, who wants to lynch this bastard?
Yeah, Rockstar is hardly to blame here. Ever since video games existed, all sort of people have been trying to ruin it and such. News alert: "Video games may cause kids to grow up violent" or "Video games may improve kids hand eye cordination" There the good praises for video games and the bad responses for video games. Obviously this guy hates them. He is probably just jealous, he didnt get the luxery of playing video games when he was a kid :D

Also, even though there are these "exploits" in these games, how many kids really know how to use the "exploits?" Im thinking not a lot.

Then there are the jackass's, who take games to seriously. I remember when Vice City came out, one week later, I see on the news: "Kid trys to steal car. Got his motivation from the newly released Vice City game." Also, in my local paper, I remember seeing a story about a kid taking a stunt in the game "Stuntman" to serously, and ended up severly injuring himself in the act.
There are many politicians who have been anti video games for a good part of their career. What really pisses me off, is how this bitch, Senator Shoplift, all of a sudden wants to jump on this anti video game bandwagon, and how they has all of a sudden, started being socially conservative. She sure didn't care about moral values, ethics, and common decency when she and her hubbie shoplifted the Whitehouse of nearly $2 million worth of priceless heirlooms that belonged in the whitehouse from the very beginning. I don't care for these anti video game politicians whether republican, democrat, or other. However, Hillary really pisses me off at the hypocrisy of her actions.

darkisz said:
I'm betting that Hillary Clinton is planning on riding the 'Federal Video Game Ratings and Enforcement' argument all the way to the White House. I remember reading stories months ago where she is backing a multi-million dollar research project on violent video games.

Hell, give me a million bucks, I got the results of that project right here:

Some children are affected by playing violent video games, most aren't. Most children who are affected by violent video games are also affected by any violent media: movies, tv, news, magazines, comics, music...ect. The best way to keep a child from being harshly affected is to monitor their activites involving violent media.

Sheesh, I guess it's true what they say:

Common sense is NOT common.
I'm sure all the people writing paragraph-long insults to Mr. Thompson are certainly proving him wrong about the misconception that gamers are juvenile.
I think these people are just jealous they never got to play video games when they were younger. :D
[H]|M Dazz said:
Actually, you can probably look at this as the end of the game modding communities... We will start seeing more and more companies making their games impossible or near impossible to mod.

Bye Bye user created content... :mad:

This is the concern that poped into my head with all of this. Now companies are going to think twice before releasing an SDK because they have to weigh the benefits of creating a community vs becoming the next center of controversy. ... This is just getting stupid.

Take it to the next step in that extreme and you're attacking the concept of OpenSource software because there is no ratings system.. ooohhh.. guess we could take it even one more step further and eventually, only corporations will be able to write software and only after it's been approved by the government, but that's just silly and will never happen... or is it.. (crap.. forgot to put on my tinfoil hat..)
Frobozz said:
This is the concern that poped into my head with all of this. Now companies are going to think twice before releasing an SDK because they have to weigh the benefits of creating a community vs becoming the next center of controversy. ... This is just getting stupid.

Take it to the next step in that extreme and you're attacking the concept of OpenSource software because there is no ratings system.. ooohhh.. guess we could take it even one more step further and eventually, only corporations will be able to write software and only after it's been approved by the government, but that's just silly and will never happen... or is it.. (crap.. forgot to put on my tinfoil hat..)

well one thing could happen. The gorvernment and more importantly the christian conservative part that says ban all seen as bad to the public, could join the fuckin twentie first century and realize nudity and sex arent the epitome of evil and wrong.

Or a ban is infact issued which will simply create two sides. A side that follows the rules and a side that completely breaks everyone.

I say end MTV, Fox, and CNN, and all reality shows, they rot the shit out of this country alot more. I'd also like to see white businessmen who stole millions apon millions of dollars from thousands of people then collapse the company get sent to the gas chamber rather then hid by this countries president. but hey, thats me.
FanATIc said:
well one thing could happen. The gorvernment and more importantly the christian conservative part that says ban all seen as bad to the public, could join the fuckin twentie first century and realize nudity and sex arent the epitome of evil and wrong.

Ahh... but they are.. be sure to be the first one on your block with the new 'G-box'. Get one for free with the trade in of any other console system. For each additional trade in you will receive a wholesome game of your choosing.. with such titles as Learning to Count, Happy Colors for Happy People, and Hello: The Master Chef Chronicles how could you not jump on this as soon as possible? All games are deemed wholesome and 'good' by a panel of your countries government officials and will only work on the G-box, made for Americans, by America. (manufacutred in Mexico)
Hillary shouldnt be worrying about sex in video games, she should be worrying about her husbands penis in other womans holes. :eek: