Newell: We Have to Convince EA to Come Back

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
It would seem that Gabe Newell is genuinely committed to getting EA games back on Steam. Newell seems sincere, so i guess the ball is in EA's court. Who knows, maybe we will see EA games on Steam again soon.

Newell suggested the struggle with EA is complicated, but nevertheless reconcilable. "I don’t think Valve can pick just one thing and think the issue would go away if we fixed that," he said. "We have to show EA it’s a smart decision to have EA games on Steam, and we’re going to try to show them that," he said.
I wonder how he will manage to do that, or how Valve will, actually. I'm honestly kind of surprised that EA would cut off Steam yet go with every other digital retailer out there, doesn't really make sense, they should just pull it from all e-tailers and then stick with Origin and see how that works out for them.
I want to buy this game.

But dealing with the origin software during the closed beta was a complete pain in the ass. If I need that on my system, I am not interested.
Or... I can just keep "not purchasing" EA games. Because there are better things I can waste my money on. :)
I can live with Origin but I'd definitely pay MORE to have a game on Steam!
Valve sees their blood in the water. Without an exclusive blockbuster in the pipe, and 2 headed to Origin, there really is no reason to continue being a Steam fanboy. Steam is like a console with no exclusives.
Valve sees their blood in the water. Without an exclusive blockbuster in the pipe, and 2 headed to Origin, there really is no reason to continue being a Steam fanboy. Steam is like a console with no exclusives.

Which is good for gamers because Valve will have to go back to making money their original way... game developing. Create HL3, make it a steam exclusive... battle Origin on prices for indie games. Win win win!
Which is good for gamers because Valve will have to go back to making money their original way... game developing. Create HL3, make it a steam exclusive... battle Origin on prices for indie games. Win win win!

They have Dota 2 coming out soon, and they are holding their million dollar tourney right now, and it's being streamed live, with replays at


I did last night.
Dota will be cool, but it's no BF3 / ME3 (or HL3 for that matter).

I will be playing Dota 2 instead of Battlefield 3, I can tell you that right now, plus I couldn't get into Mass Effect 1, so I didn't buy 2, and probably have no interest in ME 3.

Toss Origin in there, and EA is dead to me.
Which is good for gamers because Valve will have to go back to making money their original way... game developing. Create HL3, make it a steam exclusive... battle Origin on prices for indie games. Win win win!

HL3, when it's released, is going to be a Steam exclusive anyway and distributed through EA for retail.
I don't think there was ever a chance HL3 would have appear where else but Steam. EA has sales on their own games more frequently than Steam does.
EA would drop the price just for the hell of it, not just because it's Summer or Winter time.

They EA and Valve need to compromise.
I will be playing Dota 2 instead of Battlefield 3, I can tell you that right now, plus I couldn't get into Mass Effect 1, so I didn't buy 2, and probably have no interest in ME 3.

Toss Origin in there, and EA is dead to me.

See you in bf3 and dota 2, too.... go bash steam, it's the same thing as origin too.
HL3, when it's released, is going to be a Steam exclusive anyway and distributed through EA for retail.
I don't think there was ever a chance HL3 would have appear where else but Steam. EA has sales on their own games more frequently than Steam does.
EA would drop the price just for the hell of it, not just because it's Summer or Winter time.

They EA and Valve need to compromise.

Right, but up until now, Steam has had no solid competition because other than Blizzard, any game that can be purchased digitally can be purchased through Steam. IMO, Valve has grown complacent with its income from Steam and has become a game vendor instead of creator. With Origin playing the exclusives console game, Valve will actually have to create some games, and some good ones.
Yep, pretty much. I have no desire to be forced to use this Origin service.

But you are ok with being forced to use that Steam service?

Seriously, I don't get the attitude many people around here seem to have of "Steam GOOD! Origin BAD!" If you are just anti-online service, ok no problem, but why would you be ok with being forced to use Steam, which a great many games do (not just Valve's) but not Origin? It's the same deal.

Really, having a few competing digital distribution services it not a bad thing. It'll mean that they all need to keep their quality up, or risk losing the market. You don't want a monopoly situation, history tells us that a monopoly WILL abuse its power.
IMO, Valve has grown complacent with its income from Steam and has become a game vendor instead of creator. With Origin playing the exclusives console game, Valve will actually have to create some games, and some good ones.

Yep. By now, HL3 and HL4 could have been released. I can't believe they're letting that game franchise die.
Right, but up until now, Steam has had no solid competition because other than Blizzard, any game that can be purchased digitally can be purchased through Steam. IMO, Valve has grown complacent with its income from Steam and has become a game vendor instead of creator. With Origin playing the exclusives console game, Valve will actually have to create some games, and some good ones.

I'm glad you noticed they've gotten complacent because of Steam. Sharing/outsourcing development shows their non-focus of making games also. They need to make serious games again.
The console style game sells well and some fun is had, but HL3 would put them back in the drivers seat.
It is likely Valve/Steam is now using a business model where they expect repeat customers as opposed to competing for customers. I mean if you look at there pricing for preorders vs. other competitors they are the least competitive now. Why is there no preorder discount on Skyrim or Rage? How is it that other competitors can offer anywhere from 10-40% promotions and still make money, but Steam can't?
See you in bf3 and dota 2, too.... go bash steam, it's the same thing as origin too.

I like Steam, all my games are on it.

I already plan on playing Dota 2, I signed up for the beta.

I have no plans to buy BF3 at this time, i didn't even like BFBC2 after playing it.
EA/Origin just needs to fix their "every place that is not USA or Canada is Europe and gets euro origin pricing" and ill be happy.
I really don't get the people who say "i don't buy it because it is not on STEAM", "Origin sucks because EA sucks"...

I have both installed and jesus christ, together they occupy a incredible 154MB of RAM! (85MB for Steam and 69MB for Origin). Our computers can't handle that big memory requirements!!!

My only issue with Origin is that it doesn't have "Start minimized' feature. I'm just not a "STEAM RULEZ!!! EA SUCKS!!!!" fanboy.

If you don't get Battlefield 3 or Mass Effect 3 because you don't like EA/Origin, then i'm sorry for you. But it is your choice, you are the one who will lose on this, not EA. Few thousand "rebels" will not ruin them financially.
This reminds me of the 'boycott CODMW2 cuz no dedicated servers' group that was like 30,000 strong at least. Surprise like 80% of the group ended up buying the game anyway lol...

Steam wasn't always a stellar platform and Origin has too much money behind it to fail
I'm glad you noticed they've gotten complacent because of Steam. Sharing/outsourcing development shows their non-focus of making games also. They need to make serious games again.
The console style game sells well and some fun is had, but HL3 would put them back in the drivers seat.

LOL Valve has been releasing 1-2 Blockbuster titles annually for years now. They just released Portal 2, DOTA 2 this Fall and Counter-Strike Global Offensive early next year plus certainly other titles TBA.

Now this goes to all the Battlefield/EA Fanboy's slinging mud at everyone saying they won't be buying BF3, and this is how EA should be looking at things too:

Option A- Do not comply with DLC rule and stop selling your games on Steam, get decent sales but continue to wonder what they could have been. Acknowledge that you ticked off some of your fanbase/customer base and see a modest decline in your sales and projections.

Option B- Sell BF3 on Steam as well as Origin by complying with a simple DLC rule. Make more money then Option A and to your surprise make even more money then you would have on Steam without the DLC rule in place. Still sell on Origin and grow your market on it over time. Maybe even become competitive some day. Have happier customers by providing them with the option to buy their game where they see fit thus giving them the highest value from your product, BF3 fanboys and boycotter's alike ;).
Valve sees their blood in the water. Without an exclusive blockbuster in the pipe, and 2 headed to Origin, there really is no reason to continue being a Steam fanboy. Steam is like a console with no exclusives.

Steam will still have MW3. It won't sell on the PC like it will on consoles, but it will still sell like gangbusters, and Steam will get the biggest piece of that pie.

All this is going to do is make it harder for BF3 to compete with MW3. And honestly, BF3 needs all the help it can get. The whole CoD franchise is getting pretty tired, but it's pretty much guaranteed to sell like gangbusters. The number of pre-purchase or day 1 sales would be inordinately higher if the game were on Steam, because it is the go-to option for a big chunk of the PC gaming community.

Having a little spat over direct marketing to end users (which Steam's EULA and privacy policy pretty much forbid) and crying about the requirement that any DLC offered elsewhere must be available on Steam (which is a very different thing from being Steam exclusive) are incredibly stupid moves on EA's part. I think EA vastly overestimates how many PC gamers want to be marketed to the way EA would like, and I think EA vastly underestimates how many more units of DLC they would sell with the convenience of purchasing through Steam.

The additional volume is well worth letting Valve take a cut of the profits. Simplicity is worth its weight in gold.
EA is just doing a smart business move, just as Valve did with Steam. They recognize digital distribution and game dashboard platform is only going to get bigger and as it stands now Steam would pretty much be a monopoly on that front. No way do I trust EA to be as gamer friendly as Valve but I cant really blame them for putting their own stake in the pie. I doubt there's much Valve could do to make EA reconsider their "Origin only" plans
Man, he is a fat mofo.

And yet more talented than most of us.

I hope he and his team can bring EA back on board, although they are going to be difficult now they have their own game providing service, even though it's as secure as any of their developers sites (which appears to be almost as secure as a door with no latch, and wide open...with a door stop) as my account was supposedly broken into on several different sites linked to EA.
Because steam generally works, is reliable and keeps my games in one fucking place... forever.

Now I'll need yet another account subject to even more terms and conditions that I have to scroll through and blindly agree to. Subject to whatever standardized methods that EA wants to use, thus clusterfucking things even more.
Because steam generally works, is reliable and keeps my games in one fucking place... forever.

Now I'll need yet another account subject to even more terms and conditions that I have to scroll through and blindly agree to. Subject to whatever standardized methods that EA wants to use, thus clusterfucking things even more.

Also the last EA game I purchased was BF2.
Do this NOW, so I can pre-order on steam. Otherwise, I'm not getting it till it hits the first sale on 'origin'.
This whole battle screams DLC flood. If EA wasn't planning to get DLC crazy why would they risk losing so much day one?

I'm telling BF3: Mappack strike
i really don't think EA will come back to steam. Sadly, $$$ is more important then anything else nowadays and i fully believe that BF3 and even ME3 will have a crap load of microtransactions in the game...
But you are ok with being forced to use that Steam service?

Seriously, I don't get the attitude many people around here seem to have of "Steam GOOD! Origin BAD!" If you are just anti-online service, ok no problem, but why would you be ok with being forced to use Steam, which a great many games do (not just Valve's) but not Origin? It's the same deal.

Really, having a few competing digital distribution services it not a bad thing. It'll mean that they all need to keep their quality up, or risk losing the market. You don't want a monopoly situation, history tells us that a monopoly WILL abuse its power.

I like steam because, once they finally sorted their shit out, they got it right. It works. I don't feel like paying to beta yet another online delivery solution from EA just because EA and Valve are being bitchy.

So they both loose a sale. EA won't sell me their game, and since Valve cannot get their act together /wrt EA they won't sell it to me either.

It benefits both parties to get their shit together.

Now if you will excuse me, I think my Kerbalnauts applied too much delta-v and without a burn soon will not be coming home.