Newegg's just getting lazy


Limp Gawd
Mar 4, 2009
Seriously, I love newegg for lots of stuff - I mean when they do have a deal it's really a good one... but these days I'm seeing more and more stuff like this. Cant they at least pretend like they're trying anymore?

(If you dont feel like clicking over the short version is: $1.99 off a Flip UltraHD)
What's the problem? Go somewhere else then if its too much..... I don't get the complaint?

They don't have it cheaper than you want it, I take it?
they are giving you Free shipping and 2 Free items & u complain :)

Free Shipping (restrictions apply)
* + Free Gift: Flip Video Tripod, Model ATR1B (value:$9.99)
* + Free Gift: Flip Video Power Adapter, Model APA1B (value:$15.99)
My last 3 newegg orders didn't come with a packing slip, it was weird since they all have come with packing slips before. That's my only complaint at the moment for newegg.
yup I agree with Mink there. I ordered a ton of parts lately from newegg & I didnt see a slip at all.
Anymore, I use Newegg to find/compare products, then go buy it from Amazon. Amazon lacks the power/advanced search, side by side comparo, and often does not have may pictures or a very in depth description. But Amazon is often cheaper and if you are not in a hurry shipping is usually free. Customer service that used to be a hallmark of the egg is not what it used to be. The bigger they get the less they seem to care.
Anymore, I use Newegg to find/compare products, then go buy it from Amazon. Amazon lacks the power/advanced search, side by side comparo, and often does not have may pictures or a very in depth description. But Amazon is often cheaper and if you are not in a hurry shipping is usually free. Customer service that used to be a hallmark of the egg is not what it used to be. The bigger they get the less they seem to care.

Amazon doesn't have "auto adds" like the egg does though.

My sister-in-law just had me order a very nice P&S digital camera for her. The price was the same as on Amazon, it had free shipping, and they auto added 2x 4GB Kingston memory cards as well as a carrying case for the camera (auto adds are free).

And to top it off... most stuff comes from the warehouse that is about 2 hours away from where I live. Free shipping usually ends up being next day or 2 day shipping.
I'm pretty unhappy with their return policy at the moment. I bought two ASUS gtx470's on black friday, and have had nothing but trouble from them. Games constantly crashing, black screens etc. I've done some searching, and apparently I'm not the only one having these problems.

i talked to a newegg rep today, and the only way I can get my money back to try a different brand or move up to the 570 is if they test them and they determine the cards are defective. I'm not entirely sure if it's the cards fault or not, or maybe just one card and not the other. Either way I'm pretty pissed at these cards, and want my money back. And if I send them back and it just so happens they don't find a defect? BAM! 15% restocking fee.

That's 60 bucks just because I can't get these damn cards to work on my computer. The woman I talked to, Bettie? I think was her name was pretty much no help whatsoever. Just gave me the company line of 15%, or defective.
I'm pretty unhappy with their return policy at the moment. I bought two ASUS gtx470's on black friday, and have had nothing but trouble from them. Games constantly crashing, black screens etc. I've done some searching, and apparently I'm not the only one having these problems.

i talked to a newegg rep today, and the only way I can get my money back to try a different brand or move up to the 570 is if they test them and they determine the cards are defective. I'm not entirely sure if it's the cards fault or not, or maybe just one card and not the other. Either way I'm pretty pissed at these cards, and want my money back. And if I send them back and it just so happens they don't find a defect? BAM! 15% restocking fee.

That's 60 bucks just because I can't get these damn cards to work on my computer. The woman I talked to, Bettie? I think was her name was pretty much no help whatsoever. Just gave me the company line of 15%, or defective.

That's pretty much normal return policy for any etailer. The only company you should really be pissed at is asus for making some bunk cards.
Newegg has almost always had a restocking fee for non-defective stuff. Their margins are low. If something is returned they can't send back to the manufacturer as defective then they have to put in their open box section at a discount. In that case Newegg just took it in the shorts.
Poor Newegg, only 2 billion revenue last year :(

I shall send a donation to their CEO this Christmas.

I didn't say they were a small business. But like every other similar online retailer they have a restocking fee for non-defective items. Its spelled out in their return policy so it isn't like you don't know about it when you purchase. In fact their policies are some of the easiest to understand and find.
Well I tested the cards one at a time, and the card is defective. I sent it back for replacement rather than a refund. If this one is bad, too I'll be pretty pissed.
I can understand being pissed. It's really asus's fault though, newegg didn't build a bunk card.
Poor Newegg, only 2 billion revenue last year :(

I shall send a donation to their CEO this Christmas.

And they made 206m in profit if I remember correctly.

Do you have any idea how small their margins are? Very very few companies could survive with less than 2% net profit.
You need to check your math. 204 million is not 2% of 2 billion dollars. It's ~10%.
They can't be the best at everything.
I've been using Newegg for years, and they always send two packing slips with every order I've made.
I love Newegg.
Newegg has always bent over backwards for my business. I'm very pleased with them.
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I have been having more and more problems with NE in the past two years. I have just chalked it up to no one is perfect, every company can make a mistake. But the last time I had issues it was unacceptable. I emailed and got "sorry nothing we can do". I called and figured I just got some one having a bad day. Well well well, I was wrong. They admit they made a mistake but couldn't do anything about it. I'm looking for a new good e-tailer. I just bought a monitor from TD wed. I'll see how they turn out. I am going to give Directron a try since I see them here on the forum, need some new case and heat sink fans.

Any other suggestions?
I have been having more and more problems with NE in the past two years. I have just chalked it up to no one is perfect, every company can make a mistake. But the last time I had issues it was unacceptable. I emailed and got "sorry nothing we can do". I called and figured I just got some one having a bad day. Well well well, I was wrong. They admit they made a mistake but couldn't do anything about it. I'm looking for a new good e-tailer. I just bought a monitor from TD wed. I'll see how they turn out. I am going to give Directron a try since I see them here on the forum, need some new case and heat sink fans.

Any other suggestions?

Directron is cool, they live about 30 min away from me :).

Also Amazon is another good etailer, I stopped using newegg and went to these two.