newb Venice OC


May 2, 2005
I've had my build for a little over a month now, and now that things are properly broken in I'm considering OCing. I've got the Venice core 3200, a plain jane DFI n-Force4 mobo, and Corsair ValueSelect memory (2 sticks of 512). Is it going to be possible to OC much with my memory being my bottleneck like that? Do I need to wait a couple more months until I can save up enough to get some memory with better timings? The reason I got the ValueSelect in the first place was because of budget restraints, and I couldn't go any longer without a computer after my 2001 Gateway bought the farm.

I would like to be able to push the processor up to around 2.4 or 2.5 by the time I'm through.
just put in sum dividers and up the voltadge nad bit and that ram is good 2 go
I wouldn't worry too much about the memory being a bottleneck. If you use a divider other than 1 to 1, you can keep the memory at a reasonable speend and still crank up the processor.
Plus, slower memory doesn't really hurt real world performance with that much... at least not to an extent that most people would be able to notice. and besides, the increase in processor speed is going to WAY MORE than compensate for the memory divider.
However, i still like the idea of running 1:1 with my OCZ platenum...
Well Eclipse, I had tried reading your guide but at this point it is a little over my head. I'm acually trying to get the time to study all of those terms a little more before I go in. You have done a great job with that thread, but I just haven't been able to devote the time to dive in enough to get what it is talking about.
well, the guide is geared around your motherboard.. just keep google handy to look up any terms you aren't really sure about, and be sure to be going through "potential" overclocks as you read through it the first time.. it'll all fall into place in the end

though, as s word now, that end result normally doesn't require fast ram. memory speed is a pretty small effect on performance with a64's, and since the ram is never really "1:1" anyway, using a divider doesn't matter ;)
Thanks. This whole forum has been a huge help to me. This is where I did 90% of my research before buying the stuff for my build. Everyone has always been open and helpful.