New Xbox Experience is Live?

Unfortunately I am stuck here at work instead of being faithful and taking the day off to pay attention to my gaming habit.

Out of all the games I have, the ones that will benefit from being installed are: Fable 2, Mass Effect, Halo 3, BioShock, Assassin's Creed, The Orange Box, Lego Star Wars, Lego Batman and possibly Rock Band. Most of these will be installed tonight :D

A performance test showed that Halo 3 was actually slower loading off of the harddrive.
Thats what I was thinking. I have demos, XBLA games and media that takes up space hence the larger drive would be useful.

Hmmm, true. I don't really keep anything on mine at all except savegames, DLC, and now installs. I've just used my ipods for music and I've really only used my PC or PS3 for movies.
I think on the "My Xbox" section you go to your gamertag channel, and then there's something about editing your avatar. From there you can change your features, clothing, etc. Or, you can start from scratch, pick a new avatar, and then customize it again.
I called home and had my wife turn on the xbox and had her follow the prompts for the update. I'll be checking it out after work tonight.
I love me that hard drive install. Sure, load times actually went up in some cases, but at least I don't have to listen to a small vacuum cleaner during that time.
For those that play FFXI on 360, is there any reason to install that dvd onto the hard drive? Seeing as how everything should already be installed...? *shrugs*
Looks amazing. Got banned from the banwave bought an Arcade last night going to hook it up tonight!
Just hooked up a 120GB to replace my 20GB. Definitely needed. I deleted everything off my 20GB except for saves games and software updates/DLC, themes, etc, and only had 11.5GB free. There was 8GB in use somewhere that wasn't showing up. I copied it all to the 120GB, and suddenly I have a few demos that weren't on the original hdd. After removing those, I have 105GB free.

So, yeah, big hdd needed because there's a lot of wasted space somewhere.

edit: formatted the 20GB, only 13.9GB free to play with now. The system automatically uses 6.1GB on any hard drive?

oddly enough, I did the whole NXE download and install on the 120GB, then popped the 20GB back in to format it, and the NXE was still there.
Been pondering on a 120GB hard drive... but then I feel bad that my 20GB drive would be lonely so I decided against it. :(
I can NEVER LIVE without my 120GB HD.

When I first bought an X360 it was from a lousy scum seller on Ebay who had done a cheap fix to a cheap broken Xbox. It worked fine for the first 3 days, so I had bought a 20GB HD Refurbished from Gamestop (Worst MIstake I ever Did!). Well that broke so I had gotten an Arcade and it turned out that 20GB HD was really crappy (Would freeze all the time).

So I returned the Arcade and bought the Elite. I love the 120GB. I have 88GB free, before there was nothing worth while to put on it, but now NXE has a lot of stuff!

A word to the wise the 20GB is really 12.5GB because the rest of the GB is for "system" use.
I hate my 20GB HDD, i wont be able to install my games to the HDD, will take up to much space.:(

I like NXE tho, looks nice.:)
With the ability to "rip" games onto the HDD now, my 120Gb is gonna fill up pretty quick, not to mention all the TV shows i've downloaded.
Really? You like hitting the guide button in a game and waiting 3 full seconds for anything to become usable on it? You like pressing down on the D-pad and waiting a full second before it actually responds? You like NOT being able to jump to literally anything your 360 can do from anything you're already doing?

The guide button never took that long on my 360. Nor did it take a full second to respond for the d pad. Like I said maybe it'll grow on me but for the moment I just don't like it.
I have no idea if it's related to something in the newer 360's, but my Elite pops the various menus and blades up much quicker than my launch system did.
Wow, I'm near giddy. I loaded Oblivion to the hdd, as that is the game I'm currently working on. The game has become near a chore with the very excessive load times. They've been cut by over half! Fast load, faster gameplay, and dead silent Xbox! Still learning the menu layout, but very happy by some minor additions. Like that you can scroll the descriptions on items, and that when viewing achievements you can hit Up to cycle to the bottom.
With the ability to "rip" games onto the HDD now, my 120Gb is gonna fill up pretty quick, not to mention all the TV shows i've downloaded.
I thought I've heard that you could rip only one game at a time.

anybody getting random lock ups when in the menu
My Xbox locked up once on me after the update, though I saw it as an isolated incident since my hardware is such a POS (went through 2 RRODs in its lifetime and the hard drive's on its way out).

All in all, I like the new interface over the old one by miles. Snappier, well-organized, and on top of that a mini-guide that is LIGHTYEARS better than the old single blade interface. I also can't wait to try the new Netflix feature too.
Could've done without the avatars. They seem like a poorman's Miis and feel like they were thought up by MS at the last second.

I'll try the game install during the weekend with Forza 2. I hope loading times are that much better (besides, does this feature work with old Xbox games as well?).
How do we clear all of those demos off of our game list? I'm not seeing that option. Did they kill that feature off?
I deleted everything off my 20GB except for saves games and software updates/DLC, themes, etc, and only had 11.5GB free. There was 8GB in use somewhere that wasn't showing up.

edit: formatted the 20GB, only 13.9GB free to play with now. The system automatically uses 6.1GB on any hard drive?

There are two reasons for this. The first one being that a hard drive is pretty much never the advertised size. For example, when you buy an 80GB hard drive, and you slap it into a computer, format it, etc., it's not going to be 80GB in size. Basically it's because manufacturers use the standard base 10 numbers in advertising, when the hard drive is obviously using binary (base 2) for storage. If you're actually interested check out this article (in particular see the "Advertised vs. Actual" section). In it, as an example, a hard drive advertised at 80GB is actually around 74.5GB, which I can confirm. My PC has an 80 gig drive, and when I go to "My Computer" it says my HD has 74.4 gigs ot total space.

Now the second reason is yes, the 360 does set asside some space for system use. I believe a majority of the space is for caching data.

anybody getting random lock ups when in the menu

It has locked up completely, but when I'm on the Friends channel, and I click on a friend's avatar, and view the details. Every now and then when I back out of that the NXE freezes for like 15 seconds or so. Then finally the rest of the friend/avatars cascade out on the screen, and I can start navigating again.

I thought I've heard that you could rip only one game at a time.

Could've done without the avatars. They seem like a poorman's Miis and feel like they were thought up by MS at the last second.

As far as I know you can install as many games as your hard drive will allow. As far as the avatars are concerned, I personally don't think they're a "poorman's Miis," considering how simple and basic Miis are. They don't even have fingers for crying out loud. It's a different artistic style, for sure, and some people just might not like the direction they took.
Yeah you can install as many games as the drive will hold. I've got 5 on there now, still going.
Neat so far, takes a bit to get used to and find where things are, but very neat overall.

I like how much more powerful the guide is now.
Considering that the installs aren't required and you can kill off the game cache at any time - I'd say 250GB is overkill. Even 120's not really needed. For that matter, most games don't benefit from installs THAT much. For those that have a 20 or 60GBer - you're probably fine. Unless you actively play 4-5 games that all benefit from installs constantly, you can just run 'em off the disk or install only the ones that gain a lot from the install.

um, not really, i have a 20 gig drive, after deleting all unused game demos, videos, etc....only keeping mostly what we actually use regularly on it i had enough room to install ONE game and have 3Gb or so free.....i have more than one game i would like to install on the drive and i think 99% of users with more than one game would agree

a 60 would only hold 8 games or so, maybe 9 (@ 6.5Gb each) but with no space left, 9 games..?? that would barely cut the mustard for me still

120Gb is what i need but i wont be paying their false market price per gig
I installed Gears of War 2 after downloading NXE and it totally broke my save file. I cannot load my save file. I cannot load it from a previous chapter. I cannot start a new single player game. I cannot play single player at all, and I can't get an answer from anyone about why.

Total bullshit. Oh yeah, it loads to the campaign select screen fast, but I can't play single player at all. Thanks NXE for breaking my brand new game. I can't even start a new game, so no one can tell me to suck it up and start over either.

Damn it.
I installed Gears of War 2 after downloading NXE and it totally broke my save file. I cannot load my save file. I cannot load it from a previous chapter. I cannot start a new single player game. I cannot play single player at all, and I can't get an answer from anyone about why.

Total bullshit. Oh yeah, it loads to the campaign select screen fast, but I can't play single player at all. Thanks NXE for breaking my brand new game. I can't even start a new game, so no one can tell me to suck it up and start over either.

Damn it.

start the game, go the campaign screen. Then back out to the main menu, sign out of your profile, and sign back in.

Sometimes you have to do it more than once. It worked for me on the first try.
Yeah, that one isn't related to the new dash. It's a known issue with Gears.

A known issue of Gears, or a known issue of Gears with the install? I've never had the problem before the install.

That plan posted above did nothing.
As far as the avatars are concerned, I personally don't think they're a "poorman's Miis," considering how simple and basic Miis are. They don't even have fingers for crying out loud. It's a different artistic style, for sure, and some people just might not like the direction they took.

You know what, I take my original comment back. After a little more toying around with the avatars they actually seem to be an "improved Mii".

Hey kids! When customizing your avatar don't forget to press the right analog stick for a funny. :D
So far I'm liking NXE. Haven't go use to where everything is but its a nice experience so far. Some lock ups or slow downs on the friends page though. I'm surprised that not all games support harddrive installs, but 95% of the games I have do.
How do we clear all of those demos off of our game list? I'm not seeing that option. Did they kill that feature off?

Press the Guide button (which brings up the mini-blades), go to the Games blade, select Achievements, and as you scroll through your played games when you get to any that have zero gamer score, the X button becomes an option to delete the game history.
Really liking this new dashboard.

Currently watching heroes Season 1 in HD streaming on my Xbox, looks fantastic, no hitching or anything.

Here's my avatar:


to get your avatar you have to just change where it says Dave%20Rage3d to whatever your gamertag is the %20 is a space.



So glad I got that 120GB drive last month. I just went into Best Buy, picked up the drive, didnt look at price, shut my mind off and ran to the cash register and paid for it. Knew I was going to need it so just decided to bend over and take it haha