new work - need some opinions


Limp Gawd
Dec 7, 2004
Hello all. I'm the owner/admin of Recently I began work on a new site design, and so far I've created 12 images for the site. Basically I just wanted to get you opinions on it, and see if you had any advice. Thanks,












Well those are definately great images to be sure. However anyone thats graduated from arts school with a degree in digital arts... will tell you that imagery has been explored to death. So while people who havent been exposed to that motif may love it... it is good, someone such as my self and serious artists aren't gonna get their panties in a bunch, we've all seen it before. So no offense for what its worth, but I would recommend taking what you have in a new direction and see if you come up with something more interesting.
just my 2 cents.
Corrosive Design :p

Rust Never Sleeps might be a cliche to effect

I like the photos, design and feel
but more importantly, what is the target audience \ intended purpose of the project?

The 1st, 4th, 5th, 9th, 10th, 11th I feel are the stronger photos

the 2nd seems out of place in the series,
I dont like the 8th, just not up to snuff in comparision
the 12th while good also stands apart greater depth of field and contrast
the sink is a bit weak and the toilet a bit modern, not really in keeping with the motif

think the 5th is the strongest
the first is strong as well, but also seems somewhat out of place in the series
but as a "series" might not be that important
or it could be the basis for a secondary vocabulary with additional peices that graphically relate to it more,
or like you used it here slightly set apart as a front peice

personally Id consider a single color for the typographic treatment that worked with all of this series
would make it more cohesive
also Id explore a "grid" that would build more cohesivness in type placement
awesome pics.

Have to agree with Ice about the 2nd one. Out of place.

All the rest remind me of a Tool music video, or the movie Fight Club.

Definately cool.
good work .... it fits the grunge category .... but you should do more than that. a lot of artists tody read a tut ... do something ... and think its great. while i think this turned out much better than most ... i can still see that its a regular photogrph with a texture loverlay. while it looks good and doesnt seem newbie/cheesy .... i believe its still lacking.

i usually dont comment on generalized work *and im not saying you got ALL these directly from a tut, bc youve obviously spent time on it with all the completions presented here* i think that since youve made it to that point, getting past the amateur newbie look and actually understanding the graphics, you should take it further. it keeps getting better and better as you keep going.
"I like the one with the washing bowl.. cause it kinda fits your company name"

for some reason i though insomnia meant vomiting lol.. i know what it means , i just had a lapse of vocabulary sense
Non-artist opinion, FWIW:

I like the use of 'Design' being in a different color, but perhaps with different pictures and/or better placement you can place them so there is more a contrast between dark areas and the words. Eg 'Insomnia' over dark areas and 'Design' over lighter areas.

I like #2, #5, #6 and #8 (except for the color of 'Design' in 8 - I like the ambiguity of what's laying around that wasn't recycled.) 5, 6 and 8 give me sort of an ominous abandoned feeling--or whatever *looks around for a bong* :p. #2 is just good to look at.
As a professional designer since 1983 I thought I may have some feedback to offer. Please do not be offended by any of these remarks, as they are offered solely as a positive criticism of your work, only offered as help and suggestion. As a whole, I like your work. It is good design and shows a high level of creativity and understanding of the media.

I like the imagery. It shows decent composition, interesting (although a little overused) filtering effects and overlays, has a particular style which is consistent through the imagery, and an engaging color scheme. Overall the images give an impression of filth and decay, which I imagine was intentional due to the subject matter and photos used. Peeling, flaking paint, rust, scratches - the imperfections of society in gritty detail. In and of itself this is good work.

However, from a professional standpoint - seeing your site as a company - I think that the message is a bit confusing. The visuals do not seem to match the objectives of your company, although they do show your ability as a designer. There is nothing in the imagery which corresponds with the insomnia tie-in to the site. You could perhaps have used an old rusty prison cell bedframe and it would have tied the whole idea of name and image together, reinforcing the company image as a whole. As it is none of the images suggest insomnia or the idea of sleepless, neverending nights spent designing. If additional images are available, I suggest using pictures such as a bedframe, a prison cell, something from Alcatrazz perhaps. The images I've seen from there have the same decaying theme that these images show. Whatever you choose, it should perhaps relate somehow to the name of your company, thus solidifying the idea behind it.

Displaying your ability as a designer should be inherent throughout the site - if it is well done it will be apparent to the viewer. However, there is ample room to show examples of your work in varying styles (that don't tie into the company name directly) in the gallery section of the site, where it should be. It is important that the front or introductory images of the site be chosen to specifically set the mood for the rest of it, but they should, ideally, be further explanation as to what your company is all about.

Again, nice work overall. :D
well put macievelli.

less fluff more meaning

you could use a better logo than that wordmark... u can get lots of things outta insomnia.
-active non stop thinking
-a clock that just keeps going
-an owl ?

I have to say I didn't expect all of that feedback. Thanks guys. On the whole, I'd agree with your comments. I kinda whipped these out kinda quick, without much thought behind them. I was creating this for my personal side of my site, so the business issue isn't a huge deal. I really like the ideas about the bed, and the clock. That's great guys.

I've been kinda beating myself up lately, and losing sleep (hence the name.) I've been having trouble coming up with a good visual for this, but now I think I've got some more to work with. As always, your critiques are so very helpful. Thanks,

All right, after reading over your suggestions, I've come up with some more images. Hopefully these will do a little better.

By the way, some of these tags are related. Whoever can figure out what I'm talking about will get a nice shiny nickel (sorry, I'm a student.) Thanks,







Well I"m working so I'll have to keep this short, but overall I would say much improved, imagery wise. The only other thing is the purpose... If your setting up a business you want to be careful about naming, Would you trust your shipping to FEDEX or
Crack Wh0Re D3livris (maybe we'll get it there, maybe you can go ****yourself) Granted this is an extreme example for comedic purposes.
Good point, and thanks for the compliements, but that's kinda the reason I picked Insomnia. The idea is that we will stay awake to whatever hour you need, just to get the project done, etc.,
I would suggest a better typeface. I have a lot to say on each picture, as a designer myself, but you put up so many pictures and I'm too lazy to type that I'll just assume some people already said something.
there is one thing that bothers me about all of these images.
the text.

its almost too big in the images, and it draws attention away from the images themself. The text/type imo also doesnt show any creativity whatsoever (besides the colour change), and typography makes a difference from a decent image, to a good one, to a great one.

the images themself are pretty damn creative, and i especially like the 2nd set of the blue, because it kinda ties in to the name a little better.

i think macievelli pretty much summed up my opinions on your work and what needs to be done, but i would also spend some extra time working on your type.
your typeface is clean and bold, and you are pairing it with dirty low contrast imagery... might be part of the reason it doesn't look like it fits.

also wanted to let you know that im digging your grunge ability with ps... did you do all the texture photography as well? ive been playing with the style a little, but dont really feel in contol of getting that dirty look every time... any pointers or tutorials you could throw my way?
are those links in your sig your page? they have great design skills.

the grunge/mecabre style is easy. the main thing to play with is texture overlay, and layer masks. many thing are involved ind etails, but basically those 2 can give you a good basic grunge image. here are a few things ive done work/aphotic.jpg work/poraloid.jpg work/window queen.jpg work/melancholy-ranch.jpg
yeah, those are my two main sites, thanks for the compliment

you've got some nice stuff as well, you know of any good texture resources.. or you just shoot your own stuff? has sections dedicated to textures. u can also google up some rust on various objects to get a good pattern over an object. i also take my own pictures sometimes. i take pics for no reason ... then sometimes i see an idea and i try to implement it.
Shooting your own stuff is cool, but I never have time for that. Plus some of those places for the first set, are not really good vacation spots. Anyways, this place isn't bad:

also try

As far as technique is concerned, I can't reccommend any tutorials. I never really used one. Basically, familiarize yourself with color dodge, and color burn. Those are my two main tools. If you are not familar with those, this tutorial may help.

I know, it's completely unrelated, but it does help with learning blending. Anyways, thanks for the compliments.
